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version 1.3

In case of a discrepancy the material in this guide

is to be used
OVERVIEW If they are really chomping at the bit, Seekers can approach a
The Adventure-Seekers Society is a fledgling network of Keeper and asked to pointed in the right direction.
adventurers, explorers, cartographers and scholars founded in
Spirecrest by the arch-wizard Morgenstern whose agents are In some instances, a Seeker may assign a quest to a Seeker or
asked with opposing evil, defying tyranny, defending the party of Seekers.
helpless, exploring the unknown, solving ancient mysteries,
unearthing forgotten secrets, and recovering lost relics. SEEKING STONES
Every Seeker in good standing is issued a Seeking Stone – an
Ideally, the Adventure-Seekers Society are supposed to be the eight-sided gem about the size of a lime etched with magic runes
'heroes' in an age of darkness and chaos, in a world suddenly that can bestow useful effects upon it's bearer. Seeking Stones
devoid of any unifying, sovereign authority. are typically worn about the neck on thin mithral chains.

Unfortunately, while Morgenstern's network does in fact count Seeking Stones come in a wide variety of colours and opacities
some true-blue, honest to goodness heroes among it's rank and but all are keyed to their rightful owner. They will not function in
file, the arch-wizard does not have the luxury of being overly- anyone else's hands. While a Seeking Stone requires
discriminating when it comes to recruiting. attunement, it does count towards the limit of attunable items.

Consequently, the Adventure-Seekers Society includes it's fair The number of runes present on a Seeking Stone directly
share of hack-mercenaries, glorified grave-robbers, misfits, correlates to the status and rank of the Seeker who bears it.
outcasts and whoring drunkards that have figured out to way to Seekers that have proven themselves are rewarded by the
make a living killing monsters and taking their stuff. Society's higher-ups by having additional runes with additional
effects or properties etched upon the open faces of their
Never the less, they are the good guys . . . and in times like these, Seeking Stone.
that's better than nothing . . . even if only marginally . .
SEEKERS Initiate (Levels 1-4) – Inscribed with the following Runes:
Field agents of the Adventurer-Seekers Society are known • Torch – Cast Light at will using the Stone at the target
Seekers. of the spell.
• Hearth - As an action, the bearer can clutch the
There is no strict code or defined set or rules for Seekers to Seeking Stone and concentrate. After one minute,
observe. In fact, there are really only three simple requirements. the Seeker will learn the direction and approximate
distance of the closest Sanctuary.
First of all, Seekers are encouraged to adhere to the Society's Novice (Levels 5-10) – Gain one of the following Runes:
motto of “Go Forth . . . and Do Some Good!”. This more or less • Eye - Choose a kind of specific creature type (Dwarf,
means that a Seeker should at least make a legitimate attempt Orc, Red Dragon, Vampire). The rune throbs faintly
to fight the good fight and help those in need wherever, when such creatures are within 100 feet of it.
whenever and however they can . . . • Compass - The possessor can use an action to discern
which way is north. This power can used at will.
Secondly, Seekers are expected to document their exploits and • Shovel - While underground, the bearer of this item
endeavours and submit them to a Keeper – a senior agent who is can use an action to know their relative depth below
no longer in the field – in a timely manner. the surface. This power can be used at will.
• Star - As an action, the bearer can magically clean
And third, while Seekers are not required to work with or
themselves, their outfit, and the Seeking Stone itself
interact with other Seekers unless specifically directed by a
of dirt, grime, sweat, and so forth. This power can be
Keeper, in the field, it is common practice for Seekers to band
used at will.
together in small parties for the sake of well-roundness.
• Bell – As an action, the bearer can command the rune
Although healthy competition between Seekers for the sake of
emit an audible ping sometime in the next 24 hours
the greater good is encouraged, open hostility between Seekers
that is loud enough to wake anyone within a 15'
is strictly prohibited and grounds for expulsion.
radius. The bearer may change the time or dismiss the
effect at will, but only one alarm can be schedule at
any time.
For the most part, Seekers are encouraged to act on their own
• Flame – As an action, the bearer can use the Sending
accord – free to come and go as they please and do what they
Stone to ignite kindling and start a campfire or light a
will, so long as such conduct is becoming of the Adventure-
torch. This power can be used at will.
Seekers Society.
Veteran (Levels 11-15) – Gain one of the following Runes:
• Lightning – The runes grants the bearer a +1 bonus to
By default, Seekers go wherever the road in front of them may
saves involving fear and fear effects.
lead. Ideally, they should be on the lookout for opportunities to
• Rock - The rune grants a +1 bonus to Constitution
“Go Forth . . . and Do Some Good!”, but waiting for the trouble
saving throws made to avoid losing concentration on
to come to them is just acceptable.
an ongoing spell.
• Rabbit - When the bearer makes a Savings Throw with Almost every Sanctuary has some means of accessing the
disadvantage, the rune grants a +1 bonus on that roll. Lexicon – a sort of magical archive maintained containing all the
• Coin - When the bearer makes a Ability Check with records and documentation ever submitted by field agents.
disadvantage, the rune grants a +1 bonus on that roll. Seekers can access this Lexicon to brush up on all sorts of lore,
• Bull – When the bearer makes Attack Roll at including monsters, traps, and other perils. The Lexicon is also a
disadvantage, the rune grants a +1 bonus on the roll. sort of universal training manual that Seekers can use to master
• Heart - If the Stone is in the bearer’s possession, the skills, learn new abilities and feats, and improve their magical
bearer gains a +1 bonus to death Saving Throw rolls. and/or martial prowess.
• Bear – If the Stone is in the bearer's possession when
they spend hit dice, the first hit die they spend is LEVELLING UP
automatically maximized. When enough milestones are reached to earn a level
Master (Levels 16-20) – Gain one of the following Runes: advancement, player-characters must find a Sanctuary and spend
• Hand – As a reaction, when an ally within 30' of you some measure of downtime there practising, studying,
that you can see makes a Savings Throw at meditating or researching as appropriate to their class.
disadvantage, you can choose to let them roll even
instead. This power resets after a long rest. During this time, it assumed that the Pcs are accessing the
• Target - As a reaction, when an ally within 30' of you Lexicon. This helps explain how new features, feats and spells are
that you can see makes a ranged attack at learned.
disadvantage, you can choose to let them roll even
instead. This power resets after a long rest. MAGIC PORTALS
• Blade – As a reaction, when an ally within 30' of you A great many of Sanctuaries feature permanent limited
that you can see makes a melee attack at teleportation circles – or Magic Portals - that are linked to other
disadvantage, you can choose to let them roll even Sanctuaries. Seekers can pay to use them in order to aid in travel
instead.. This power resets after a long rest. time or Keepers can send willing Seekers through them to help
• Hammer – As a reaction, when an ally within 30' of other Seekers who may be in danger or facing great peril.
you that you can see makes an Ability Check at
disadvantage, you can choose to let them roll even TELEPORTING
instead. This power resets after a long rest. Using a Sanctuary's Magic Portal is an expensive undertaking. As
• Cherub – As a reaction, when an ally within 30' of you a general rule, the cost is 1gp per mile of distance per person.
that you can see makes a Death Save and fails, treat it Seeing as how few Sanctuaries are within 25 miles of one
as if they succeeded instead. This power resets after a another, it gets pricey quick.
long rest.
Keeper (Special) - You Gain the following Rune
• Hearth – As an action, you can teleport to your
While Seekers are more or less left to do good on their own,
Sanctuary from any location on the same plane. This
occasionally, a Keeper will have need for a field agent, typically
power resets after a long rest.
for some urgent side-quest.

SANCTUARIES A Keeper can “call” any number of Seekers through the use of
The Adventure-Seekers Society maintains a number of magic tied to the Seeker's Seeking Stone, instantly teleporting
Sanctuaries all across the known world - places where Seekers them to the Keeper's Sanctuary via Magic Portal. A Seeker can
can find shelter, seek council, receive healing and petition for attempt to resist by winning a battle of wills versus the Keeper
resources (including magic items!). calling them, but if they refuse to go, it is usually grounds for
These Sanctuaries come in many forms – some resemble
fortified citadels while others may be little more than secret
cellar chamber beneath a road-side coaching inn. In every
This is a built in mechanism to allow for player absences and
Sanctuary can be found a Keeper.
guest stars at the table.
In addition to providing support to Seekers, a Keeper is
expected to collect field reports, delegate “quests” when WHATS GOIN ON IN SPIRECREST
necessary and keep an eye out for potential new recruits. On The Kingdom – the last of the great empires of the Irth-World –
rare occasions, a Keeper may accompany Seekers into the field, had been in steady decline for sometime. The death of it's last
but only under most extraordinary of circumstances. King was the final nail in it's sorry coffin . . .

Nearly all Sanctuaries offer some basic spellcasting services and Noble Houses that had been loyal to the King for generations
a limited selection of magic items for purchase. Keepers can were suddenly without a true and rightful liege. Initially, there
preform these services or grant certain items for free at their was some contention over who might claim the throne, but in
discretion. the end every last Duke and Lord-Baron thought better of it and
instead chose to go independent. It simply wasn't worth the war
THE LEXICON it would take for one to seize the crown.
Left to their own devices, it wasn't long before many of these • Enduring Spellbook
nobles showed their true colours. Those who were particularly • Hat of Wizardry
ruthless and cruel saw their armies disband, their merchants • Mystery Key
vanish and their low-born folk flee. • Pole of Collapsing
• Pole of Angling
Edrick Longdragon of Spirecrest, long regarded as one of the • Rope of Mending
most just and benevolent nobles in all the land, saw his castle- • Ruby of the War Mage
town flourish into a full fledged city almost overnight. In the year • Staff of Adornment
that has passed since the fall of the Kingdom – Spirecrest has
become the Jewell of the North. Magic Item List C
• Potion of Greater Healing
Spirecrest is home to one of the more prominent Sanctuaries • Potion of Hill Giant Strength
maintained by the Adventure-Seekers Society. It's Keeper is • Potion of Fire Breath
none-other than the arch-wizard Magnus Morgenstern. • Potion of Invisibility
• Potion of Gaseous Form
Among those who call the Spirecrest Sanctuary their home base • 10 +1 ammunition
are the Crimson Blades . . .
• Scroll of Fireball
• Scroll of Lessor Restoration
• Scroll of Dispel Magic
These guidelines are pretty much the same as what are applied
• Scroll of Remove Curse
in the D&D Adventure League, excluding the hard caps on magic
• Scroll of Revivify
• Feather Token
When in doubt, use the 5etools website for descriptions of
magic items. Magic Item List D
• Potion of Healing
• Potion of Climbing
Level Gold Magic Items
• Potion of Water-Breathing
1 and 2 0 None • Scroll of Cure Wounds
• Scroll of Detect Magic
3 300 1 from List D
4 500 1 from List B, 1 from Lists C & D PROCURING MAGIC ITEMS
In general, most magic items items must be found. Most
5 500 1 from List A, 1 from List B
Sanctuaries keep a limited stock of essential items on hand to
6 1000 1 from Lists A, B & C sell to Seekers.
7 2000 2 from List A, 1 from Lists B & C
When in doubt, use the 5etools website for descriptions of
8 and 9 3000 2 from List A, 1 from Lists B & C magic items.
10 4000 3 from List A, 1 from Lists B&C
Your character can buy potions
• Climbing 30gp
Magic Item List A
• Healing 50 gp
• +1 Weapon
• Water breathing 100 gp
• +1 Shield
• Giant Strength (Hill) 125gp
• +1 Rod of the Pact Keeper
• Greater Healing 300 gp
• +1 Wand of the War Mage
• Resistance 500gp
• Wand of Magic Missiles
• Superior Healing 750gp
• Bag of Holding
• Heroism 800gp
• Cloak of Protection
• Gaseous Form 1000gp
• Stone of Good Luck
• Supreme Healing 1,000 gp
• Searing Greataxe (unique)
• Invisibility 1,500 gp
Magic Item List B
• Cast-off Armor
• Gleaming Weapon SCROLLS
• Cloak of Billowing Spell Scroll Level
• Cloak of Many Fashions • Cantrip 15 gp
• Boots of False Tricks • 1st 25 gp
• Candle of the Deep • 2nd 150 gp
• Charlatan's Die • 3rd 400 gp
• 4rth 800 gp • Python 250gp
• 5th 1,400 gp • Adder 300gp
• Skyblinder 375gp
• Spider 1750gp
• Withering 2100gp
During a session, characters can receive spellcasting
services from a NPC located anywhere that is town-sized or
larger but must be able to travel there. Otherwise, they’re
• Obscuring 150gp
available at a Sanctuary and can be provided by a Keeper.
Spell • Jumping 500gp
• Cure wounds 10 gp • Swimming 400gp
• Identify 20 gp • Mind Shielding 450gp
• Lesser restoration 40 gp • Warmth 480gp
• Prayer of healing 40 gp • Feather Falling 2,200gp
• Dispel magic 90 gp • Protection 3,000gp
• Remove curse 90 gp
• Speak with dead 90 gp
• Divination 210 gp
• Greater Restoration 450 gp
• Raise dead 1,000 gp
• Resurrection 3,000 gp
• True resurrection 30,000 gp


The following is a list of staple magic items that Seekers can
purchase from Sanctuaries. In some cases the item may not be
available, but can be procured in due time.
• +1 Ammo (1, any) 25gp
• Moontouched Sword (any sword) 75gp
• Gleaming Weapon (any) 400gp
• +1 Weapon (any) 500gp
• +2 Weapon (any) 2500gp

Armor & Shields

• Shield of Expression 50gp
• Sentinel Shield 350gp
• +1 Shield 500gp
• Armor of Gleaming (med, heavy) +75gp
• Cast-off Armor (any) +50gp
• Mariner's Armor (any) +400gp
• Mithral Armor (med, heavy, but not hide) +450gp
• +1 Armor 3,500gp

• Pyrotechnics 65gp
• Secrets 150gp
• Magic Detection 150gp
• Web 250gp
• Magic Missiles 300gp
• Warmage 500gp

• Retribution 250gp
• Pact Keeper 400gp

• Adornment 50gp
• Flowers 50gp

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