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Write a reaction paper about your favorite Asian myth.

“Santelmo: Rekindling Fire of Philippine Mythology”

I became engrossed in Philippine mythology as we discussed the various

types of mythology found in different places. Since then, I've done research on

Philippine mythology and found that, like Greek mythology, some Philippine

myths are exquisite and enchanting. The ancient Filipinos believed that

Santelmo, also known as the "Rekindling Fire of Philippine Mythology," was the

ghost of a man who had passed away next to a river during a time of excessive

rainfall. The man's spirit changed into a flame that sought vengeance against

those who had wronged him. Santelmo is also derived from the Filipino name for

St. Elmo's Fire, Apoy ni San Elmo, in different renditions. It is a Philippine entity that

leads sailors on their journeys and guards them against unfortunate


On the contrary, as per Dr. Maximo Ramos' interpretation of Creature of

Midnight, it is a fireball in a field or marsh that stalks travelers and fishermen.

When the people encountered the santelmo, they changed into a

fire-breathing beast. The individuals became disoriented and insane after

viewing this, and they were unable to pinpoint their way home. Then, they

locate their way home after having to reverse their garments in order to escape

Santelmo's enchantment.

After studying this, I was astounded by the Filipinos' inventiveness. I

wondered if I ran into Santelmo, would I fall under his grasp or would I be able to

stand my ground? It's amazing that our ancestors held such superstitious beliefs.

Even if it is ludicrous to think this way, it was intriguing to consider how I would

respond if I actually met Santelmo. I'm curious to learn more about Philippine

mythology and the different fantastical creatures it has after reading this


Draw a Venn diagram to compare the Greek and Roman myth. (Do not

forget to fill in the circles with their similarities and differences)

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