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Chapter II

Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy

This study attempts to improve the reading comprehension of Grade 8

learners using the 4R strategy. This study is action research designed to
determine if there is an improvement in students' reading comprehension after
implementing the 4R strategy. The implementation of 4R in this study frames
Richard Sagor's Four-Stage Model of Action research. The researchers have
developed a strategy to address students' reading comprehension through
reading, retelling, reacting, and reflecting, hence, 4Rs. This strategy combines
reading approaches to cater to the essential factors necessary for compelling
reading. Mean and Standard Deviation were used to determine the student’s
comprehension level during the pre-test and post-test and determine how
dispersed the scores were. Paired Sample T-test was also employed to
determine the significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores.
The findings revealed significant differences between students' pre-test and
post-test reading comprehension levels using the 4Rs strategy. The study
concludes that adopting the 4Rs strategy improves the Grade 10 learners’
reading comprehension.
Implementing explicit instructions on different reading strategies greatly
improves students’ reading comprehension. Each strategy has its own
benefits and specific application, therefore educators must apply appropriate
reading strategies that are tailored to the readers' “perceived learning styles.”
In this way, readers can enhance their reading comprehension and
experience enjoyment when reading. Since we are learning reading
comprehension using the old techniques. The researchers come up with new
methods to apply to the grade 10 learners. We tend to innovate new methods
and develop existing ones to pursue and collect data to have knowledge
about students who need attention and deep observations when it comes to
reading comprehension. This method might not be a new one but since we
are adapting to the new generation we tend to learn in an easy and fastest

The methods of learning reading comprehension need innovation to

make their classroom teaching and learning process successful in order to
make the students learn more about reading since it is the main requirement
in entering school. Students of the Christian School of Polomolok especially
the grade 10 learners should develop their reading comprehension skills, they
need a change in the way they think and the way they right. Hence, reading
comprehension can improve not just their reading skills but also their writing
and thinking skills. The grade 10 students need a lot of focus when it comes
to this problem, that’s why the researchers come up with the new idea of
teaching them reading comprehension in a way that they can’t experience any
difficulties but only to improve their skills in so far the easiest way to learn.

Interventions for reading comprehension can help students improve

their ability to understand and interpret texts. Providing explicit instruction on
reading comprehension strategies, such as predicting, summarizing, and
questioning, can help students to understand and interpret texts more
effectively. Close Reading: Encouraging students to read texts closely, paying
attention to details, and analyzing the text's structure and language can help
them to understand the text's meaning. Reading aloud: Reading aloud to
students can help them to develop their listening and comprehension skills,
and expose them to different styles of writing and vocabulary. Vocabulary
instruction: Teaching vocabulary and word meanings can help students to
understand and interpret texts more effectively. Technology-assisted learning:
Using technology such as interactive whiteboards, educational apps, and
online resources can help to engage students and support their learning of
reading comprehension strategies. Overall, reading comprehension
interventions can help students to develop their skills and become more
proficient readers. It is important to tailor interventions to individual student
needs and provide ongoing support and feedback to ensure their progress.

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