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Name:____________________________________________________ Grade and Section:_________

I. Read and understand the questions/statments below. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is the text types that inform the readers or convey information about a particular subject or topic.
a. Factual b. Literary c. restatement d. expository
2. It is the series of important events that make up a story: beginning, middle and end.
a. Character b. Plot c. Setting d. Conflict
3. It is the shortened version of the story.
a. restatement b. text c. summary d. fiction
4. It is the main idea of the story. The message or lesson the author wants the reader to learn.
a. Theme b. Setting c. Plot d. character
5. They are the people in the story that carry out the actions.
a. Plot b. theme c. Character d. mood
6. It is when and where the story takes place
a. a. Setting b. Character c. Plot d. theme
7. Which of the following is an example of literary text?
a. real life situations b. short story c. legal documents d. news reports
8. In ___________uses different sentence formation.
a. summarizing b. restatement c. synonyms d. none of the above
II. Identify the element of the literary text in each number. Choose your answer from the choices below.

a. characters b. plot aa c. setting d. theme

____________9. The ant and the grasshopper lived in a grassy meadow.

____________10. It is best to prepare for the days ahead.
____________11. Ant and Grasshopper
____________12. The ant worked all day getting food while the grasshopper played. Then the winter came. In the end
the grasshopper had no food but the ant had plenty of food and was happy.
III. 13-17 Read the passage below. Find the main idea of the text and look for the supporting details that explains the
main idea. Use the chart below and write the answers on your answer sheet.
Television has good effects as well as harmful ones. The violent crime-filled pictures
shown on television may contribute to an impression that the world is evil. It may result in a
fearful or negative view of the world. The television commercials urging us to buy various
goods may create a feeling of dissatisfaction in us if we fail to buy their goods which the
television advertisement tells us that everybody has.

IV. 18-20. Write 2 to 3 sentences to summarize the passage above.


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