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Leighora Avery

Professor Reader

ENG.111.WO1. Freshman English Composition

20th, February 2023

Conversation Essay Test Anxiety

According to Anxiety during tests and regulatory dimension of anxiety, Test anxiety is

something that a lot of people experience. Few know that it can affect more than just your tests.

It affects your grades. People get scared of failing. Test anxiety is a major educational concern.

(Mascret, N. Danthony, S. & Cury, F.). Many people define test anxiety as a negative emotion.

Students experience more anxiety about tests than anyone else. They have multiple tests and

exams they must take. When students have anxiety about their tests they do poorly. When they

have anxiety about tests, they experience increased heart rates, respiration rates, nausea,

clammy hands, shaking, trembling, and sweating. They have fear and dread towards their tests.

You will also experience tension. You could fear arousal when you are anxious. With test

anxiety comes feelings of cognitive and behavioral issues as well.

Testing anxiety is something that many people experience. Test anxiety is normal, it is

nothing to be ashamed of. When you have anxiety over tests while it is normal, it can also be

very unhealthy. While it does affect the grades that you get, it also affects more than just grades.

Test anxiety is a performance debilitating form of anxiety. When I say that it is a form of

debilitating anxiety, I mean that it is intense and extreme. It can cause you to fear things that

have not even happened yet. Testing anxiety is a widespread phenomenon.

Testing anxiety is an anxiety that has to do with performance. It is about how well you do

on your tests. Testing anxiety can affect anyone of all ages that is in school. Kindergarteners can

have testing anxiety and even adults that are no longer in school can as well. It does not matter
how prepared you get for the test, how much you study, how much you know, or even how much

you think you are prepared. It can still show once you get into that test and start taking it. There

are multiple things that can cause anxiety according to Those include: a history

of poor test taking, a fear of failure, and a generalized anxiety disorder. Testing anxiety causes

you to do poorly on your tests, and exams and might even cause you to do poorly on your

assignments as well.

Did you know that 16% to 20% of students experience testing anxiety? Out of that 18%

have extremely high testing anxiety. The common academic destruction in elementary, high

school, and college is indeed test anxiety. Test anxieties are behavioral, physiological, and

phenomenological. They have negative consequences that could follow such as failing an exam.

Over-arousal, tension, worry, dread, fear of failing, and overthinking before or during test


Testing anxiety is often defined as a negative experience. They define it as a negative

experience because it comes with many poor habits. These habits are poor study habits, poor past

test performances, underlying anxiety problems contributing to testing, unpreparedness, and the

fear of failing. The fear of failing is connected to one's sense of self-worth. If they fail, they feel

that they are not worthy enough. Testing anxiety comes with mental causes. Some mental causes

that come with test anxiety include but are not limited to, thinking that you are going to do

poorly on the test, afraid that you will not live up to the expectations of important people in your

life, believing that grades are estimation of your personal worth, you place too much emphasis

on the test, you give in to the feelings of guilt or anxiety as a result of inadequate preparation for

the test, and you feel helpless and believe that you have absolutely zero control over your

performance and grades according to Loma Linda University: School of Medicine. Have

you ever wondered how you can cope with having test anxiety? You can cope with testing

anxiety in multiple different ways. You can find efficient ways to study, don’t be afraid to
ask your teachers and professors for help learning how to study. You could study in places

that you have already studied at and early, do not try to study everything all at once. If

you study bits and pieces and start studying early enough, you will not feel as anxious

about your test. You could create a routine that works for you, making a routine and

sticking to it will help you become less stressed and anxious. You can also let your

teachers know what is happening, if you let them know what is going on, they can help

you to better fit your needs. You can learn some relaxation methods, if you find methods

that help you remain calm and confident before you take the test you will do better on it.

Before you take your test, you need to make sure that you eat and drink healthily as well

as get lots of rest.

According to Anxiety during tests and the regulatory dimension of anxiety: A five-factor

French version of the Revised Test Anxiety scale. “Some people experience testing anxiety, not

everyone understands that it can affect more than just your grades. It can also affect your

mental, behavioral, and physical behaviors. It is a major educational concern.” (Mascret, N.

Danthony, S. & Cury, F.)

You are scared that you will fail. Test anxiety is a negative emotion that people experience.

When you have testing anxiety, you experience it more about tests. You also experience multiple

ways that show you, testing anxiety is starting.

Works Cited:
“Anxiety during Tests and Regulatory Dimension of - ProQuest.”, Accessed
21 Feb. 2023.

‌ chnell, Kerstin, et al. “Test and Math Anxiety: A Validation of the German Test Anxiety
Questionnaire.” Polish Psychological Bulletin, vol. 44, no. 2, 1 June 2013, pp. 193–200, Accessed Feb. 19. 2023

‌Gotter, Ana. “Test Anxiety: Symptoms, Statistics, and Tips for Coping.” Healthline, 2017,

‌ umen Learning – Simple Book Production.

%20habits%2C%20poor%20past. Accessed 16 Feb. 2023.

“‌ Causes of Test Anxiety | School of Medicine.”,

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