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Email #1

From: Peta
To: Gilly
Subj: Request for Support to Maintain Tablet Rollout Scope

Hi Gilly, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to discuss Omar's recent request to expand
the tablet rollout to all dining sections, and seek your support in maintaining the original scope
of the project. While we understand Omar's enthusiasm for the initiative, there are a couple of
reasons why expanding the rollout at this stage may not be the best approach: 1. Resource
constraints: Given our current project timeline and the availability of our team members,
expanding the rollout to all sections would likely cause delays and additional stress on our
team. 2. The importance of accurate testing: The initial plan to introduce tablets in the bar
area would allow a focused test of their effectiveness and reveal any potential improvements
that could be made prior to a broader implementation. With your deep understanding of the
project and strong influence within the company, I would like to request your help in
convincing Omar and Deanna that it's best to stick with the original plan for the time being. By
focusing our efforts on the bar rollout, we can ensure a smooth and successful introduction
of the tablets, creating a stronger case for their potential expansion in the future. I appreciate
your consideration and would be happy to discuss this topic further if you have any questions.
Looking forward to your response.
Best regards, Peta

Email #2

From: Peta
To: Carter
Subj: Seeking Your Support in Maintaining Tablet Rollout Scope

Hello Carter, I hope you are doing well. I wanted to share some thoughts about Omar's request
to expand the tablet rollout to all dining sections and seek your support in this matter.
Although I understand the potential benefits of a full rollout, there are a couple of significant
reasons for maintaining the current, more focused scope: 1. Budget constraints: The original
financial plan for the project was based on the tablet rollout being limited to the bar area.
Extending the rollout would require additional funding that hasn't been accounted for and
could cause additional strain on our resources. 2. Necessary adjustments: By concentrating
on the bar section first, we can validate the system, gather feedback from customers and
staff, and make the required changes before committing to a larger rollout. Your expertise in
the financial aspects of the project and your influence within the company make you an ideal
ally in this matter. I am hopeful that with your help, we can convince Omar and Deanna that
sticking to the original plan is the best course of action. Please feel free to reach out if you

have any questions or concerns. I value your input and look forward to your response. Warm
regards, Peta

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