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Shiloh Fredrick 4r29

Social Studies Assignment

Poem depicting different aspects of St. Lucian Culture

St. Lucia, St. Lucia, St. Lucia

St. Lucia, St. Lucia, St. Lucia,
The Land, the People, the Light,
From several natural dishes,
To the magnificent pitons,
We in St. Lucia continue to glitter.

St. Lucia, St. Lucia, St. Lucia,

We have established ourselves,
From the gorgeous dresses,
To the appetizing fishes,
We the people have been favoured with riches.

St. Lucia, St. Lucia, St. Lucia,

The sun shining upon our culture,
Resembling the great talent and ethic,
In our brave and caring people,
The Land flourishing with God given ridges.

St. Lucia, St. Lucia, St. Lucia,

Blue, yellow, black and white,
We have fought in many fights,
And in spite our countless losses,
We have won and taken flight,
In the brightness of the morning,
We have kept performing.
Shiloh Frederick

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