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FORMULA = total volume (ml) X drop factor 1. INFECTION

(gtts/ml) time (mins)  There is incision, the entry point
 TPN is rich in glucose and bacteria will
love and thrive in glucose.
Drop factors according to: unit = gtts/ml Nursing Responsibilities:
 macroset : 10, 15, 20  Check site if there is presence of
 microset: 60 (universal) inflammation.
Examples of IV Fluids:  Check if patient has elevated body
0.45 saline solution = hypotonic solution
0.9 sodium chloride = isotonic solution 2. HYPERGLYCEMIA
Ex. given:  TPN is gradually given or introduced in the
body. Example: for today patient is given 1
1 liter = 1000 ml 8 hours = 480 minutes DF: liter of TPN then if patient tolerated 1 liter
15 gtts/ml of TPN, we can give 2 liters, and if
tolerated we can give 4 liters. For the
Solution: 1000 ml X 15 gtts/ml = reason of it is rich in glucose, pancreas
480 mins need to produce more insulin in the body
to avoid hyperglycemia.
= 2.08 X 15 = 31.25 or 31 gtts.min  If you abruptly infuse TPN, pancreas will
be overwhelmed. It cannot produce
enough insulin, causing patient to have
 Patient is not allowed to eat orally;
alternative will be the TPN. 3. HYPOGLYCEMIA
 TPN contains carbohydrates in the form of  If given gradually, the body will adapt to
sugar, particularly dextrose. Contains the hyperglycemic state or high glucose
water, contains protein and fats, which is state, causing pancreas to constantly
the macronutrients needed by a person. producing insulin.
Also contains essential vitamins such as  In the case if the bag is empty, pancreas
minerals or trace elements will not be able to adjust abruptly
 TPN is mostly given in central than maintaining high levels of insulin causing
peripheral. now the patient to have hypoglycemia.
 When the patient with TPN will have
ROUTE: hypoglycemia, nurse will give IV Solution
Parenteral: given via intravenous route. that is rich in glucose which is Dextrose.
It can be given central or peripheral  The higher percentage higher glucose
line. content.

Central line used for neck veins 4. AIR EMBOLISM

• Happens when we remove the catheter,
Peripheral used veins in hands or
there is a chance air can enter in the vein.
line extremities

TPN is given in central line

 TPN is rich in dextrose, a carbohydrate
source for patient so expect
 To prevent it, TPN is diluted in a lot of
blood via central line for it is abundant in
 It is more in correcting nutritional loss.

Peripheral line- is prone in phlebitis or

inflammation of smaller veins.

 If seen, it is to prevent nutritional loss.

PNEUMOTHORAX Vesicular Vesicles or Alveoli in Base
of the lungs.
 Too much air is accumulated in the lungs. URINARY CATHETER
 too much air-filled lungs, the flow of air will
not be heard in the airways of the patient.  The patient should not be in pain when
Often in case of pneumothorax, the lungs being inserted a catheter
will collapse and there will be atelectasis.  If the insertion is painful, it is in the wrong
 If lungs are collapsed, there will be absent place.
of sounds in the area.  Painful = the catheter is in the urethra
 Decrease in fremitus during palpation  Deflate the balloon by
aspirating the fluid
5 Percussion Sounds
 advance and reinflate.
Resonance  Mostly air
 One of the associated problems in
 Normal sound
inserting catheter is Urethral Injury.
 Landmark for urinary meatus in female
Dullness  Fluids
should be the CLITORIS, urinary meatus
 Usually in Liver, because
it is a vascular organ rich is below the clitoris.
in blood. POSITION
Female  Supine with knees flexed
Hyper  Excessive air in the
resonance  Feet is 2 ft apart
 Pneumothorax  Hips is slightly externally rotated

Tympanitic  Gas filled Male  Supine and thighs should be

Ex. Stomach or abdomen or slightly abducted (outward)
intestine. ADDUCT - inward

Flatness  Bones SIZES

In Auscultation  The greater the number, the wider the
RALES  Fluids lumen.
/CRACKLES Ex: Pneumonia  unit of catheter is measured in French (fr)
RONCHI  obstruction in airway Adult French 14-16, in some cases 18.

FREMITUS - are VIBRATIONS Children French 8-10

LUBRICATION of catheter
 Tactile – when palpated
Female 1-2 inches
 Increase in fremitus indicates
Male 6-7 inches
consolidation or mass in lungs
(pulmonary mass)
Vocal – when auscultated 1. If the urine flows, that will indicate that you
are in the bladder. You need to advance
further for 2 INCHES to make sure that the tip
 Ask patient to sit up straight is in the bladder.
 Place the stethoscope directly to the client’s 2. If in the right site: Inflate the balloon with
skin sterile water,
 Ask the client to breathe slowly  Adult: 5 ml
 Diaphragm - for high pitched sounds, lung  Pedia: 3 ml
sounds. COMPLICATION: in Indwelling Catheter
 Bell - is for low pitched, for heart sounds.
1. Catheter Associated Urinary Tract
NORMAL Breath Sounds Infection (CAUTI)
Tubular/  Tubals  number 1 problem, very high risk.
Bronchial  Trachea  To prevent: In insertion of catheter, you
need to use aseptic technique (sterile).
Bronchovesicular  Scapular The urine in the bladder is considered
 Back sterile.
 In ideal set up, you need to have clean
gloves then sterile gloves. When inserting
catheter, cleaning of the perineum is the  There would be one nurse responsible to
first task and when cleaning ideally you plan for everything for the entire day of the
need to use clean gloves. When inserting patient. The NCP will be used for 24 hours
catheter, that’s when sterile gloves are but not necessarily mean that nurse will be
used. on duty for 24 hours, the incoming nurse
will carry out the NCP made by primary
 In urine collection, the first voided urine  The advantage of primary nursing is that
should be discarded because our premise only one nurse will create the NCP of the
is the last voided urine is residual in the patient for 24 hours or seven days, plan of
previous urination. care will be consistent and highly
 The last voided urine should be collected individualized and also comprehensive.
because it is still part in the collection time.
 Ideally, the urine is preserved by putting it 4. TEAM NURSING - there is collaboration.
in the refrigerator or putting it in ice.  The delivery of the nursing care to the
clients is led by a professional nurse. It is
composed of RNs and NAs.
MODALITIES OF NURSING CARE  Registered nurse as a leader and Nursing
 The GOAL of the Modalities of Nursing
 Team leader will assign the responsibilities
Care should give benefit to the patient and
of the RNs and NAs. It is like functional
to the hospital.
nursing but the only difference is there is a
1. FUCTIONAL NURSING - task oriented.
 The leader will supervise and acts as
manager in the department, commonly
 Each nurse will have a specific task in the
seen in the hospital.
hospital. One nurse will do the medication,
 However, when the nurse assigned for
the other nurse will do vital signs, and
that task is not available, other nurses
another nurse will do the ambulation. Each
need to supply the task.
nurse will have task.
 The heart of team nursing is TEAM
 Ideally speaking, in Functional Nursing
CONFERENCE. Communication in what
you are only focused on one tasked.
you did during your shift and what you will
Expertise will be heightened and task is
need to endorse for the incoming shift.
 Ideally speaking it is used when there are
many patients and nurses are only few
 In case management, the important
because even though nurses are few, they
keyword would be case managers utilize
are expert of their task making it easier
critical pathways. Critical Pathways are
and faster to be done and can still
documents that track the progress of the
accommodates the patients.
client towards healthcare, Known in critical
 Problem: There are aspects of caring that
paths and action plans.
the nurses cannot provide such as
 There will be a case manager and will
providing emotional support to the patient.
involve a multidisciplinary team. It also
involves the other members of the
2. CASE METHOD or TOTAL CARE - there is
healthcare team but their leader is still a
only one nurse who will do everything for
Registered Nurse.
your patient. The nurse will provide all the
 The RN (leader) will be the one giving the
needs of the patient.
task to the other members of the
 Similar in private nurse.
healthcare team.
 One nurse is assigned to one patient or a
 Not used in the hospital setting anymore.
group of patient and will be responsible in

all aspects of care during per shift.
 Ideally speaking it is used when there are LEADERSHIP STYLE
more nurses than patients. Example: ICU
Department where patients are highly 1. AUTHORITARIAN
unstable.  members do not have any input, only the
3. PRIMARY NURSING - almost similar to Case leader makes the decision for the
Method. organization.
 Keywords: consistent, individualized,  Not a good leadership style.
 In emergency cases, it is the used  Often involves blood vessels that is why it
leadership style because of the emergent is called vasculitis (inflammation of
situation leaders do not have to ask the vessels).
opinion of the members.  Most affected blood vessel is will be the
 Self-motivation and self-satisfaction fail in coronary arteries.
this type of leadership.
Antigen-Antibody Complex
2. LAISSEZ-FAIRE  It may have started because of an
 the members make the decision for the infectious process or sometimes genetics.
organization.  Remember when there is infection, the
 Leader gives up his leadership role often antigen which is the foreign body. If there
called as “lazy” leader. is antigen in the body or enters the body,
 Members should be experts and can the body will create now an antibody. In
already come up with own decisions and some cases, antigen-antibody complex
plans for the organization. happens, where antibody fails to kill the
 The only problem in this type of leadership antigen instead antibody and antigen
is leader almost has no participation and combines with each other.
members are already experts causing  Since antigen and antibody has combined,
ideas and plans not to match and no one it will become now a bigger molecule that
gives in to other ideas. the body will have the difficulty to clear out
 Members cannot come up in unanimous or the complex. So instead of taking it out on
consensus decision making within the the body, it will deposit in the blood
organization. Not a good leadership style. vessels.

3. PARTICIPATIVE Inflammation
 also known as Democratic leadership.
 The increased antigen-antibody complex
 The leader and members who makes the that’s being deposited in the blood vessels
decision. creates now the inflammation.
 Ideal leadership style for nurses.  Since there is inflammation, there is
 If non-emergency cases, it should be warmth, blood vessels are expected to
authocratic style used. dilate.
 It gives self-motivation and self-
satisfaction to the members, in the Aneurysm Formation
organization members should be satisfied
and happy with the treatment.  Overdilation of blood vessels.
 In inflammation, the blood vessels are
4. SITUATIONAL dilated and the problem in dilation is it will
 leadership style depends or will be based weaken the wall of the blood vessel to
on the situation it presents. become over dilated causing Aneurysm.
 It is believed that leader should have fluid  The problem in Aneurysm is it can rupture
leadership style, which one should be able causing massive bleeding.
to adapt and fit to the leadership style  In Kawasaki Disease, if the coronary
according to situation. artery ruptures it will develop myocardial
 There is no fixed leadership style. infarction.

Platelet Accumulation and Formation Of

 If vessels keep on dilating, it will cause
 Very common in Asia, most especially in micro bleeding.
Japan where most cases happened.  If there is bleeding, platelets will be
 Usually affects males than females activated.
 Usually affects less than 5 years old.  Once platelets will be accumulated and
 Formerly known as mucocutaneous lymph formulation of clots happen, it could create
nodes syndrome and infantile polyarteritis an obstruction in the vessel causing
nodosa. decrease of blood flow that leads
 Kawasaki Disease is an autoimmune possibilities of Myocardial Infarction or
disorder where origin is unknown. coronary artery disease.
 Characterized by systemic inflammation.
peel off
commonly in
the hands and
3 Phases of Clinical Manifestations of feet
Kawasaki Disease
Convalescen 6–8 Disappearance of
Acute Phase 1–2 High fever t Phase weeks clinical symptoms
weeks of  up to 38C or -recovery after and continues until
illness more phase illness ESR returns to
 not responsive (stable) onset normal.
to antipyretics
Conjunctival Sedimentation
erythema Rate (ESR) a
 redness of marker of
conjunctiva inflammation.

Mucosal changes ESR is elevated

 dry lips when there is
 tongue is super inflammation and
red is expected in the
(strawberry first 2 phases of
tongue) Kawasaki
lymphadenopathy Criteria for Diagnosis of Kawasaki Disease
 enlargement of
lymph nodes Fever of 5-day duration associated with at least
up to 1.5 cm. four of the following changes:

Hands and feet  Bilateral nonsuppurative conjunctivitis

swelling  One or more changes of the mucous
 related to membranes of the upper respiratory tract,
inflammation including pharyngeal injection, dry fissured
lips, injected lips, and “strawberry tongue”
Rashes (pathogmnemonic of Kawasaki Disease)
 Polymorphus  One or more changes of the extremities,
(appearance including peripheral erythema, peripheral
is varied,
edema, periungual desquamation, and
there is
generalized desquamation
macular and
popular,  Polymorphous rash, primarily truncal
there is flat (chest area)
and  Posterior cervical lymphadenopathy
elevated) greater than 1.5 cm in diameter.
Subacute Until 4 Gradual resolution  You can also diagnose Kawasaki Disease
Phase weeks of of fever (if without meeting the 4 criteria when there
-most illness untreated) and is fever with 5 day duration, 2D Echo
dangerous other symptoms result of heart failure, and 3 of the 5
phase of  however, changes.
Kawasaki platelet levels
Disease. will increase TREATMENT of Kawasaki Disease
and clot
formation also  Mainstay therapy: Intravenous
increases Immunoglobulin
causing more  should not receive routine immunizations
chances of while taking IVIG
obstruction and  Aspirin: anti-inflammatory (acute phase)
high risk for MI.
 antithrombotic (subacute –convalescent
phase) – higher dose
desquamation  NSAIDs for pain management usually
 skin fall off or Ibuprofen for fast relief.

Nursing Interventions for Kawasaki Disease

1. Observe for signs of Heart Failure and SYSTEM
2. Administer Ibuprofen for pain and itchiness PITUITARY GLAND - master gland, most of the
(low level of pain) – joint stiffness or pain hormones are being stored or being secreted
3. Non constrictive clothing – especially if their 2 PARTS OF PITUITARY GLAND
4. Lip balm – fever causes dry lips it is to prevent 1. POSTERIOR - storage for hormones
5. Increase hydration (oral,IV) – fever increase a. Oxytocin - responsible for uterine
fluid losses causing dehydration contractions, facilitates excretion of breast
6. Diet: soft, non-irritating food – in as much as milk.
possible, mouth can be tendered due to b. Antidiuretic Hormones - facilitates or
inflammation. You cannot give juices to regulates urination. Inhibits urination esp if
patient; it is an irritant. there is imbalances.
7. Encourage to continue brushing teeth – use
soft bristles.
- they are being secreted thus
BACTERIAL CONJUNCTIVITIS produced by the Pituitary
 It is simply called as sore eyes. a. Growth Hormone - facilitates growth of
 It can be transmitted through contact of muscles and structures
 If decrease = decreased growth causing
 If increase = increased in growth
 HEMATOMA - internal bleeding, depending on the epiphyseal plate
accumulated bleeding. (responsible for vertical growth; height)
 Usually, woman who experiences perineal
hematoma if they have fast/quick delivery  If still open = still allows height/vertical
because of the force or underwent growth causing GIGANTISM
episiotomy. In episiotomy, the bleeding is  If already close = allows growth
not moved out or excavate because of the horizontally, growth in extremities (hands
suture or subsequently who have and legs) causing ACROMEGALY.
 Hematoma will be reabsorbed by the body b. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone -
in 3 to 4 days.  Thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones
but to produce such hormones, thyroid
gland needs TSH.
 Severe pain complaint in the area or
heavy pressure in between their legs. c.Prolactin - responsible for production of
breast milk.
Management  There is an abnormality in Prolactin, a
condition where too much production of
 Apply cold packs to stop the bleeding for
breast milk causing emission in breast
constriction and to stop enlargement of
buds, wetting of nipples.
 If not responsive to cold packs: Incision d. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone / ACTH -
 Hematoma will be incised to excavate steroids
bleeding or drain accumulated blood and i. Glucocorticoids - glucose control
identify the blood vessel that is bleeding. ii. Mineralocorticoids - salt absorption;
 When blood vessel is identified, it will be commonly related to fluid balance.
ligated or sutured or cauterized. But in OB, iii. Androgen - sex hormones
it is sutured. Once flattened, you will
suture it again.
e. Luteinizing Hormone - responsible for  If presence of cracked lips is found, lip
ovulation of women. balms can be used.

f. Follicle Stimulating Hormone / FSH


In some cases of tumor in the Pituitary gland, INCREASED OF INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE

the tumor STIMULATES.
 Another important consideration
Therefore, there will be increase of all postoperatively is to watch out for since it
hormones, so one of the options include can still be cranial surgery.
removal of the pituitary gland because increase
level of hormones is not good for the body. Altered LOC - Earliest sign of increased ICP, due
to pressure in the parenchyma.

 Patient will be restless, to lethargic or

HYPOPHYSECTOMY stuporous, then coma.
 Headache, projectile vomiting, vital signs
 The removal of the pituitary gland, including hypertension, bradycardia, and
“ectomy” means removal. bradypnea which are vital signs
 In medical term, pituitary gland is called associated with increased ICP but is
hypophysis. considered late signs.
 Before, cranium is being opened during
Hypophysectomy to access the pituitary LEAKAGE OF CEREBROSPINAL FLUID
gland.  Observe for leakage of Cerebrospinal
In time with the help of technology, fluid. Watch out for signs of Rhinorrhea.
TRANSPHENOIDAL APPROACH OR SURGERY  Ask patient if he/she feels something is
is used. dripping in his/her nose. If the patients feel
so, the nurse should try catching the fluid
 The probe is inserted in the nose of the in a tissue the sample of postnasal drip.
patient containing the Endoscope and The sample will be tested if it is CSF.
access the pituitary gland via the sphenoid  Halo sign will be seen if CSF is leaking,
bone. the appearance of halo sign is the center
 If for example, the pituitary gland is not is clear and the surroundings are also
evacuated or removed or impossible to clear. If this happened to the tissue
access by the transsphenoidal approach, collected, this indicated CSF leakage.
CRANIOTOMY is performed.
If there is CSF leakage, it is just self-limiting.

MUSTACHE DRESSING - dressing used after  Monitor continuously

transsphenoidal procedure in the incision site.  Watch out for signs of ICP.
 Inform physician about the tissue sample,
 Possible problem is obstruction in airway the halo sign.
through the nose making patient breath in  Instruct bed rest.
the mouth.

BREATHING 1. Monitor the patient’s neurologic status hourly
for the first 24 hours and then every 4 hours.
 Inform patient preoperatively that in  Watch out for signs of increased ICP
transsphenoidal approach, the dressing
will cover the nose of the patient and will 2. Monitor fluid balance, especially for output
breathe through the mouth. greater than intake.
 Advising patient to increase hydration =  Intake should be almost equal to the
the effects of mouth breathing can lead to output.
dry mouth, since patient will do mouth  Since parathyroid gland is removed,
breathing for a couple of days Diabetes Insipidus can be a complication
where antidiuretic hormones are
decreased and cause continuous

3. Encourage the patient to perform deep

breathing exercises
 Since it is a postoperative patient, it is to
prevent pulmonary complications
4. Instruct the patient not to cough, blow nose, or
 These are activities that can increase the
ICP. 1. CENTRAL problem is in the brain, specifically
 Coughing exercises are not allowed, it in the pituitary gland or in the brain in general.
could increase ICP and sutures can be  This can happen as a result from head
damaged in the incision site. trauma, typical reason why central DI
5. Instruct the patient to use dental floss and oral
mouth rinses rather than tooth brushing until 2. NEPHROGENIC - the problem is in the
the surgeon gives permission. kidneys. The kidneys do not recognize the
 Accordingly, tooth brushing can increase ADH. This may happen as a result from kidney
ICP and at the same time can add further injury or renal failure
insult to the incision site.  The ADH level is normal.
 Tooth brushing can be withheld for at least
two weeks or until surgeon gives 3. DIPSOGENIC - The problem is in the
permission. hypothalamus.
 The thirst center of the body is located in
6. Instruct the patient to avoid bending at the the hypothalamus, there is a defect in the
waist to prevent increasing intracranial hypothalamus therefore increases craving
pressure. towards drinking. Patient drinks water too
 Bending in the waist level can increased much and as a response of the body the
ICP. When picking up things on the floor, patient will urinate too much.
they should bend their knees.
4. GESTATIONAL - affected patients are
7. Monitor the nasal drip pad for the type and pregnant.
amount of drainage. Laboratory Diagnosis:
 To find out if there is a CSF leakage.
 Watch out for Halo sign Test: Fluid Deprivation Test = hallmark finding:
 Color of CSF is clear. inability to increase specific gravity and osmolality
of urine.
8. Teach the patient methods to avoid
 The patient will be deprived from fluids;
constipation and subsequent “straining”
usually the patient is in NPO for 8 to 12
 One of the maneuvers that may increase
hours or in the basis of the patient’s weight
the ICP is Valsalva maneuver which is
if the weight loss is in 3 to 5% already.
equivalent to straining.
 To avoid constipation, increase intake of Stop Fluid Deprivation Test When:
fiber and fluids.
 Hypotension and Tachycardia is present =
9. Teach the patient self-administration of the when the patient is fluid deprived it
prescribed hormone. develops hypotension and if hypotension
 All hormone levels will decrease because is present, heart rate will increase to
of the removal of pituitary gland. compensate. It can lead to Hypovolemic
shock that is life threatening.

 Excess weight loss = if weight loss is

about 10%, leading the patient to
dehydration already.
Pharmacologic Management: Synthetic ADH

1. DESMOPRESSIN = given more than

 Safest because there is no cardiotoxic congested heart failure and pleural
effect. effusion.
2. VASOPRESSIN = perceives vasoconstrictive
effect, there is an effect in the cardiac function
of the patient. Diuretics = furosemide/loop diuretics (Lasix)
 You cannot give it to patient with coronary because it is the most fast acting among all
artery disease where coronary arteries are diuretics.
constricted. When giving Vasopressin to
patients with CAD, you are putting patient  The problem is it decreases all the
risk to Myocardial Infarction. electrolyte levels (sodium, potassium, and
3. THIAZIDE DIURETICS = In Nephrogenic  The problem in SIAD is it has dilutional
cause DI, you don’t give synthetic ADH. hyponatremia, if given furosemide it will
 Thiazide diuretics facilitates movement of lead to hyponatremia because it will
sodium instead of urine being diluted, it decrease the sodium level of the patient.
will have sodium and potassium and will
To counteract the decrease of sodium levels of the
make urine concentrated hence correcting
patient, Sodium Chloride or NSS (NaCl) IV fluid is
the nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
 High risk for developing dehydration.
Action of mechanism wise.  Isotonic: 0.9% sodium content, equal with
body plasma
 Hypotonic: Less than 0.9% sodium content
 Monitor I and O.  Hypertonic: If the patient manifest
 For patients with Diabetes Insipidus, there is hyponatremia. More than 0.9% sodium
no need to restrict their fluid intake. content.
Restriction of fluids has nothing to do with DI.

 Thyroid glands have many functions in our

SIAD = Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic
body. It is responsible for your cellular
metabolism (use of oxygen by the cells).
 Increase Antidiuretic Hormone = there is  For adults the most common cause:
inability to execute urination and dilute urine Hashimoto Disease (autoimmune thyroiditis)
 there is fluid retention: more water compares = the immune system attacks the thyroid
to sodium glands of the patient.
 dilutional hyponatremia: sodium levels are
Manifestations of Hypothyroidism:
normal but water high in level there is still
dilution. There is problem in the fluids in the  Impaired memory
body.  Diminished perspiration
Hyponatremia the problem is low on sodium level  Cold intolerance – the thyroid hormones is
while Dilutional hyponatremia the problem is high responsible to fatty acid formation, when
in fluid level. you have hypothyroidism, your fat content
is low.
Most often SIAD is not endocrine problem; it is a  Bradycardia – slow pulse enlarges heart
result of pulmonary cancer. It is an extrapulmonary (cardiomegaly). The patient has
manifestation, it starts with lung mass or bradycardia as an attempt the heart
pulmonary cancer then eventually develop to pumps faster causing muscles
manifestations of SIAD. hypertrophy.
 Constipation - slow peristaltic activity
 In the phase of lung cancer, the lung cancer
 Increase in weight – related to slow
will release antidiuretic hormones that’s why
metabolism, thyroid hormone is
our ADH is high in levels.
responsible for the cellular metabolism. If
Management: you have hypothyroidism, your cellular
metabolism is slow. Nutrients is not use
SIAD is self-limiting. The goal is to prevent immediately, there is a tendency that the
congestion. nutrients will stay in the body leading to
weight gain.
 Fluids are retained in the body thus what
 Menorrhagia - Increase in
you need to do is restrict fluid to avoid
CLASSIFICATIONS of hypothyroidism: 5. For constipation advise more fluids and fiber.

1. Primary: Thyroid dysfunction = the problem

is in the thyroid ex: Hashimoto Disease
2. Secondary: Pituitary Disorder= the problem
is in the pituitary gland, which produces the
TSH to order Thyroid glands to release thyroid
hormones which is the T3 (Triiodothyronine)
and T4 (Tetraiodothyronine).
 In pituitary disorder, hypothyroidism
happens because there is lessen of TSH  Most common cause is Grave’s disease
formation because pituitary gland is  most common in female
damage.  age group is 20 to 40 years old
3. Tertiary: Hypothalamus Disorder = defect in
the thyroid formation because before it creates Physical Examination:
TSH, the hypothalamus creates thyroid
stimulating releasing factor/hormone.  Exophthalmos – protruding of eyeballs.
 Hypothalamus releases thyroid stimulating  Multinodular goiter
releasing factor (TSRF) then in the  Toxic adenoma – tumor
pituitary gland producing the thyroid
Manifestations are MOSTLY Increase:
stimulating hormone (TSH) then if TSH is
produced, the thyroid glands will now  Metabolic rate is fast
produce thyroid hormones which is the T 3  Insomnia
and T4.  Restless
 Exophthalmos
MYXEDEME COMA: severe form of  Heat intolerance – ask if naka aircon,
hypothyroidism madali bang mainitan?
 Tachycardia
 Patient is comatose  Palpitations
 Life-threatening due to severe  Weight loss
bradycardia.  Muscle wasting
 Severe bradycardia leads to poor cardiac  Oligomenorrhea
output making cerebral flow decrease
causing alteration of LOC. Management: Inhibit production of thyroid
 Radioactive iodine – destroy parts of
Goal for Hypothyroidism: supply the lacking thyroid gland to inhibit excessive production
hormone. of thyroid hormones.
- More effective
 Give synthetic levothyroxine – drug of
- Contraindication: pregnancy and
choice of hypothyroidism.
Restriction: breastfeeding should be stop for
 Sometimes it causes fatty deposits in the more than 6 weeks to start radioactive iodine.
coronary blood vessel or
If dealing with reproductive age and considering
ATEROSCLEROSIS. Blood flow in the
hyperthyroidism, include pregnancy test to make
heart decreases, developing ischemic
sure no problem in radiation use.
heart disease. One of the possibilities of
mortality is due to cardiac problem Thyroid gland productions should be stabilized first
before radioactive iodine.
Nursing management in cold intolerance:
Management Complication: Hypothyroidism.
1. Warm environment by advice to wear
sweater, use thick clothes, blanket.  To counterattack, start thyroid hormone
2. Monitor time to time cardiac functioning ECG replace in 4 to 18 weeks from the time
monitoring nagstop ang radiation therapy.
3. Monitor for any signs ACS or MI
4. Engage them more in activities because they  Antithyroid medications (Thionamides) =
are low in energy and develop activity inhibits production of thyroid glands but it has
intolerance so include Activity of Daily Living lesser effects.
with different group activities.
 Remind to take in empty stomach, 30 Before surgery, normalize thyroid hormone levels
minutes before eating. perform surgery 4 to 6 weeks after normalized
- Propylthiouracil= 1st trimester pregnant thyroid hormone.
but hepatotoxic
Nursing Management Post Thyroidectomy
- Methimazole= have teratogenic effect,
used in 2nd to 3rd trimester pregnant to 1. Monitor for signs of bleeding in post
breastfeeding era thyroidectomy.
- Sodium Iodide = supress thyroid  Assess in the posterior neck or in the
hormone, not main therapy lateral side.
- Potassium Iodide = supress thyroid  If there is bleeding there will be edema, if
hormone, not main therapy there is edema obstruction can happen. In
- Saturated solution of potassium iodide the bedside, tracheostomy should be
(SSKI) = also known as the Lugols present.
solution, supress thyroid hormone, not
main therapy a Complications:
- Iodide decreases the vascularity of thyroid
gland for less bleeding when  Damage to recurrent laryngeal nerve, you
thyroidectomy. will know if it is damage if voice is hoarse or
loss of voice.
Measure thyroid hormone level to assure success  Monitor hoarness of voice or loss of voice.
of radiation therapy. Irreversable.
 Measure FT4 or freet4, because it is more
 Parathyroid gland can be damaged or
reliable than TSH.
accidentally removed during thyroidectomy
 It is measure 3 to 6 weeks after the
causing parathyroid hormone (which brings
initiation of radioactive iodine. Follow up is
calcium to the blood) to decrease causing
1 to 2 months until normal levels indicating
calcium levels in the blood to decrease
radioactive therapy is effective.
leading to hypocalcemia which has a
 TSH can be measured if you reached the possibility for the patient to develop Tetany.
normal levels of thyroid glands. Once FT4  They will have seizure episodes.
is normal, TSH can be measure for around
 What to do: give IV Calcium Gluconate
6 to 12 months to lifetime.

 Tachycardia leads to heart failure to slow
down heart rate beta blockers are used or  The problem in hyperparathyroidism is high
given to patient with hyperthyroidism in an levels of calcium in blood and too much
attempt to decrease heart rate. calcium in the blood is high risk for developing
stones, particularly kidney stones.
THYROID STORM = severe form of
 Calcium = sources of stones
 Parathyroid Hormone is responsible for
 increase manifestations bringing calcium from the bone to the
 Extreme tachycardia = more than 130 blood.
 Body temperature = 38.5  99% calcium in the bone and 1% in the
 Alteration in LOC blood.
 Cardiovascular manifestation:  If hyperparathyroidism happens, calcium in the
- Chest pain bone decreases and becomes weaker and
- Palpitation high risk for fracture.
 Diarrhea Primary hyperparathyroidism high parathyroid
 Weight loss hormone

 If parathyroid hormones levels are high,

Qualification for Surgery: calcium levels in the blood will increase.
 Pregnant women allergic to antithyroid  The main problem is patient develops
medications Nephrolithiasis or kidney stones.
 Large goiters = most often multinodular Management
 Unable to take antithyroid agents
 Once patient is symptomatic, parathyroid
gland is removed.
 No manifestation in hyperparathyroidism RATIONALE: Obtaining culture is not necessary
except for kidney stones or fracture, that’s because we do not suspect infection. Lowering of
the time surgery, is needed to remove bed causes aspiration, proper position is Semi
parathyroid glands. Fowlers. Halo sign or test for glucose because
CSF is rich in glucose.
 If not so symptomatic, management includes
Initial nursing action = confirm if drainage is CSF.
prevention of stone formation.
 Advice to increase fluid intake to remove
calcium deposits inside
 Medication: Diuretics: Loop diuretic or Question: The nurse is admitting a client to the
Potassium Sparing diuretics neurological intensive care unit who is
 Thiazide diuretics SHOULD NOT be given postoperative transsphenoidal hypophysectomy.
because it only excretes sodium and Which data would warrant immediate intervention?
potassium but not calcium. a) The client’s vital signs are T 97.6, P 88, R
Diet: No restriction. 20, and BP 130/80.
b) The client is alert to name but is unable to
For Porous Bones: tell the nurse the location.
c) The client has an output of 2500 mL since
 Bed rest as much as possible. surgery and an intake of 1000 mL.
 Studies says that bed rest increases d) The client has a 3-cm amount of dark-red
calcium excretion and decrease calcium drainage on the turban dressing.
formation thus stabilizes normal
physiology, calcium now deposits in the RATIONALE: Dark red drainage is typical in
bone and somehow provides strength to immediate post operation, Vital signs are normal or
the patient. derangement and in hypophysectomy,
complication is Diabetes Insipidus which manifest
 When in activity: hypotension and more output than intake.
 Avoid high risk for falls or injury Question: The client is admitted to the medical
environment. unit with a diagnosis of rule out diabetes insipidus
 Things should be well-organized. (DI). Which instructions should the nurse teach
 Room should be well-lit regarding a fluid deprivation test?

a) The client will be asked to drink 100 mL of

QUESTIONS fluid as rapidly as possible and then will
not be allowed fluid for 24 hours.
Question: The nurse is caring for a client b) The client will be NPO, and vital signs and
scheduled for a transsphenoidal hypophysectomy. weights will be done hourly until the end of
The preoperative teaching instructions should the test.
include which most important statement? c) The client will be given an injection of
antidiuretic hormone, and urine output will
a) "Deep breathing and coughing will be be measured for four (4) to six (6) hours.
needed after surgery.”
b) “You will receive spinal anesthesia.” RATIONALE: Put patient on NPO for 8 to 12 or
c) “Brushing your teeth will not be permitted weight loss about 3 to 5%
for at least 2 weeks following surgery.”
d) “Your hair will need to be shaved.” Question: The client is diagnosed with diabetes
insipidus. Which laboratory value should be
RATIONALE: Anesthsia used in transsphenoidal monitored by the nurse?
hypophysectomy is general anesthesia. Hair is not
necessarily shaved unless if transsphenoidal a) Serum calcium
approach is not possible and craniotomy is used. b) Urine white blood cells
c) Urine glucose.
Question: A nurse is caring for a client after d) Serum sodium.
hypophysectomy. The nurse notices clear nasal
drainage from the client's nostril. The initial nursing RATIONALE: In DI, patient urinates more than
action would be to: normal, so there is potential dehydration. Sodium
will tell that patient manifest dehydration.
a) Lower the head of the bed.
b) Continue to observe the drainage. Question: A nurse is monitoring a client receiving
c) Test the drainage for glucose. desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) for adverse
d) Obtain a culture of the drainage. effects to the medication. Which of the following
indicates the presence of an adverse effect?
a) Increased urination b) Avoid moving my extra-ocular muscles
b) Insomnia c) Avoid using a sleeping mask at night
c) Drowsiness d) Avoid excessive blinking
d) Weight loss
RATIONALE: Patient should blink from time to
RATIONALE: DDAVP is a synthetic antidiuretic time to partially cover eyes and free from injury.
hormone, the fluids will retain. If fluid is retain there Patient should move extra ocular muscles to
is a possibility of water intoxication where there is exercise. Sleeping mask can cause injury to the
excessive fluid retention. The brain is filled with eye of the patient especially during night.
water; there will be an increased in ICP as
manifested by drowsiness. When you give Question: Which nursing intervention should be
DDAVP, there will be decreased urination and included in the plan of care for the client diagnosed
weight gain. with hyperthyroidism?

Question: Vasopressin (Pitressin) is prescribed for a) Increase the amount of fiber in the diet.
a client with diabetes insipidus. A nurse is b) Encourage a low-calorie, low-protein diet.
particularly cautious in monitoring the client c) Decrease the client’s fluid intake to 1000
receiving this medication if the client has which of mL day.
the following preexisting conditions? d) Provide six (6) small, well-balanced meals
a day.
a) Pheochromocytoma
b) Endometriosis RATIONALE: Fast metabolism. Increase
c) Coronary artery disease frequency of feeding. Do not decrease fluid intake
d) Depression but instead increase because they are risk for
constipation. High protein and high calorie diet.
RATIONALE: Vasopressin causes
vasoconstriction. Question: The 68-year-old client diagnosed with
hyperthyroidism is being treated with radioactive
Question: The nurse is admitting a client iodine therapy. Which interventions should the
diagnosed with syndrome of inappropriate nurse discuss with the client?
antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). Which clinical
manifestations should be reported to the a) Explain that it will take up to a month for
healthcare provider?Serum sodium of 112 mEq/L symptoms of hyperthyroidism to subside.
and a headache. b) Teach that the iodine therapy will have to
be tapered slowly over 1 week.
a) Serum potassium of 5.0 mEq/L and a c) Discuss that the client will have to be
heightened awareness. hospitalized during the radioactive
b) Serum calcium of 10 mg/dL and tented therapy.
tissue turgor. d) Inform the client that after therapy the
c) Serum magnesium of 1.2 mg/dL and large client will not have to take any medication.
urinary output.

RATIONALE: SIAD fluids are retained. There will

be dilutional hyponatremia. RATIONALE: Patient will still have antithyroid
supplement. Patients do not have to be admitted in
Normal level of sodium : 135 to 145 meq/l the hospital but need to be isolated to avoid
radiation exposure to others. Radioactive are
Normal level of potassium : 3.5 to 5.0 meq/l bodily fluids. No sharing of utensils. Gradual
Normal level of calcium : 8.5 to 10 mg/dl effects will be seen,

Normal level of serum magnesium : 1.5 to 2.5 Question: During the first 24 hours after thyroid
mg/dl surgery, the nurse should include in her care:

Patient with SIAD does not have large urinary a) Checking the back and sides of the
output. operative dressing
b) Supporting the head during mild range of
Question: A client’s exophthalmos continues in motion exercise
spite of thyroidectomy for Grave’s Disease. The c) Encouraging the client to ventilate her
nurse teaches her how to reduce discomfort and feelings about the surgery
prevent corneal ulceration. The nurse recognizes d) Advising the client that she can resume
that the client understands the teaching when she her normal activities immediately
says: “I should:

a) Elevate the head of my bed at night

RATIONALE: Complication of thyroidectomy is Signs of Hypocalcemia:
bleeding. Patient should be at bed rest for at least
24 hours. 1. Chvostek = taps cheeks then it will have spams.

Question: When a post-thyroidectomy client 2. Trousseau = when taking BP they elevate their
returns from surgery the nurse assesses her for arms involuntarily.
unilateral injury of the laryngeal nerve every 30 to
60 minutes by:

a) bserving for signs of tetany

a) Checking her throat for swelling Question: The client has developed iatrogenic
b) Asking her to state her name out loud Cushing’s disease. Which is a scientific rationale
c) Palpating the side of her neck for blood for the development of this problem?
a) The client has an autoimmune problem
RATIONALE: Laryngeal nerve injury that causes the destruction of the adrenal
complications include hoarseness of voice. cortex.
b) The client has been taking steroid
Question: The client diagnosed with medications for an extended period for
hypothyroidism is prescribed the thyroid hormone another disease process.
levothyroxine (Synthroid). Which assessment data c) The client has a pituitary gland tumor that
indicate the medication has been effective? causes the adrenal glands to produce too
a) The client has a three (3)-pound weight much cortisol.
gain. d) The client has developed an adrenal gland
b) The client has a decreased pulse rate. problem for which the health-care provider
c) The client’s temperature is within normal does not have an explanation.
d) The client denies any diaphoresis
Question: The client diagnosed with Cushing’s
disease has undergone a unilateral
RATIONALE: Levothyroxine gear towards adrenalectomy. Which discharge instructions
hyperthyroidism. should the nurse teach?

Question: A nurse is completing an assessment a) Instruct the client to take the

on a client who is being admitted for a diagnostic glucocorticosteroid and
workup for primary hyperparathyroidism. Which mineralcorticosteroid medications as
client complaint would be characteristic of this prescribed.
disorder? b) Teach the client regarding sexual
functioning and androgen replacement
a) Diarrhea therapy.
b) Polyuria c) Explain the signs and symptoms of
c) Polyphagia infection and when to call the health-care
d) Weight gain provider.
d) Demonstrate turn, cough, and deep-
RATIONALE: Primary hyperparathyroidism has breathing exercises that the client should
increase calcium in the blood. Parathyroid perform every 2 hours.
hormone is increase, hypercalcemia is
manifestations. Risk fir kidney stones, in attempt of Question: Which signs and symptoms occurring in
the body to excrete stones is by urinating. a client 48 hours postadrenalectomy indicate that
glucocorticoid dosage needs to be increased?
Question: When assessing a client with a
parathyroid hormone deficiency, the nurse would a) Marked weakness, anorexia, nausea, or
expect abnormal serum levels of which vomiting.
substances? b) Severe dyspnea, tachycardia,
a) Sodium and chloride c) Paresthesias, numbness and tingling in
b) Potassium and glucose the extremities, muscle spasms
c) Urea and uric acid. d) Orthostatic hypotension, depressed
d) Calcium and phosphorous reflexes, slow mentation.
RATIONALE: Calcium is decrease. Generally, Question: A nurse is preparing to provide
calcium and phosphorous has inverse relationship. instructions to a client with Addison's disease
But there are books that says both are elevated. regarding diet therapy. The nurse knows that
which of the following diets most likely would be
prescribed for this client?

a) High-fat intake
b) Low-protein intake
c) Normal sodium intake
d) Low-carbohydrate intake

Question: A nurse is performing an admission

assessment on a client admitted with a diagnosis
of pheochromocytoma. The nurse assesses for the
major symptom associated with
pheochromocytoma when the nurse:

a) Obtains the client's weight

b) Takes the client's blood pressure
c) Tests the client's urine for glucose
d) Palpates the skin for its temperature

Question: A nurse collects urine specimens for

catecholamine testing from a client with suspected
pheochromocytoma. The results of the
catecholamine test are reported as 20 mcg/100 mL
urine. The nurse analyzes these results as:

a) Normal
b) Insignificant and unrelated to
c) Lower than normal, ruling out
d) Higher than normal, indicating

Question: A nurse is performing an assessment

on a client with pheochromocytoma. Which of the
following assessment data would indicate a
potential complication associated with this

a) A coagulation time of 5 minutes

b) A blood urea nitrogen level of 20 mg/dL
c) A urinary output of 50 mL per hour
d) A heart rate that is 90 beats/min and
DIABETES Type 2 MOST common
Diabetes classification; 95%
3 Ps of Diabetes: - Lifestyle mediated
- Adequate production of
1. Polyuria – increased urination
- insulin but (problem) have
2. Polydipsia – increased thirst insulin resistance or
3. Polyphagia – increased eating; NOT decreased sensitivity of
considered as classic symptom of cells to the insulin, because
diabetes the insulin produced is not
being used.
3 Classic Symptoms (these 3 should be present + - The factor that decreases
RBS value para masabi na have diabetes): the sensitivity of cells to
insulin is fats/high fat
1. Polyuria
content. So, it's more
 Because of the high glucose, the body will associated with obesity.
try to move out the excessive glucose in - We still give insulin but do
the body However, it will only happen if not expect it to be as
there is polyuria and if the blood glucose effective as compared to
level is at 180 mg/dL (osmotic diuresis). type 1.
 Along with the excessive glucose is the - We usually give oral
increase of fluids, that is why polyuria is hypoglycemic agents
present. (OHA) (e.g. metformin).
 Since there is polyuria, patient becomes - Onset: more than 30 years
dehydrated so it will send a signal to the old (in books); 20 years old
and above (in practical)
brain to activate the thirst temper (?) then
there will be polydipsia Latent - Combination of types 1 & 2
Autoimmune - Autoimmune (cause [type
2. Polydipsia Diabetes of 1]);
3. Weight loss Adults - Adults (onset [type 2])
(LADA) - Nakikita ito as slow onset of
types 1 or 2 diabetes in a
PRODUCED BY PANCREAS AS PART OF THE patient with autoimmune
- Keywords: slow onset +
 Beta cell is a type of cell in the pancreas autoimmune disorder
that produces insulin.
 Alpha cell produces glucagon. Gestational - Happens during pregnancy
Diabetes - It's the fault of human
placental lactogen (HPL)
(a placental
6 TYPES OF DIABETES hormone/diabetogenic
hormone that decreases
Type 1 Common classification; 5- the sensitivity to insulin)
Diabetes 10% (??) kaya nagkakaroon ng
diabetes during pregnancy.
- Autoimmune related (rare)
- Pancreas is not capable of - 2nd to 3rd trimesters of
producing insulin. pregnancy.
- Insulin production is either
absent or minimal by the - Screening for gestational
pancreas. diabetes starts at 24
- Give/administer insulin weeks AOG.
- Patient is thin
- Onset: younger population
Risk factors:
(less than 30 years old)
- Age (more than 30)
- Baby is large for gestational
age (LGA)

with other
Prediabetes Warning sign that patient will be HYPOGLYCEMIA
another potential problem with diabetes lalo na
So, know what is normal and kapag minamanage na ito
diabetic rate (RBS is 111 or not
- Blood glucose of < 70 mg/dL
umabot sa 200).
Manifestations of Hypoglycemia
Normal glucose level is 70-110
mg/dL. Adrenergic Sympathetic response
Sign/Symptom Expect mild hypoglycemia
(sympathetic or stress
If you have hypoglycemia,
 Classic symptoms of diabetes and casual epinephrine & norepinephrine
plasma glucose concentration ≥ 200 mg/dL hormones will be activated
- "Causal" = not fasting or random blood because of stress.
sugar (RBS)
- RBS is more than 200. Cerebral Expect moderate and severe
Sign/Symptom hypoglycemia
 Fasting plasma glucose: ≥ 126 mg/dL
- If not RBS, use fasting plasma glucose.
- This is the ideal for determination or TYPES OF HYPOGLYCEMIA
diagnosing diabetes. Mild Hypoglycemia:
- Check blood sugar level of patient if they
did fast for 8 hours  Sweating
- RBS is more than 126 to consider as  Tremor
diabetes.  Tachycardia
 Palpitation
 Two-hour postload glucose ≥ 200 mg/dL  Nervousness
during OGTT  Hunger
- Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
- In OGTT, give 75 grams of anhydrous Moderate Hypoglycemia:
glucose then mixed with water, and let the
patient drink it.  Inability to concentrate
- After 2 hours, measure the patient's  Headache
glucose level.  Lightheadedness
- After measuring, if more than 200 mg/dL,  Confusion
patient is diagnosed for diabetes.  Memory lapses
 Hemoglobin A1c ≥ 6.5%  Numbness of the lips and tongue
 Slurred speech
 Impaired coordination
SYMPTOMS:  Emotional change
1. Fatigue and weakness – can also be seen in  Irrational or combative behavior
hypoglycemia  Double vision
2. Sudden vision changes  Drowsiness
3. Tingling or numbness in hands or feet –
Severe Hypoglycemia:
diabetes can also lead to peripheral
neuropathy  Disoriented behavior
4. Dry skin – a good indicator if the patient has  Seizures
hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia  Difficulty arousing from sleep
- Expect flushed dry skin (hyperglycemia)
 Loss of consciousness
- Cool, moist skin (hypoglycemia)
- Consider hypoglycemia in an
5. Skin lesions or wounds that are slow to heal
unconscious patient
6. Recurrent infections
- Hyper- and hypoglycemia both present
as loss of consciousness. Pero, bakit
hypoglycemia ang iisipin talaga?
Because if we give sugar to the patient
then he is hypoglycemic, at least na-
reverse ang problem. If ever
hyperglycemic ang patient, not delikado
ang sugar for him. That's why, it's better  If for example, need ng additional glucose ang
to treat the patient as hypoglycemia patient, liver is the organ na maaactivate. So,
rather than hyperglycemia. mag undergo ng glycogenolysis or the
breakdown of the glycogen, which is the
Management of Hypoglycemia:
byproduct is the glucose.
 15 to 20 g of a fast-acting concentrated  Diba nag breakdown na ang glycogen? In type
source of carbohydrate 1 diabetes tapos nag glycogenolysis na,
- We give juice or candy (fast-acting walang marereceive na sugar ang cells kasi
concentrated source of carbohydrate) if the the problem is hindi natratransport ang
patient is conscious. glucose dahil walang insulin. So, mas dumami
- We can give unsweetened juice because it ang glucose in the blood.
still has carbohydrate content that may  After glycogenolysis, the body will undergo
reverse hypoglycemia. gluconeogenesis. ("genesis" means formation
of glucose from a [neo] new source [new
 Glucagon injection 1mg SQ or IM source is fats]). So, the liver will break down
- Give this to the unconscious patient. the fats into free fatty acids (FFA), which will
- Glucagon is a prescribed medication that be the source of the glucose and ketones.
necessitates doctor's order to purchase by  Ketones are acidic by nature sa body. Kaya,
patient. nagdedevelop ng ketoacidosis because of the
- If known diabetic ang patient, have yan sila fat breakdown.
storage of glucose kasi maaanticipate na  Again, the only problem is insulin pero ang
nito na pwede na magkaroon ng iniisip ng body is hindi sapat ang glucose kaya
hypoglycemia anytime. nagkaka glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis.

 25 to 50 mL D50W IV - The glucose level of the patient will be

- To those patients na hindi pa pala masyadong mataas.
nadiagnose with diabetes then bigla nag - Kung masyadong mataas ang glucose
hypoglycemia, hindi talaga makakahanap content sa blood, the kidneys = polyuria or
ng glucagon. undergo again osmotic diuresis.
- Dalhin kaagad sa hospital if unconscious - If ihi nang ihi ang patient, dehydration na.
ang patient sa bahay tapos walang - Note: Monitor ABG results.
- Once the patient is in the hospital, we give
Management for DKA:
dextrose containing fluids.
- Dextrose is already the glucose. 1. Increase fluid intake
- Since we give 50% glucose in water, it's 2. Give 0.9 sodium chloride or PNSS (fast
very high in terms of glucose content. drip; around 1-2 hours will consume 1
- Since it's being given IV, expect the liter).
response will be rapid ang corruption ng 3. Do not give dextrose containing muna kasi
hypoglycemia. initially, the patient's glucose level is
already high, so not na mag add glucose.
4. Give potassium supplements

 Seen in patients with Type 1 Diabetes

Signs of DKA:
 Diabetic means the patient is hyperglycemic at
this point. 1. Polyuria
 Since wala masyadong sugar sa type 1, hindi 2. Polyphagia
nareregulate ang kanilang glucose content sa 3. Polydipsia
blood. At the same time, yung kinakain nilang 4. Fruity breath odor or acetone breath –
glucose, hindi rin ito nadedeliver going to the most common sign; acetone breath is a
different cells kasi walang insulin (magdadala result of ketone bodies
ng glucose going to cells). 5. Kussmaul respiration – this is an attempt
 Since in type 1, wala masyado or walang to correct acidosis, so rapid deep
insulin naproproduce, we'll expect na walang breathing ito.
narereceive na glucose ang cells.
 Kahit maraming glucose sa blood but the cells
are deprived of the glucose, simply because
there's no insulin.
Complications: - Kaya ito tinatawag na "dawn", kasi at around
3am, the growth hormone is similar ang
1. Local Allergic Reaction structure with the glucose. So, sumasabay
- Redness, pain, itchy at the injection site din and tumataas ang glucose level. Kaya at
- Nawawala naman ito 3am onwards, pwedeng magkaroon ng
2. Systemic Allergic Reaction hyperglycemia ang patient as related to
- Very rare growth hormone.
- Develop urticaria or anaphylactic reaction - Treated by changing time of injection of
3. Insulin Lipodystrophy evening intermediate-acting insulin from
- Lipodystrophy means nasisira ang fats. dinnertime to bedtime.
- It can also be lipoatrophy, which means - Instead of dinnertime ito binibigay, bedtime
lumiliit ang injection site or fatty tissues. ibibigay para greater ang duration ng insulin
- Pwede rin lipohypertrophy, lumalaki ang at maprevent ang hyperglycemia at around
fatty tissues. 3am.
- (Lipoatrophy) Noon, ginagamit ang animal
insulin kaso it can depress the fatty 3. Somogyi Effect
tissues. So, ang ginagamit na now is - Normal or elevated blood glucose at
human insulin. bedtime, early morning hypoglycemia, and a
- (Lipohypertrophy) Fibrofatty means that if subsequent increased blood glucose caused
we're using the same site, nagkakaroon by the production of counterregulatory
ng scar formation sa injection site or the hormones.
fatty area. That's why, it's not advisable on - Nagkakaroon ng hypoglycemia at 3am
the same site lamang mag iinject ang - While the patient's sleeping, glucagon will be
insulin kasi hindi na ito maaabsorb. Dapat released. Paggising niya, hyperglycemic na
mag rotate ang injection site to prevent siya.
lipohypertrophy. - Treated by decreasing evening (pre dinner or
- Note: We give insulin subcutaneously. bedtime) dose of intermediate-acting insulin,
4. Resistance to injected insulins or increasing bedtime snack.
- Although it's a rare phenomenon pero if
this happens, we have to increase the
dosage of insulin or change the insulin STORAGE:
- If not na effective ang mga short-acting  Avoid extremes of temperature
insulin, pwede naman ang long-acting. - Di dapat maexpose to direct sunlight
5. Morning hyperglycemia - Dapat refrigerated lang. Not i-freeze.
- Mahirap i-determine ang cause nito. Hindi - Administering the medication should be at
madaling sabihin na it's dawn room temperature para hindi
phenomenon or insulin waning. uncomfortable kapag mag inject na.
- In terms of management of dawn - Store opened vials sa freezer. Unopened
phenomenon & insulin waning, they're just vials, refrigerator.
the same (give insulin/glucose at bedtime  Cloudy insulin: through mixing
for longer coverage). - Roll it between your palms or invert gently
para mag mix thoroughly.
Characteristics and Treatment of Morning  Flocculated insulin: do not use
Hyperglycemia: - "Flocculated" means that the side of the
insulin bottle ay parang may mga frosting
1. Insulin Waning - problem is insulin
- "Waning" means humihina na ang insulin.
- Once have frosting/flocculated, it already
- Progressive rise in blood glucose from
means sira na ang insulin. Kaya, discard
bedtime to morning. (- as a result of poor
it/hindi na magagamit.
insulin absorption)
- Lifespan of insulin is only good for 1
- Treated by increasing evening (pre dinner
or bedtime) dose of intermediate- or long-
acting insulin, or instituting a dose of MIXING:
insulin before the evening meal if one is
not already part of the treatment regimen.  Regular insulin be drawn up first.
- Usually, minimix ang regular insulin and
2. Dawn Phenomenon - problem is glucose\ NPH.
- Relatively normal blood glucose until - By appearances, regular insulin looks clear.
early morning hours when levels begin to NPH is cloudy.
rise. - According to American Diabetes Association
(ADA – premiere foundations pagdating sa
diabetes), they recommend regular insulin - Mahirap i-detect ang HHS kasi initially, it only
muna talaga ang gagamitin. presents with polyuria and polydipsia.
- If inuna i-aspirate ang NPH kaysa sa regular - Malalaman na nag HHS na ang patient if
insulin, pwedeng macontaminate ng NPH once nagkaroon na ng neurologic
ang regular insulin. So, mahihirapan ka na manifestations.
mag differentiate kung yung vial is NPH or - More common sa older adults kaya medyo
regular insulin kasi same na sila cloudy challenging ang pagbibigay ng fluids sa mga
appearing. patients na yan. Dapat i-hydrate sila nang
- Kahit mag inject ka ng regular insulin sa mabilisan but we also have to consider na
NPH, it won't change the appearance of pwede magkaroon ng heart failure, kaya
NPH. monitor from time to time. That's why, it's
- This pic depicts the suggested sites for very challenging sa HHS.


The 3 Ultimate Complications of Diabetes:

(assess (in order): retinopathy, nephropathy, and

1. Eyes
2. Kidneys
3. Nerves

injection of the insulin.

- Abdomen, anterior thigh, posterior upper
arm, and hip.


- Since have naman adequate insulin pero

ang cells lang have problem, hindi
maghahanap ang body ng alternative source
for glucose. That's why, hindi nagkakaroon
ng gluconeogenesis when it comes to type 2
diabetes. So, hindi na need i-breakdown ang
fats para lamang magkaroon ng adequate
- The problem sa HHS is mataas ang glucose,
at the same time, hyperosmolar.
- Sodium determines the (hyper)osmolality of
the blood. So, expect the patient to have
increased sodium then decreased fluid
- Basically, the problem sa HHS is still
- The same lang ang management ng DKA
and HHS.
- We still give insulin to correct the


(- mataas ang sodium, mababa ang fluid.)

1. Hypotension
2. Profound dehydration
3. Tachycardia
4. Variable neurologic signs & symptoms

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