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Stoic as ever she stood holding her phone reading over and over that message her friend

sent to and at
that moment it was the beginning of the end. Let’s rewind a little shall we. Olivia Matthew is a 19-year-
old college student studying environmental science and fighting the urge to drop out every single day
although very brilliant she never seemed to harness her true potential thus resulting in her life being
filled with mediocrity although she knows she is capable of so much more, her closest friend, Deena
Campbell, the run away in question was the polar opposite of Olivia she was an over achiever and as
most over achievers are her personality was a blank canvas with nothing but the allure of worldly
success on her mind which made her a difficult person to like but Olivia’s bright personality and Deena’s
lack thereof complimented each other well so much so that they were their best when they were
together. Now a bleak version of herself Olivia was now whatever less than an underachiever is. Every
morning she woke up and read the same line in that massage every day. “I can’t do this anymore I have
to leave” as this was the part of the message that hurt her this most. How could I not know? How could
she not tell me? Olivia would plague herself with that question everyday day after day. They say time
heals all wounds, but this wound of Olivia’s would grow until she felt like Deena described in the
message and to her the only option was to leave. With no money no clothes no food and nowhere to go
Olivia sprinted out of her parents home and kept running for nowhere feeling as happy as she ever

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