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Drafted Questions for, “Faith Community Survey Committee”

1) How comfortable are you in your FBO community, to discuss topics in association with health, or
overall health with other members (mental health, sexual health, etc…)?

1 – Not comfortable

2 – Little discomfort

3 – Neutral

4 – Comfortable

5 – Very Comfortable

2) (previous question) Based on your level of comfort, please elaborate different types of health
topics discussed with members; if none, say N/A
3) Do you feel as if you’re able to express all of your social identities (gender, social class, ethnicity,
etc…) within your FBO setting/environment?
Yes, I feel at most comfortable being myself around other members from my FBO.
No, I do not fully express all of my social identities around other members.
Sometimes, I feel more comfortable expressing all of my social identities to some members than

4) What is your FBO community attitude to of those association within the LGBT community? Does
this impact your perspective of other members or individuals if they were to identify within that
community? Please explain,
5) Does your FBO have a health ministry, or an available component that has resources or support
for members with a HIV diagnoses?
6) (Previous question) How do you feel about individuals being diagnosed with HIV? Do you have
any opinions for individuals that identify as HIV positive?
7) Would you be interested to spend a couple more minutes to answer a couple of more
questions? If so, please list your name and FBO name/location:

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