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Department of Education

Region III
Division of City of San Fernando
Information and Communication Technology High School
Sindalan, City of San Fernando (P)

Developmental Reading 7
Name: Date:
Grade & Section:

A. Look up the word cast in a dictionary. Write the correct part of speech and the correct
definition for cast as it is used in each sentence.
Verb, Register 1. On Tuesday I will cast my vote for Debbie.
Verb, an object made by shaping molten metal or similar material in a mold.2. During
an eclipse the moon takes on a copper cast.
Noun , orthopedic devices that are used to protect and support fractured or
injured bones and joints.3. Rhonda has to wear the cast on her arm for six
Verb, Cause to appear on a surface 4. The teacher cast her eyes on the
whispering students.
Noun a throw of a line (such as a fishing line) or net5. We cast our lines into
the trout-filled lake.
Verb, an object made by shaping molten metal or similar material in a mold.6.
On my trip to the museum, I admired a small bronze cast of a horse.
Noun, a pre-production process that involves choosing actors to fill the roles in
a particular TV show, movie, commercial, or play.7. Steven Spielberg casts
many young people in his films.
Verb, To throw something 8. Reindeer cast their antlers yearly and grow new
Verb, To throw something 9. Bruce and Eddie cast the rope across the stream.
Noun, a pre-production process that involves choosing actors to fill the roles in
a particular TV show, movie, commercial, or play 10. The cast of the play
received a standing ovation.
B. Which one is the odd one in each row? Why?
Elm is the odd one because all the other options are plants and elm is not a
plant a) elm daffodil pine beech
Fern is the odd one out because fern is a tree and all the options are fish b) cod
sardine hake fern
Mole is the odd one because all the other options are a bird and mole is not a
bird c) mole sparrow wren robin
Crouton is the odd one because all the other options are tools and crouton is a
food d) spade hammer crouton pliers
e) steak beak freak geek

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