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I Woke up in the middle of the night from a strange noise I heard upstairs.

I decided to go
check it out I went looking for the origin of the abnormal noise. My heart was going insane I
was so scared but still so curious. When I walked into the living room I found a broken
window I was sure someone had got in through the window. Looking out the window I saw a
mysterious man, the man had an all-black outfit with a balaclava on. It took not a lot of time
before he realized that someone had spotted him, and he fled. I just stood there watching
when I heard someone come up behind me "Fred what are you doing?”

I was delighted there was no assassin behind me it was my cousin wondering what the noise
was. I was still astounded by the broken window, but I told her that a bird had crashed into
the window and broken it. When I woke up the next day something was off but I couldn't tell
what, so I tried calling my cousin's name but got no response. I fastly got my apparel on and
went to the window, but it was restored and good as new. I first thought it was all a dream but
when I glimpsed out the window I saw the imprints in the snow. When I was working that
evening I was serving a customer that looked precisely like the individual from last night, I
saw he had a nametag with the name "Agent 43 HC".

After I was done serving the man I left work instantly and went to do some research. I
searched up Agent 43 HC, all I found was this article about a secret organization this
organization had the name "Hilfigers Castle". There was not a lot of information, but I found
out that the agents used to rob people's houses looking for money and drugs. I had neither.
This was still shocking and I couldn't comprehend why they did it. I had no idea what
happened, but i would get a big hint in not a lot of time.

Hello Harald!

You have very great story here! However, please focus some more on the comma usage, and
try not to start so many sentences with the letter I. I would recommend you read the text out
loud for yourself while you look at the comments. Try to find a title for your text as well.

Keep going! 😊

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