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Mike Reitz



LA400 Senior Integrative Seminar

1. Communication and Problem Solving

Skill Example and brief description of how a specific

assignment or activity meets the skill

1.1 Express ideas clearly, in written, yes One of the courses that really changed how I viewed
multimodal, and oral communication, presentations was actually Jesus. In this course, we
considering purpose, audience, and format.   had to create PowerPoint presentations. However,
these PowerPoints were different from anything I had
ever created before. He expected us to use smart art
and think creatively to express ideas from the text.
This was the first time I had ever been exposed to
smart art and now I use it all the time in both school
and work.

1.2  Analyze issues, make decisions, and yes Critical thinking has been a skill that has served me
address problems using critical thinking. greatly during my time at Seton Hill. With taking all
of my courses online it was crucial that I was able to
analyze data and think critically about the material
that was being presented to me.

1.3  Demonstrate leadership, including yes Leadership was a major focus of my internship with
negotiation, relational, consensus-building, Dr. Nelson. As I was already working in my chosen
and teamwork skills. field he helped me to hone my skills and apply them
in a way that would be more efficient and productive.
1.4  Communicate and express ideas through yes For this skill, I reflect on my course Experiencing
the arts. Music. I am not the type of person that is musically
inclined so this class was a little difficult for me.
However, for the final project, we were allowed to
choose any section of the text that we wanted to
research on. I decided to complete my research on
John William’s piece Hedwig’s Theme from Harry
Potter. Because of being able to write on something
that I already enjoyed doing the research on it was
easy and expressing my ideas on the piece was even
easier. It really helped me to see that I should not
focus on my predispositions and keep an open mind
no matter the subject.
1.5  Integrate appropriate technologies to yes Over the years at Seton Hill, I had to use multiple
solve problems, complete tasks, and pieces of technology for assignments including
accomplish goals. VoiceThread and Time Toast. I remember how
nervous I was for my first VoiceThread and now that
I am close to graduating, I can confidently say that I
can easily complete this task completely unscripted
and I can speak confidently on the subject matter.

2. Historical, Cultural, and Global Awareness

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity


Not Met
2.1 Relate effectively across various yes My first course at Seton Hill was a course on Islam.
linguistic and cultural settings. Before taking the course, I knew the bare minimum
about Islam, basically what the media taught us after
9/11. After taking this course I can proudly say that
my way of thinking was expanded and opened to
new ideas.

2.2 Use time, place, and social change as yes The class that I feel really helped me to see social
frameworks for analyzing social change and analyze social development was my
developments from multiple disciplinary course on the Holocaust. The professor I had for the
perspectives. course was absolutely fantastic. He was engaging and
encouraged us to think deeply not only about the
events surrounding the Holocaust but to relate them
to current events as well.

2.3 Evaluate current and historical events yes The assignment that I feel was tied the closest to this
through the lens of spirituality and global skill was the reading of The Jungle in Consumer in
social justice. Our Society. The Jungle provided me with an
overview of how poorly we treated immigrants in our
country during the industrial age.

2.4 Critique privilege and oppression from yes I completed several assignments during my time at
the perspective of diverse identities. Seton Hill concerning the elderly. One assignment
that really comes to mind when I think of this skill is
my essay on the marginalization of the elderly. In
this paper, I discussed how the elderly were basically
being forgotten, and I offered solutions to help close
that gap and make sure we are during our duty to
help care for them.
3. Multiple Modes of Inquiry

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity

3.1 Generate, analyze, and interpret ye This skill was met in several of the courses for my
numerical data. s major. I felt confident going into these types of
courses as I have a strong math background from
previous schooling and my career. I used this math
background in three accounting courses along with
statistics which was a lot more math that I had

3.2 Locate, analyze, evaluate, and organize, ye For this skill, I again turn to my class on Islam.
primary and secondary sources, including s Through all the assignments in that course, I
expressive media, to comprehend the frequently used multiple sources of media to
significance of an issue or an event. understand the content that was being presented. For
example, I would list the Q’uran and view pictures of
mosques. I even remember watching a video on
Muhammed which was a children’s video but ended
up being extremely informative and really helped me
to have a better grasp on the culture and the religion.

3.3 Interpret quantitative and qualitative ye Throughout my time here at Seton Hill, I have
information to formulate positions to reach s written many papers in which I have had to use both
conclusions or to present a logical argument. quantitative and qualitative information to form
positions and pose an argument. For example, in my
VoiceThread on unions, I had to interpret data from
several sources and compile it in a way that made
sense to the general population to discuss the benefits
and drawbacks of unions.

3.4 Demonstrate respect for multiple ideas ye I am going to sound like a broken record, but I am
and worldviews. s again going to turn to my class on Islam. For this
course, we actually took a field trip to the Islamic
Center of Pittsburgh, and we were able to witness a
prayer service and interact with the members of the

4. Self Reflection and Assessment

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity

4.1 Employ ethical decision-making grounded yes During my internship, it was crucial that I employed
in philosophical inquiry. ethical decision-making. My goal in my internship
was to generate marketing and sales for my
company. I developed a set of beliefs that I
followed, which I later found out in senior seminar
that it was actually very close to the code of ethics
for my career. I believe that following this code has
helped me building meaningful relationships with my
clients allowing them to trust me when I make
recommendations to them.

4.2 Apply Catholic social teaching to the yes For one of my courses I created a Voice Thread
analysis of contemporary social issues. presentation discussing the gap between minimum
wage and a living wage. In my argument to increase
the minimum wage to meet living wages, I called on
the CSTs to provide evidence as to why we should do
this. I was able to find a thread in all of the CSTs
tying back to the importance of a living wage.

4.3 Explain the value of diverse spiritual and yes Coming from a non-religious point of view I was
religious perspectives. appreciative of how Seton Hill approached religion.
I think to my time with Dr. Leap and how she spent
the time to present several religions to us and she was
passionate about teaching us about all of them. Even
when taking my class on Jesus we were learning
about Jesus the man and separating what is probably
a myth from what was probably true of Jesus and his

4.4 Integrate the action of charity with the yes While I did not have to be charitable for any of my
virtue of justice courses, it was due to the research I completed and
the data that was presented to me in my courses that
helped me become an active volunteer. I also have
also started donating blood regularly again which is a
fantastic feeling. It is amazing to me how happy
being charitable can make you feel.

4.5  Exercise responsible freedom and civic yes My social justice letter to the Derry School Board is
engagement based on an informed  value the perfect example of this skill. Prior to my
system. education, I would have recognized the injustice, but
I would not have spoken up or really tried to make a
change. I think the best thing that has come from this
is not the change it has made in me but the fact that I
am now teaching my children the importance of
speaking up not only for themselves but others as

5. Professionalism and Career Readiness

Skill Example of a specific assignment or activity

Not Met
5.1 Model ethical behavior, responsible ye My course, Consumer in Our Society, taught me
freedom, and engaged citizenship. s about the rights and responsibilities that we as
consumers have. This course really highlighted the
importance of human dignity and equality. Because
of this course, I have taken steps in my personal life
to ensure that my daughters are being treated as they
deserve to be treated. I can proudly say that my
daughters, 10, 7, and 2 years of age, have
participated in events like Walk a Mile in Her

5.2  Demonstrate accountability, effective ye This skill was really honed during my internship
work habits, and the ability to assess areas s under Dr. Nelson’s supervision. He had us work
necessary for professional, personal, and through the text What Color is Your Parachute,
societal growth. which was entirely about professional and personal

5.3  Identify and articulate skills, strengths, ye One of my career goals is to become a shareholder
knowledge, and experiences relevant to one’s s in my company. In order to do this, I need to have a
career goals. business mind. What I mean by this is I need to be
able to analyze data, speak to clients, grow the
business, and understand financial statements. The
class that helped me the most with financial
statements would definitely be Managerial

5.4 Complete experiential learning to pursue ye The two classes that touched on this skill the most
professional opportunities. s were Personnel/Human Resource Management and
my internship. In my Human Resources class, one
of the modules focused on hiring and how to hire
the right person for the position you are looking to
fill. This skill is something that I use quite
frequently at work and has helped me tremendously.

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