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Steal like an artist


I compromise to:

Steal the ideas.

You choose what to let in to your life.
Make things. Say yes to everything, then
we will see it.
Start copying.
Fake it, till you make it.
Do the work you want to see done.
Leave the laptop, use the hands Nahia!.
Avoiding work is the way to focus my mind.
Do good work and share it with people.
Huir para encontrarme. Find your place.
Create your place.
Get comfortable with being
You’ve got to be kind.
Keep a routine.
Say not to customer culture.

Inertia is the death of creativity.

In the end, creativity isn’t just the

things we choose to put in, it’s the
things we choose to leave out.


Choose wisely.
And have fun. <3

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