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Informational texts

Velasco Sanchez Angel Jorge Miguel 567

What is Informative Text ?

A information text is a piece of non-fiction literature that is written with the intention
of informing the reader about a topic. They can be found in magazines, in the field of
science, in history books, in autobiographies, and in instruction manuals.
They are written using specific characteristics that allow the reader to easily identify
important information that can understand the main topic.

Four Types of Informative Text

Literary Nonfiction
Expository Writing
Procedural Writing

Informational Text Structures

a. Description. text provides details or characteristics of something.

b. Compare + contrast. The text ralks about similarities and differences
between people, places, things, etc.
c. Order + Sequence. The text outlines chronological events or a list of
steps in a procedure
d. Problem + solution. The text gives information about a problem and
explains one or more solutions.
e. Cause + effect. The text describes an event (cause)and the effects
that follow.


Written Cues


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