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Division of Lapu-Lapu City


S.Y. 2022 - 2023

Name: Jiezah Carla B. Morada

Year & Section: 12 ABM Pounds

Topic: Corporate Social Responsibility 

Project: Coastal Cleanup at Engano Beach in Celebration of the National Zero Waste Month of

the DENR

Date and Time: January 21, 2023 (6:00 AM – 8:00 AM)

Venue: Sitio Buot, Punta Engano, Lapu-Lapu City


The students from the ABM strand: Grade 12 ABM Pounds, were required to prepare and

participate in the coastal cleanup that addresses the importance of Corporate Social

Responsibility. This activity shows the application of the topics under the Business Ethics and

Social Responsibilities (BESR) which is taught and guided by Ms. Aisa Soroño, our ABM

Adviser, that allows the students to fully realize and utilize the opportunity to practice serving

the community without any form of compensation. The students of Grade 12 ABM Pounds

decided to conduct a coastal cleanup at Engano Beach with the following purpose: 
1. To serve and give back to the local community of Barangay Punta Engano, Lapu-Lapu City,

Cebu, by keeping the locality a healthy and clean place to live. 

2. To aid the growth of the marine community of Barangay Punta Engano, Lapu-Lapu City. 

3. To take part in the celebration of National Zero Waste Month and be an advocate to reduce


4. To apply the learnings from the Business Ethics and Social Responsibilities subject through

conducting a Corporate Social Responsibility program. 


I, as part of the participants in the seminar, have learned various essential things all about

corporate social responsibilities. Firstly, being part of the volunteers to be of service to one of the

communities here in Lapu-Lapu City gives me a great feeling. The fact that we were able to help

the community through our little ways was such a rewarding experience for me. It was a dream

come true. A feeling I would always choose to experience again and again. Secondly, the coastal

cleanup made me see a wider view of what is going on around the world: how polluted and

unclean it has become. It made me open my eyes to the bigger and heavier responsibilities I have

as one of the tenants here on Earth. It made me realize that our environment is desperately

needing our help and that we should hear this call to survive because the destruction of the

environment is our destruction as well. Thirdly, the program we conducted provided me with a

clear outlook on the importance of practicing Corporate Social Responsibilities. It not only

increases engagement and improves brand imaging, but it also promotes development and

progress around the world. It advocates the awareness of the societal issues we are facing today

and is of great benefit towards mitigating the effects of these issues. All the things I have
mentioned have made me understand the importance of community service and the incorporation

of the responsibilities that we have as human beings. 


As the students of Grade 12 ABM Pounds conducted the coastal cleanup, I observed that we

had prepared for the program well. With the guidance of Ms. Aisa Sorono, the preparations led

us up toward the success of the event with all the realizations and learnings we brought with us

as we went home. Thus, this program would not be successful without Ms. Aisa Sorono and all

the kindest volunteers from Baranggay Punta Engano who wholeheartedly joined the coastal



Overall, the coastal cleanup program about Corporate Social Responsibility that the

students of Grade 12 ABM students prepared and participated in was successful with each

student’s best efforts, Ms. Aisa Sorono’s guidance, and the Baranggay Volunteers’ aid. It has left

a big reminder for us to start taking part in the change and betterment not only for the locality but

for the world as a whole. 


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