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Worksheet No.

Name: Rea francine Mayote

Course/Major: BSED Filipino

1. What are the elements of art

Answer: Elements of art are stylistic features that are included within an art piece to help the artist
communicate. The seven most common elements include line, shape, texture, form, space, color and
value, with the additions of mark making, and materiality.

2. What is the relevance of combined arts and hybrid art in the twenty five century

Answer: Relevance of Combined Arts and Hybrid Arts in the 21st century? country. Production
companies can provide job opportunities for artists to earn income and express their artworks and skills.
Films and video games provides entertainment and relaxation for the people.

3. Differentiate combined arts and hybrid art briefly

Answer: Combined arts and hybrids art both require several fields of expertise, skills, and talents to
produce a finish product but the difference between the two is that Combined arts focus on the variety
of art forms such as singing, painting, dancing, Performances including Theatre, poetry, musical play,

Worksheet No 7

1.what was the importance and significance of art during the pre-historic period

Answer: The artworks from the prehistoric era convey how people from that era live their lives. These
artworks are important for the people in the present times to know and find what people in the early
times do for living. These artworks also convey the religious and culture of early people.

2. During the early egyptian civilization in what ways were art and religion interconnected?

Answer: Egyptian religion was about beliefs, rituals with non-human like God. It. centered on Pharaoh
who was believed to be a descendant from Gods, while their art was related to message and drawings to
help those that passed away to live forever by providing them with instructions when they meet their

3. Write a short description of the three kingdoms and differentiate each?

Answer The Old Kingdom was known as the “Age of Pyramids”, the Middle Kingdom was known as the
“Golden Age”, and the New Kingdom was known as the “Imperial Age”.

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