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TEST  Module 5 Group A

Name:    Class:

Listening Grammar
1 Posłuchaj wypowiedzi Martina. Zakreśl poprawne 4 Wpisz podane wyrażenia do odpowiednich
odpowiedzi. kolumn tabeli.
1 Martin lives in the USA. T  /  F
quarter to four  midnight  the evening
2 He goes to school by car. T  /  F the morning  two o’clock  the afternoon
3 The school buses are usually yellow. T  /  F half past eight  twenty-five to one
4 He meets his friends at the bus stop. T  /  F Monday  September  Friday
5 He watches TV. T  /  F
6 Sometimes he does his homework. T  /  F in at on
7 The journey takes twenty-nine  minutes. T  /  F quarter to four

Score  /6

2 Podpisz rysunki wyrazami z ramki.

get dressed  wake up  have breakfast 

go to school  do homework  play tennis
Score  / 10

5 Zakreśl właściwe słowa.

1 We usually / never go to school by car. (85%)
2 Jose never / often watches TV. (70%)
1 get dressed 2 3 I always / often have breakfast in the morning.
4 Yuki usually / never plays basketball. (0%)
5 They usually / sometimes walk to school. (85%)
6 We sometimes / never eat pizza. (30%)
3 4
Score  /5

6 Ułóż wyrazy we właściwej kolejności, tak aby

powstały poprawne zdania.

5 6 1 am / always / time / on / I
I am always on time.
Score  /5 2 usually / wake up / seven / I / at / o’clock

3 Połącz czasowniki z odpowiednimi wyrażeniami. 3 cycle / school / to / I / never
1 have a your homework
2 answer b to ten
4 sometimes / cereal / I / breakfast / for / have
3 play c a snack

4 surf d the Internet
5 close e the questions 5 to / students / new / am / I / friendly / always
6 talk f computer games
7 count g to your partner 6 often / snack / have / a / I / school / after
8 hand in h the window

Score  /7 Score  /5

Photocopiable New Hot Spot 1 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009 Polish edition © Macmillan Polska 2014
TEST  Module 5 Group A

Name:    Class:

Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Czy podane zdania są prawdziwe 8 Popatrz na tabelkę z pytaniami oraz informacjami
(T – true), czy fałszywe (F – false)? na temat Kasi. Odpowiedz na pytania. Napisz jak
wygląda droga Kasi do szkoły.
I go to school by car with my dad. There’s
always a lot of traffic and it’s really boring. Name of student Kasia
It takes 30 minutes. 1 How far is her home from school? 3 km
2 How does she go to school? car
I get the bus to school. It’s great. I sit with
my friends and we listen to music and play 3 Who does she go with? her mum
games. 4 How long does it take her? 5 mins
5 Does she like her journey Yes
I walk to school. It’s OK when it’s sunny but
I don’t like it when it rains. to school?
Lisa 6 Is she always on time for lessons? No
I go to school by train. I meet my friends and 7 Does she usually answer Yes
we sit together. It’s fun but sometimes there
questions in class?
are a lot of people.
1 Kasia’s home is three kilometres from school.
I cycle to school with my brother Tom. It’s 2
really boring and it takes 40 minutes. I hate it.
Maisie 3

1 Simon goes to school by bus. T  /  F 5

2 Simon likes his journey to school. T  /  F 6

3 Joe gets the bus to school. T  /  F 7

4 Joe doesn’t like his journey. T  /  F Score  /6

5 Lisa cycles to school. T  /  F
6 Chris goes to school by train. T  /  F TOTAL  / 50
7 Maisie doesn’t like cycling to school. T  /  F

Score  /6

Przeczytaj tekst. Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź.
  1 a  At b  In c  On
the morning, I wake up 2 five to six. I get up and get   2 a  in b  at c  on
  3 a  get b  wash c  have
dressed. Then I 3 breakfast at half 4 six. I leave home at   4 a  past b  quarter c  to
  5 a  half b  to c  on
quarter 5 seven and go to school. I go 6 car with my mum,
  6 a  with b  by c  to
and then I walk 7
school. In the afternoon, I have lunch and   7 a  to b  from c  at
  8 a  go b  do c  play
my homework. In the evening, I 9 dinner at seven o’clock
  9 a  go b  have c  watch
and then I go 10
my room. 10 a  at b  on c  to

+ Score  / 10

Photocopiable New Hot Spot 1 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009 Polish edition © Macmillan Polska 2014

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