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1. How do you spend ur work day?

I usually start off my day with a few subjects with my class.
Then, our scheldule vary from day to day.
For example, sometimes, I’d spend the whole day edit some video …and
other days, most of my time is dedicated to administrative work
2. Is it better to work in the morning or in the afternoon?
So personally, I find that I’m more productive in the morning, especially
after I’ve had my breakfast and coffee
My energy usually the lowest around 3-5 in the afternoon.
So for me, I’d say that I work better during the early hours.
3. What do you do to improve your productivity?
I feel that caffeine really boosts my energy and productivity at work.
So whenever I feel tired and sluggish, I drink a big cup of latte, and then I
can work efficiently again.
4. Which is more important, colleagues or work itself?
I think that both are equally important.
If you get along really well with the people you work with, but you don’t
exactly enjoy your responsibilities, it’s going to be very difficult to stay in
that job for a long time.
If you are doing a dream job, but you can’t take your co-workers, then it’s
going to be very stressful,
So your colleagues and the work itself are of equal importance.
5. Is there any other kind of work you’d rather do?
For the time being, I’d say no, because my job already entails so many
different kinds of responsibilities and I feel that I have plenty of
opportunities to develop myself in many different aspects so I’m perfectly
happy doing my current job.
Part 2
1. You are making money, probably not a lot but hey every dollar helps
the cause!

2. If you're lucky like I've been in my new job, you will quickly bond
with a coworker and become work best friends. You don't have to have
much more in common than mutual complaints of your work and
compulsion to count down the hours till you're free.

3. Lame but you're contributing to society, which when you think about it
is kind of cool and makes you a good citizen and stuff.
1. When college students think summer they think beaches, tanning,
partying and friends, work tends to interfere with a lot of that.

2. Unless you landed an internship or the rare "perfect summer job"

chances are you're not really enjoying the actual work part of work.

3. Commuting, everything associated with rush hour is a con.

4. Waking up early, like super early, like 4:30 a.m. early, everyday before
embarking on a long day of work.

5. Thirty minute lunches are just unsafe, it's not right to scarf food down
that fast, it's unhealthy and unpleasant. Hour lunches please.
Summertime is often a popular season for students to search for a job to gain
valuable work experience and earn money towards their education. Summertime
jobs can provide valuable work experience, independence and money that can
help offset the costs of college and other expenses. However, summer jobs can
be time consuming and create difficulties in balancing work and home life.
One of the major advantages of summer jobs is the experience gained. Working
in various positions during the summer months can help prepare an individual
for the workplace and for career path. Depending on the position desired,
individuals may gain experience in customer service and public speaking,
organizational and problem-solving skills, among others.
The other advantage of summer jobs is financial gain and independence. With
student loan debt on the rise, having an additional source of financial aid can be
very beneficial. Summertime jobs can help teach individuals the value of money
and working for an income. Working for an income also allows individuals to
become more independent as depending on their parents for money may not
always be an option.

While there are a many advantages to having a summertime job, there are also
some drawbacks. The most notable is the increased time commitment for the
individual. As summertime is typically the time for individuals to relax and
enjoy the summer months, working can limit the other activities an individual
can enjoy.
Summer jobs can be exhausting, too. People working outdoors may be exposed
to extreme temperatures, making the work physically difficult. Seasonal
employees may also work long hours in order to meet the demand of a busy
summer and stay on schedule. Summer jobs can also be incredibly stressful if
workers are expected to carry out multiple responsibilities at once.
All in all, although there are drawbacks to summer jobs, these positions can
help young people get valuable work experience and learn skills to help them in
their futures. With proper planning, summer jobs can offer benefits that
outweigh the drawbacks.

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