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(1) Which of the following is a major task of test


a) Determining the test approach.

b) Preparing test specifications.
c) Evaluating exit criteria and reporting.
d) Measuring and analyzing results.
The correct answer is...

A - Determining the test approach.

 The test plan is the project plan for the testing work to
be done. It is not a test design specification, a
collection of test cases or a set of test procedures.
(2) When what is visible to end-users is a
deviation from the specific or expected
behavior, this is called:

a) an error
b) a fault
c) a failure
d) a defect
e) a mistake
The correct answer is...

C - a failure

 The ISTQB glossary defines 'failure' as follows:

An event in which a component or system does not
perform a required function within specified limits.
(3) Which expression best matches the following
characteristics or review
1. led by author
2. undocumented s) inspection
3. no management participation + t) peer review
4. led by a trained moderator or u) informal review
leader v) walkthrough
5. uses entry exit criteria

a) s = 4, t = 3, u = 2 and 5, v = 1
b) s = 4 and 5, t = 3, u = 2, v = 1
c) s = 1 and 5, t = 3, u = 2, v = 4
d) s = 5, t = 4, u = 3, v = 1 and 2
e) s = 4 and 5, t = 1, u = 2, v = 3
The correct answer is...

B - s = 4 and 5, t = 3, u = 2, v = 1
Moderator: the person who leads the review (inspection) of the document or
set of documents, including planning the review, running the meeting, and
follow-ups after the meeting.
Review (inspection) activities: Planning, checking entry criteria, documenting
incidents, review meeting, examine, rework, defect fixing, follow-up meeting,
checking exit criteria.
Peer review is a type of software review in which a work product (document,
code, or other) is examined by its author and one or more colleagues, in order to
evaluate its technical content and quality.
[ISTQB glossary] Informal review - a type of review without a formal
(documented) procedure.
[ISTQB glossary] Walkthough - a type of review in which an author leads
members of the review through a work product and the members ask questions
and make comments about possible issues.
(4) An input field takes the year of birth between
1900 and 2004. The boundary values for testing
this field are:

a) 0, 1900, 2004, 2005

b) 1900, 2004
c) 1899, 1900, 2004, 2005
d) 1899, 1900, 1901, 2003, 2004, 2005
The correct answer is...

C - 1899, 1900, 2004, 2005

-infinit – 1899 1900 – 2004 2005 –

(invalid partition) (valid partition) (invalid
*** discuss 2-boundary vs 3-boundary:
With three boundary values per boundary, the boundary
itself is considered a possible value, while with two
boundary values per boundary, the boundary lies
between two adjacent possible values
(5) Coverage measurement

a) has nothing to do with testing

b) is a partial measure of test thoroughness
c) branch coverage should be mandatory for
all software
d) can only be applied at unit or module
testing, not at system testing
The correct answer is...

B - is a partial measure of test thoroughness

Test coverage is a software testing metric that measures

how much testing has been performed by a set of tests.
In other words, it is an indicator for how thorough a set of
requirements or a functionality has been tested.
(6) The difference between retesting and
regression testing is
a) retesting is running a test again; regression testing looks
for unexpected side effects
b) retesting looks for unexpected side effects; regression
testing is repeating those tests
c) retesting is done after faults are fixed; regression testing is
done earlier
d) retesting uses different environments, regression testing
uses the same environment
e) retesting is done by developers, regression testing is done
by independent testers
The correct answer is...

A - retesting is running a test again;

regression testing looks for unexpected side
Retesting (confirmation testing) - testing to ensure that the
test cases which was failed in previous test execution cycle is
passed in the current execution cycle.
Regression testing - testing of a previously tested
component or system following modification to ensure that
defects have not been introduced or have been uncovered in
unchanged areas of the software, as a result of the changes
(7) Which of the following is false?

a) Incidents should always be fixed.

b) An incident occurs when expected and actual results differ.
c) Incidents can be analysed to assist in test process
d) An incident can be raised against documentation.
The correct answer is...

A - Incidents should always be fixed.

[ISTQB glossary] Incident - An event occurring that

requires investigation.
(8) Which of the following is not a static testing

a) Error guessing
b) Walkthrough
c) Data flow analysis
d) Inspections
The correct answer is...

A - Error guessing
[ISTQB glossary] Error guessing - a test technique in which
tests are derived on the basis of the tester's knowledge of
past failures, or general knowledge of failure modes.
(9) Functional system testing is

a) testing that the system functions with other systems

b) testing that the components that comprise the system
function together
c) testing the end to end functionality of the system as a
d) testing the system performs functions within specified
response times
The correct answer is...

C - testing the end to end functionality of the

system as a whole
(10) Statement Coverage will not check for the

a) Missing Statements
b) Unused Branches
c) Dead Code
d) Unused Statement
The correct answer is...

A - Missing Statements

Statement coverage accounts for the percentage of

executable statements that have been exercised by a
test suite. Missing statements are not executed, therefore
are not accounted for by statement coverage.
Open Question
What is the difference between regression and
Open Question
After the tester find a bug, who is responsible to
report it?
Open Question
How do you describe a bug?
Open Question
If I let you testing a Login and Register page for
2 hours what would you have to show me when
I return?
Open Question
When do you think the QA activities should start
on a project? Why?
Open Question
Why does the boundary value analysis provide
good test cases?
(Because errors are frequently made during
programming of the different cases near the
'edges' of the range of values.)
Open question
What is black box testing? What are the different
black box testing techniques?
Open question
What is the difference between static and
dynamic testing?
Open question
What are the different test levels?
Open question
What Test Plans consists of?
Open question
What is the common risk that leads to project
The common risk that leads to a project failure are
• Not having enough human resource
• Testing Environment may not be set up properly
• Limited Budget
• Time Limitations
Open question
What is the step you would follow once you find
the defect?
Once a defect is found you would follow the step
a) Recreate the defect
b) Attach the screenshot
c) Log the defect
Open question
Mention what the different types of test
coverage techniques are?
Statement Coverage: It verifies that each line of
source code has been executed and tested
Decision Coverage: It ensures that every
decision in the source code is executed and
Path Coverage: It ensures that every possible
route through a given part of the code is
executed and tested
Open question
What is risk-based testing?
Risk-based Testing is the term used for an
approach to creating a test strategy that is
based on prioritizing tests by risk. The basis of
the approach is a detailed risk analysis and
prioritizing of risks by risk level. Tests to address
each risk are then specified, starting with the
highest risk first
Open question
As part of which test process do you determine
the exit criteria?
Open question
Consider the following techniques. Which are
static and which are dynamic techniques?
• Equivalence Partitioning.
• Use Case Testing.
• Data Flow Analysis.
• Exploratory Testing.
• Decision Testing.
• Inspections.
Open question
What is an equivalence partition (also known as
an equivalence class)?
An input or output ranges of values such that
only one value in the range becomes a test
Open Question
When should "Regression Testing" be
Open question
Could reviews or inspections be considered part
of testing?
Open question
It depends on the risks for the system being
tested. There are some criteria based on which
you can stop testing.
• Deadlines (Testing, Release)
• Test budget has been depleted
• Bug rate fall below a certain level
• Test cases completed with certain percentage passed
• Alpha or beta periods for testing ends
• Coverage of code, functionality or requirements are
met to a specified point
Open Question
What is test coverage?
Test coverage measures in some specific way
the amount of testing performed by a set of tests
(derived in some other way, e.g., using
specification-based techniques). Wherever we
can count things and can tell whether or not
each of those things has been tested by some
test, then we can measure coverage.
Ai o balanţă şi 9 cutii, 8 de greutăţi egale şi una
mai grea. Din câte încercări poţi găsi cutia mai
Participi la o întrecere şi îl depăşeşti pe cel de
pe poziţia a doua. Pe ce poziţie te afli?
Cineva prajeşte gogoşi într-o tigaie în care nu
încap decât două bucăţi în acelaşi timp. După
ce prăjeşte o gogoaşă pe una din părţi, o
întoarce pe cealaltă parte. Prăjirea pe fiecare
parte durează 30 secunde. Pot fi prăjite trei
gogoşi în 90 de secunde?
Într-un sat fără electricitate – în care copiii nu au
în case computere, tablete sau telefoane –
locuiesc şapte fraţi.
Primul citeşte o carte, al doilea a plecat să ducă
vaca la câmp, al treilea joacă şah, al patrulea
rezolvă un rebus dintr-un almanah vechi, al
cincilea pune masa, iar al şaselea umflă o
minge. Ce face al şaptelea dintre fraţi?
Ce cartonaș ar trebui să se găsească în locul
semnului de întrebare din careul următor?
Poţi numi 3 zile consecutive fără să foloseşti
cuvintele luni, marţi, miercuri, joi, vineri,
sâmbătă şi duminică?
TVEUIAHSX este anagrama cărui cuvânt din 9
Un câine a văzut un iepure la 150m în faţa lui.
Dacă un iepure face 500m într-un minut, iar un
câine 1300 în 2 minute, după cât timp va prinde
câinele iepurele (în minute)?
Care număr este ascuns sub mașină?
Un melc urcă în timpul zilei pe un copac 3 metri
și alunecă noaptea 2 metri. După câte zile va
ajunge în vârful copacului care are înălțimea de
10 metri
Sunt 3 camere în care ești obligat să intri și să
alegi în care ai vrea să supravietuiesti: Prima
cameră este plină cu criminali înarmați până în
gât, a doua cu lei nemâncați de 5 ani și a 3-a
cameră cu gaz toxic. În care alegi să intri pentru
a rămâne în viață?
Ești într-o mașină în fața trecerii de pietoni și ai
de ales între a călca o bătrână sau un copil. Ce
calci prima dată?
Ce culoare are cutia neagra a unui avion?
Un şofer de camion merge pe o stradă cu sens
unic în direcţia greşită. Deși bărbatul trece pe
lângă două echipaje de poliție, acesta nu este
oprit de oamenii legii. Cum este posibil?

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