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Hi sir!

I'm Anjelo Cyrus Garcia

Today Im going to perform the
4 steps Leopold's Manuevers

First, Provide hand hygiene and provide

patient privacy and then verify our patient
using 2 identifiers which is the name and
date of birth then Im going to explain to my
patient that were going to be doing leopold's

"Maam what im going to do now is im gonna

placing my hands on your stomach to figure out
the position of the baby its that okay with you?"

First things first make sure the ballder of the patient

is empty and place her in a flat position with maybe
a little hip wedge underneath so shes not perfectly

THE FIRST MANUEVER.. (determining whether

its head or buttocks)
You are going to take your hands and make like
a little triangle and youre going to be facing the
patients face and youre gonna be feeling the top
of the fundus......
(feeling for either the baby's head or babys bottom)
so its what do we feel first, that is the first step.

THE SECOND MANUEVER...(Determining the

location of the back)
were going to be looking for babys back, so were
going to take our hands were gonna place them on
sides so one hand here supporting, the other hand
kind of feeling the side..... feeling for the back, then
well do the opposite side feeling for the back.. the back
should feel flat and long so what side is the back on
this.. (this is important to know beacuse this is where
were going to place the heart rate monitor on baby's
back on the side where babys back is thats when were
gonna get the most accurate heart rate tracing.

THE THIRD MANUEVER...(Determining the part

in the pelvic outlet)
Were going to see if the baby is engaged so if the head
is down is the head engaged in the pelvis.
Were gonna make an L with our fingers and then were
gonna go down here close to the symphysis pubis and
were gonna see if we can lift baby's head up, if we cannot
lift the babys head up that means baby is engaged. If
we can and we can kind of move it around then baby
is not engaged.


were going to turn around so we've been facing patient
this whole time now were going be looking the patients
imaginary feet, and then were going to take our hands
and when were gonna kind of go all the way back so
were gonna start from the bottom and just kind of feel
up like this....verifying positioning of the baby..

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