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Harry Day’s recount of the fire

Group member -Lin Pyae, Sandi, Hnin Yati Han, Rosy and Yati.

First, I heard a loud bang. I looked out of the window and I saw many people
had a scream and I saw a huge firework falling down the roof. The fireworks started
burning on the roof. The sound was so loud and incredible.
Suddenly, I told parents to get up. We came to the balcony and saw a big
firework. My dad called to the fire station to put out the fire. While we were waiting for
the firemen, the flame became bigger and bigger. I saw many people was running out
of their house so we also ran out our house.
We looked up sky it was full of smoke. Suddenly, we heard the sound of the bell
from firefrighter. First hundreds of firemen came of firetrucks. They started putting out
of fire. Some of them went inside the building to make sure that there was nobody
After a few minutes, the fire went gone and the policemen and the reporter came
to our street. The reporter named Jame ask question our family members. They asked,
“how long have you lived here?” We said, “we have lived there since 2006.” They asked
many other questions, too.
We had to answer the questions for hours! The fire has gone but many things were
changed. A lot of houses were destroyed and we can see many broken pieces on the
street. Many people lost their home. The fire was a total disaster!

The end!

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