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Learning Plan


Date: November 10,2021

I. Objective:
At the end of the Lesson the Learners will be able to:

- Become a faithful and loving person who knows how to appreciate God’s gift.
- Understand Christian moral life, witness to the liberating power of God’s grace and
become free and faithful disciples of Jesus.

- Commitment to Service
- God’s loving servant
- Christ entered mess
- Ignacian Core Value /Related Value: Service- preferential love of the poor
- Social Orientation: Poverty, lack of concern for the poor and the needy

II. Learning Content


References: Bible
Materials: Presentation, laptop

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:

1. Engage and Motivate - presentation-talk-POOR

2. Activating Prior Knowledge - Have you already heard something about Church
of the poor? What does it mean?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
1. Explain the meaning of the Church of the Poor
2. Cite ways on how to be a Church of the Poor

2. Practice Exercises:
Embrace and practice evangelical poverty

Not discriminate against the poor

To be a CHURCH
OF THE POOR we Give preferential attention and time to
should those who are poor

Be in solidarity with the poor

Courageously defend and vindicate the

rights of the poor and the oppressed

Learn to be with, work with, and learn

from the poor

3. Generalization:

The life and ministry of Jesus is centered on the poor. He lived the life of a poor person
and He even died poor. He was especially close to the poor. He called the poor “blessed”
and made them inheritors of the Kingdom of God. He associated with the poor, drew
then near, healed them, and forgave their sins. Jesus wants us to be compassionate
towards the poor and the needy.

Like Jesus, we are also called to give importance, to respect and serve the poor and the

IV. Evaluation:
Explain the meaning of “preferential option for the poor”

V. Assignment & Reminders

● What is the meaning of Lent? What are the activities in the Church during Lenten
season? Write your answer in 1/4 sheet of paper

For Online Students: This will be done by a group of five. After the given time, each group
representative will share their lesson plan through a demo teaching.

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