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Narjilla To Be Banned or not

In our lifespans, we all have that one thing we enjoy to take our minds off
stuff and give us a break from reality. Each person chooses a different coping
mechanism that they love sharing the same result, stress relief. Narjilla is a type
of water pipe used for smoking tobacco. Although many people believe that
narjilla is a mankind killer due to its drastic health impacts, it’s considered a fun
activity for many reasons.
Narjilla has been a cultural tradition for several ages in middle eastern
societies. Its social status makes it an activity that brings people together and
bonds them in a calm and relaxing setting. Lebanese cultures have valued this
type of activity and considered it a fun easy way to build ties with one another. As
it makes people from different backgrounds bond.
Narjilla is a stress reliever that calms people. Its ritualistic nature that
involves the preparation of the pipe and sharing of smoke creates a meditative
setting, as 68% of people who smoke on daily basis claim that it relieves their
minds from daily burdens and elevates their mood, as stress levels instantly drop.
Critics of narjilla usage believe that it should be banned and restricted for
many ages due to its health impacts, as they say, that it slowly kills your lungs and
ends your healthy life. It has been linked to an increased risk of several types of
cancer and respiratory diseases. Yet, they might be right but naranjilla isn’t the
greatest perpetrator behind these diseases, one might live a healthy life without
tobacco and still suffer. So being slightly infected is way better than living a life full
of anxiety.
One is unable to know their faith and destiny. Living a peaceful life is the best
decision you can make. Nothing is worth the stress, people should always
prioritize their mental health.

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