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A Letter to God Multiple Che TTT AY Ome CCA) 1. Where was Lencho’s house situated? (a) bottom of the hill (b) top of a hill (©) top of a plateau (d) ina city Ans: (b) 2. What was the only thing that the Earth needed according to Lencho? (a) a shower (b) a snowfall (c) strong winds (d) sunlight Ans: (a) 3. Where did Lencho expect the downpour to come from? (a) north (b) north-east (c) north-west (d) south-east Ans: (b) 4. What did Lencho compare the large raindrops with? (a) silver coins (b) pearls (©) diamonds (d) new coins Ans: (a) 5. Which crop was growing on Lencho’s fields? (a) Com (b) Barley (c) Rice (d@) None of the above Ans; (a) 6. What destroyed Lencho’s fields? (a) heavy rainfall (b) hailstorm (©) landslide ‘(d) flood Ans: (b) ' 7. The field looked as if it were covered in (a) salt (b) locusts (©) sugar (dice Ans: (a) 6 MATRIC EXAM PREPARATION ¢ English : McQ & Ysa 8. Lencho compared the quantum of damage with (a) attack by rats (b) attack by crows (c) plague of locusts (d) None of the above Ans: (c) 9. What was the only hope left in the hearts of Lencho’s family? (a) compensation from government (b) help from farmer’s association (c) help from God (d) there was no hope left Ans: (c) 10, How did Lencho decide to contaét his last resort? (a) by visiting them personally((b) through a letter (c) through e-mail (d) through fax Ans: (b) 11. How much money did Lencho ask for? (a) 100 pesos (b) 1000 pesos (c) 10 pesos (d) 500 pesos Ans: (a) 12, What was the immediate reaction of the postman on seeing the letter? (a) laughed whole-heartedly (b) cried (c) felt sad about what happened (d) felt empathetic Ans: (a) 13. The postmaster was a fat, amiable man. What is the meaning of amiable? (a) rude (b) helpful (c) friendly (d) enthusiastic Ans: (c) 14. On seeing the letter, the postmaster was moved by Lencho’s— (a) unwavering faith (b) handwriting (c) love for God (d) determination Ans: (a) 15. Why did the postmaster decide to reply to Lencho’s letter? (a) He was a good man (b) he felt empathetic (c) to preserve Lencho’s faith in God (d) all of the above Ans: (c) MATRIC KXAM PREPARATION | tiation | mou a ven q 16. What else did the reply demand apart from woodwill, ink and paper? (a) lost crop. (b) money (c) God's signature (i) new woods Ans: (b) 17, How much money was the postmaster able to arrange’ (a) 100 pesos: (b) Nil (c) 1000 pesos (d) 70 pesos Ans: (d) 18. What did the postmaster feel on experiencing Lencho receive the letter’? (a) Contended (b) proud (c) overwhelmed (d) all of the above Ans: (a) 19. Why was Lencho not surprised on seeing the money in the envelope? (a) he was too sad to acknowledge it (b) he had unwavering faith in God (c) he was an ungrateful man (d) none of the above Ans: (b) 20. How did he feel when he counted the money? (a) grateful (by joyful (c) relieved O angry Ans: (d) 21. What did Lencho think of the post-office employees? (a) bunch of crooks (b) rude (c) unhelpful (d) proud Ans: (a) 22. What did Lencho ask for in his second letter? (a) more money “ (b) remaining amount and not send it by mail (c) remaining amount and send it by mail only (d) Ke didn’t ask for anything Ans: (b) 23. What is the irony in this lesson’? (a) Lencho was sad after the hailstorm even though he was the one waiting for a shower 8 MATRIC EXAM PREPARATION : English ; McQ &y, (b) Postmaster laughed at Lencho but still helped for him Arrange inn (c) Lencho blamed the post office employees who in fact him \elpe (d) there is no irony Ans: (c) 24. What type of conflict does the chapter highlight? (a) conflict between nature and humans (b) conflict among humans (c) conflict among God and nature (d) both I and 2 Ans: (d) 25. ‘The field of corn dotted with flowers’ means that (a) not a single flower was bigger than a dot (b) the flowers were scattered across (c) the flowers were shaped like dots (d) the flowers had shrunk in size Ans: (b) 26. Based on the detail of the house’s location, how can it best be described? (a) majestic (b) imposing (c) solitary (d) unique Ans: (c) 27. The story sets in— (a) Latin America (b) Europe (c) India (d) Africa Ans: (a) 28. Lencho started to write a letter to God on (a) Monday morning (b) Sunday morning (©) Saturday morning (d) Tuesday morning Ans: (b) id 29. From the top of the hill, he can see his ready to harvest comic! along with— (a) River (b) Forest (©) Village (d) Vast field Ams: (a) MATRIC EXAM PREPARATION : English : McQ & vSA 9 30, What did the postmaster fee! 5 anc ; the letter? about experiencing Lencho receive (a) Contended (b) Proud (c) Overwhelmed (d) All of the above Ans: (a) 31, Who is the ‘woman’ in the story? (a) His wife (b) His mother (c) The neighbor woman —_(d) The Goddess Ans: (a) 32. Which of the following statement is correct? (a) The older boys were working in the field while the smaller ones were playing. (b) The older boys were playing while the smaller ones were working. (c) The older boys were sleeping while the smaller ones were playing. (d) Both the older boys and the smaller ones were playing. Ans: (a) 33. When the big drops of rain began to fall, Lencho was- . (a) Taking dinner (b) Sleeping (c) Attending a meeting (d) Working in the farm Ans: (a) 34. Find out the true statement- (a) The big raindrops are compared to ten cent pieces and the little ones fives. (b) The big raindrops are compared to gold coins and the little ones silver. © . i (c) The big raindrops are compared to ten rupees and the little ones are five rupees. (d) None of the above Aus: (a) 35. Sceing the hailstones outside, the boys- (a) became afraid (b) ran out to collect them. (c) cried loudly (d) closed the door. Ans: (b) 36. ‘The frozen pearls’ in the story means- (a) hailstone (b) pearls found under ground SN STn 8 MIC, & Vs, (c) raindrops (d) real pearls Ans: (a) : 37. What is the meaning of locusts? (a) insects which fly in big swarms (b) big comficld (d) top of the hill Ams: (a) (c) heavy rain 1, How many houses are there in the entire valley? Ans: Only onc. 2. Where was Lencho’s house located? Ans: Lencho’s house was located at the crest of a low hill 3. What could be seen from Lencho’s house? Ans:The ficlds of the ripe com and the river could be Seen from his house. 4. What did the ripe corn dotted with flowers always promise? ' Ans: It promised a good harvest. 5. What was the only thing the earth needed? Ans:The carth needed some rain. 6. What did Lencho do throughout the morning? Ans: He did nothing but watching the sky towards the north-east 7, How did Lencho address his wife? Ans: As ‘woman’ 8. When did it start raining? Ans: It started raining when the family was having dinner, 9. How did Lencho feel when it started raining? Ans: Lencho was very happy and felt that the raindrops were col": promising money, 10, What objects did Lencho call “New coins”? Ans: Lencho called the “rain-drops’ as new coins. 11. Was the rain really a blessing? Ans: No, the rain proved to be a curse, 12. ‘That night was a sorrowful one’, Why? d Ans: Because, on that night a hailstorm destroyed his cornfiel! 13. What destroyed the crop? Ans: The hailstorm which lasted for an hour destroyed the crops 14, How did Lencho and his family react to the calamity? ‘Ans: They were filled with sorrow but they had faith in God. 15. What was the only ‘One hope’ Lencho had? Ans: His only one hope was help from God 16. How did Lencho appeal to God? Ans: Lencho wrote a letter to God, asking for one hundred pesos. 17. ‘Lencho was an ..of a man.’ Fill in the blank. Ams: 0X 18. When did Lencho begin to write the letter? Ans: On Sunday at daybreak. 19. To whom was the letter written? Ans: It was written to God. 20. How much money did Lencho demand from God? ‘Ans: Lencho demanded one hundred pesos from God 21. How did postmaster react seeing Lencho’s letter? ‘Ans: The postmaster laughed heartily on seeing Lencho’s letter. 22. How did the postmaster react on reading Lencho’s letter. ‘Ans: He felt that such faith in God should be sustained. 23. What was the reaction of Lencho after receiving lesser amount of money? ‘Ans: Lencho thought that the post office employees had taken away 30 pesos. 24, How much money did Lencho receive from God? Ans: He received only seventy pesos from God. 25. Who sent the money to Lencho? Ans: The postmaster sent the money to Lencho. 26. Why did the post-master decide to answer Lencho’s letter to God? Ans: By doing so he wanted to 27. How did Lencho feel wh envelope? Ans: He got angry al 28. Who does Lencho blame for the los the envelope? Ans: He blames the post-office protect Lencho’s faith in God. en he counted the money in the fier counting the money in the envelope. s of thirty pesos in employees for this loss. 12 MAT ee =| = 29. What does Lencho call the post-office employees? Ans: He calls them “a bunch of crooks. 30. What does Lencho call the rain-drops? ‘Ans: He calls the big rain-drops ten cent pesos and the smal] rain drops five cent pesos. 31. How did Lencho’s field look after the hails had rained? Ans: The field looked as if covered with salt. 32. What was Lencho’s wife preparing? Ans: Lencho’s wife was preparing supper. 33. What does ‘Crest’ means? Ans: Crest means the top part of a hill. 34, How did Lencho work in the field? Ans: Lencho worked as an ‘ox’ in the field. 35. What did Lencho do with the stamp? Ans: Lencho licked and affixed the stamp to the envelope with a blow of his fist. 36. What did the postmaster do when the letter fell into the mailbox and why? Ans: The postmaster immediately opened the letter to know Lencho’s fecling for the money he had received. 37. Which word in the story denotes a dishonest person? Ans: The word is ‘crook’. 38. What did Lencho write on the envelop? Ans: He wrote ‘To God’. “ 39. What crop was farmed by Lencho? Ans: Corn 40. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given below: (a) Lencho was a .(farmer/postmaster/doctor) Ans: farmer (b) I need a hundred pesos.......... (Currency of India/Spain/ Latin America) [HSLC 715] Ans: Latin America (c) Send me the rest, since I need it very much. (relax! | remaining part/be buried) [HSLC °16, ’22] Ans: Remaining part MATRIC EXAM PREPARATION 3 English : MCQ & VSA 13 @ ‘The house..........the only one in, the entire valley - sat on the crest of a low hill. (wide / whole / flat) [HSLC *17| Ans. : whole (@) The field was white, as if covered with........ (snow/salt/ flour) |HSLC °22) 41, What happened to Lencho’s fields after the hailstorm? < [HSLC °15] Ans: When the hail stopped, Lencho's soul was filled with sadness He looked around at his fields and said that even a plague of locusts would have left more than what was left after the hailstorm. He said that they would have no com that year and they would go hungry. He was full of sorrow. 42. Why did Lencho say the raindrops were like ‘new coins’? [HSLC 715] Ans : Lencho's crops were ready for harvest. All it needed was a good downpour before harvesting. These fully grown crops could be sold in market for good money. That is why he compared the raindrops to “new coins’. 43. “These aren’t raindrops falling from the sky, they are new coins.” Why did Lencho consider the raindrops as ‘mew coins’? [HSLC °15] Aas : Lencho's crops were ready for harvest. All it needed was a good downpour before harvesting. These fully grown crops could be sold in market for good money. That is why he compared the raindrops to ‘new coins’. 44. Where was Lencho’s house situated? [HSLC °16] Aas : Lencho’s house was situated in a valley. It was the only one in the entire valley. It was on the crest of a low hill. 45. “All through the night, Lencho thought only of his one hope:” What was Lencho’s only one, hope ? {HSLC °17] Aus. : Lancho’s only hope was the help of God. 46. What did Lencho do throughout the morning? What did he see in the north-east? [HSLC "18] Ans : Lencho could draw his attention nowhere and did nothing except looking at the sky towards the north-cast expecting highly eld through for a downpour or at least a shower for his cornfi out the morning. 47. ‘Lencho’s soul was filled with sadness’. Why? [HSLC 718] Ans : Lencho’s soul was filled with sadness because ceaseless hail rained for an hour and his corn field tuned white as if saltwas thrown on the field. In his cornfield not a leaf remained on the trees. The corn was totally destroyed. q 48. What did Lencho write in his letter to God? [HSLC °19| Ans : Lencho wrote to God that if he did not help, his family would go hungry that year. He added that he needed a hundred pesos in order to sow his field again and to live until the crop would come again. He narrated how the hailstorm had damaged the field and everything. 49. What type of a man was the postmaster? ‘ Ans: The postmaster was a fat, amiable and kindtwee = 19| 50. What was the one hope of Lencho? ISLC Ans: Lencho hoped for a spell of rain for his com field, 20] 51. State whether the following statements are Try, . € or F, (i) Lencho was a trader. [Hs alse. (ii) Lencho was a farmer. Le 22) Ans: (i) False (ii) True

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