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Universidad Central de Venezuela

Facultad de Humanidades y Educación

Escuela de Idiomas Modernos
Inglés II – Componente Cultural

Types and
systems of
Auxiliar docente: Carla Villalba Gil
Basic ideas about governments

Thomas Hobbes: John Locke:

 State of Nature:  Tabula Rasa:
Humans are naturally selfish, so no The mind is a blank space filled with life
government means constant war. experiences.
 Social Contract:  Natural Rights:
People give up their rights and power to the All humans share the rights to life, liberty
government in exchange for protection. and property.
 Leviathan (1651) and contractualism  Government’s Role:
Keep order and protect natural rights.
 Social Contract:
Giving up freedom in exchange for protection
of our rights. If the government fails to
deliver, the people have the right to revolt.
Basic ideas about governments

Having a limited government, but

Common Good: how?
Doing what’s best for the 1) Constitution
community as a whole 2) Rule of Law: Laws are fair,
enforced and nobody’s above the
3) Separation of Powers: Power is
divided among several branches
of government
Civic Virtue: Executive
Putting the common good Legislative
before your own interests. Judicial
4) Consent of the Governed
5) Rights of the Minority
*the people = el pueblo
Soverign State

Population Sovereignty

 Make laws
Territory  Protect the state
 Keep order
 Provide services
 Types (or forms) of
Government (who
How the government
operates, ideology on how
is best to govern.
 Systems of
How power is shared
between the various levels
of government within a
Types of government
1. Autocracy: One person has all the 3. Oligarchy: A small
power. group has all the power.
 Monarchy: King/queen have rule
the country and power is inherited Junta
through a family line. 4. Theocracy:
 Dictatorship: One leader has Government that
absolute control over citizens’ lives.
recognizes God or a divine
2. Democracy: Citizens hold the being as the ultimate
political power.
 Representative: Citizens elect authority.
leaders to represent their rights 5. Anarchy: No
and interests in the government government is in control. It
 Direct: citizens are directly
involved in the work of is similar to the state of
governing the country. nature.
Systems of government
1. Unitary system of government: 2. Confederal system of
A constitution places all governmental government:
power in the central government, but it In a confederal system of
gives some power to local cities or towns government, the states have all the
to run the day-to-day operations of their power, therefore, the central
programs (e.g.: education government is very weak. E.g.:
programs). Belgium, which is made up of two
 The Parliamentary system of independent states: Flanders in the
government is about how you north, and Wallonia in the south.
choose the executive power for a 3. Federal system of government:
national government. The voters elect In a federal system of government,
members of the legislative branch or the national or central government
Parliament, and the Parliament shares power with the states.
chooses the chief executive, often
called the Prime Minister.
+Extra info (+) Socialism: the government takes an active role in
the economy protecting citizens from business. It be a
form of government, an ideology, a cultural system, and
different political parties. It very often means social
(+)The United Kingdom has a welfare programs; and socialism tends to be
parliamentary (unitary system) associated with Scandinavian countries, such as
government, and it is a Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Sweden, which
constitutional monarchy and a provide free education and healthcare to all of its
citizens. Bear in mind that these countries have free
democracy. market economies.

(+)The United States has a (+) Communism takes socialism to an extreme

federal system of level. The common ownership of the “means of
government, and it is production” and share it. For example, the
democracy and also a communism of the former Soviet Union.
 Tom Driscoll. (2014, September 28). Basic Ideas
About Government (Full Version)
[Video]. YouTube.
 Mr. Raymond's Civics and Social Studies
Academy. (2016, February 29). Systems of
[Video]. YouTube.
 Mr. Raymond's Civics and Social Studies
Academy. (2016, March 3). Types & Forms of
[Video]. YouTube.

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