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Mgt 501

Assignment no.01



1. As an HR specialist, which performance appraisal method would you suggest to

Mr Ali for implementation and getting an accurate result?
As an HR Specialist, I would suggest (BARS) Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale method.
This method is a more expensive method from the aforementioned ones, however, provides
guaranteed results.

Defend your answer with solid reasoning.

By using BARS, we get the result of employees’ behaviors by scaling them explaining an
individual trait. On the basis of an individual’s behavior, we rate their behavior as good, average,
or poor. This method provides constant results of an employee behavior and helps managers to
compensate employees, or assign duties in future. BARS is designed to bring the benefits of both
quantitative and qualitative data to employee appraisal process as it mechanism combines the
benefits of narratives, critical incidents and quantified ratings.

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