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Princess Noriel Ruiz
Nicol P. Corporal
Global Citizenship
A global citizenship is someone who has a complex and deep understanding of the
world as well as their place in it. With this knowledge, they are able to take an active
role in their community, and work collaboratively with others to make the world more
equal, just and sustainable. Global citizenship puts focus on a holistic and
interconnected view of politics, economics, and human rights.
For Oxfam, global citizenship is all about encouraging young people to develop the
knowledge, skills and values they need to engage with the world. And its about the
belief that we can all make difference.
How we talk about the social, environmental and economic actions of people and
communities who know that every person is a citizen of the world.
It is about how decision in one part of the planet can effect people living in a different
part of it. And about how we all share a common humanity and are of equal worth. It
means being open to engaging positively with other identities and culture and being
able to recognize and challenge stereotypes. It is also about how we use and share the
earths resource fairly and uphold the human rights of all.

Why is Global Citizenship so Important

As we continue to face even more challenges such as climate change, food shortages,
migration, and limited resources we have to make decision. People who don’t take a
global mindset will not be prepared to deal with the real word issues today effectively.
Simply believing you live inside of the bubble will not change the fact that each system
and continent is connected.

What is the importance of global citizenship

The global citizenship is important because give us an opportunity to explore different
experience, ideologies, and cultures while recognizing the uniqueness of our own

Global citizenship issue

- The environment
- Endangered species
- Sustainability
- Peace and human rights
- Food/clean water/housing
- Education for equity and diversity
- Gender equity
- Alleviating poverty

4 types of global citizenship



Global citizenship helps young people to:

~ build their own understanding of world events

~ think about their values and what’s important to them.

~ take learning into the real world

~ challenge ignorance and intolerance

~ get involved in their local, national and global communities.

~ develop an argument and voice their opinions

~ see that they have power to act and influence the world around them

What is the main goal of global citizenship

- Their main goal is to defend human dignity and promote social accountability
and international solidarity, in which tolerance, inclusion and recognition of
diversity occupy pride of place in word and deed, reflecting the multiplicity of
factors involved in the actions of global citizenship.

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