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Mixed Methods

Research Design
01 | Nature of MMR 02 | Characteristics
Design of MMR

03 | Subtypes and 04 | Strengths and

Characteristics Weaknesses
Mixed Methods Research Design is a procedure
for collecting, analyzing, and mixing both
in a study for purposes of understanding a
research problem.
― Creswell, 2012
What are the points to consider when
conducting the MMR?
● The Mixed Methods research design is considered as an advanced
method; procedures tend to be time-consuming and requires extensive
data collection and analysis.
● Mixed Methods consists of merging, integrating, or linking of qualitative
and quantitative data to provide a more meaningful discussion of result.
● It is the researchers’ task to analyze and establish the connection
between these two sets of data.
When does an MMR is conducted?

● There are different reasons for using the Mixed Methods design
when conducting a research study.
1. Using MMR design allows researchers to build on the strengths of
both quantitative and qualitative data.
2. It may be conducted when one type of research is not enough to
address the problem or answer the question.
3. Mixed Methods research may be conducted if a researcher wants to
provide an alternative perspective of the study.
Characteristics of

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What are the charateristics of MMR?
• Integration of qualitative and quantitative data
• Multiple phases or stages
• Triangulation
• Complementary
• Pragmatism
• Reflexivity
• Holistic approach
• The complexity of data analysis
Types of Mixed Methods
Research Design
● Four basic design of M.M.R.
1. The Convergent Parallel Design
2. The Explanatory Sequential Design
3. The Exploratory Sequential Design
4. The Embedded Sequential Design
● Complex Design of M.M.R Types of Mixed
1. The Transformative Design Methods
2. The Multiphase Design Research Design
Four Basic Design of MMR
1. Convergent Parallel Design

● The purpose of convergent of parallel mixed methods design is to

simultaneously collect both qualitative and quantitative data, merge data and
use the result to understand a research problem.
Four Basic Design of MMR
1. The Convergent Parallel Design
● Purpose: To validate
● Characteristics:
 Data Collection Priority (Equal)
 Sequence (Concurrently/Simultaneously)
 Use of Data (To compare Similar/Dissimilar)
Four Basic Design of MMR
1. The Convergent Parallel Design
● Key points:
 Collect and analyze two independent strands of quantitative and
qualitative data at roughly the same time/ in a single phase.
 Prioritize the methods equally.
 Keep the data analysis independent.
 Mix the results during the overall interpretation.
 Try to look for convergence, divergence, contradictions, or
relationships of two sources of data.
Four Basic Design of MMR
2. Explanatory Sequential Design

● Characterized by: An explanatory sequential mixed method design consists of

first collecting quantitative data and then collecting qualitative data to help
explain or elaborate on the quantitative results.
Four Basic Design of MMR
2. The Explanatory Sequential Design
● Purpose: To use qualitative result to assist the finding of
quantitative study.
● Characteristics:
 Data Collection Priority (Quantitative Data)
 Sequence (First Quantitative Data)
 Use of Data (To Refine, Polish, Elaborate)
Four Basic Design of MMR
2. The Explanatory Sequential Design

● Key points:
 Typically, it is a two-phase design.
 Collect quantitative and qualitative data at different time.
 Qualitative study depends on quantitative results.
 Usually quantitative data collection is the priority.
Four Basic Design of MMR
3. Exploratory Sequential Design
Characterized by: An exploratory sequential mixed method design involves the
procedure of first gathering qualitative data to explore a phenomenon and then
collecting quantitative data to explain relationships found in the qualitative data.
Four Basic Design of MMR
3. The Exploratory Sequential Design

● Purpose: To explore a phenomenon. This strategy may also be

useful when developing and testing a new instrument.
● Characteristics:
 Data Collection Priority (Qualitative Data)
 Sequence (First Qualitative Data)
 Use of Data (To Refine, Polish, Elaborate)
Four Basic Design of MMR
3. The Exploratory Sequential Design

Key Points:
 Typically it is a two-phase design.
 Collect quantitative and qualitative data at different times.
 Qualitative results can help and inform the second quantitative
Four Basic Design of MMR
4. Embedded Sequential Design

The embedded design is to collect quantitative and qualitative data

simultaneously or sequentially but to have one form of data play a
supportive role to the other form of data.
Four Basic Design of MMR
4. Embedded Sequential Design

● Characteristics:
 Data Collection Priority (Often Quantitative/ Often Qualitative)
 Sequence (Sequentially/ Simultaneously)
 Use of Data (To Provide additional source or argument)
Four Basic Design of MMR
4. Embedded Sequential Design
Key Points:
 A quantitative or qualitative data collection is within a
quantitative or qualitative procedure.
 A single data set is not enough.
 Two types of data answer different research questions.
 the collection and analysis of the second data set may occur
before, during, and/or after the first data collection.
Complex Design of MMR
1. Transformative Design

a mixed methods design that is use one of the four designs but
to encase the design within a transformative framework or lens.
Complex Design of MMR
1. Transformative Design

● Purpose:
 Are used to study social change ang to foster social transformation.
 To conduct research that is change oriented and seeks to advance
social justice causes.
 Seeks to create desirable and sustainable changes in behavior and
form of individuals, systems, and organizations
Complex Design of MMR
1. Transformative Design
● Characteristics:
It is a research methodology that emphasizes creativity, collaboration,
and change.
● Key Points:
It helps to identify and address the problem that may rise during
the process of research and analysis.
Complex Design of MMR
2. Multiphase Design

is a complex design that builds on the basic convergent, explanatory,

exploratory, and embedded design which occur when researchers examine a
problem or topic through a series of phases or separate studies.
Complex Design of MMR
2. Multiphase Design
● Purpose:
 It can help in facilitating the development of conceptual understanding and
thinking skills.
● Characteristics:
 It is a combination of at least one qualitative and one quantitative research
 Massive and supremely complex process.
● Key Points:
 Builds each new study base on what was learned previously.
Strengths and
Weaknesses of MMR

1. Time-consuming
2. Complexity
2. Triangulation
3. Resource-intensive
3. Flexibility
4. The potential for bias
4. Enhance interpretation
Presentation Template: SlidesMania

Creswell, J. W., Plano Clark, V. L., Gutmann, M. L., & Hanson, W. E. (2003). Advanced mixed methods
research designs. In A. Tashakkori & C. Teddlie (Eds.), Handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral
research (pp. 209-240).

GM. (20, February 2022). Mixed Methods Design: Nature and Characteristics. YouTube. GM Lectures.

Hasan, R. A. (30, July 2016). Mixed method research [PowerPoint slides]. SlideShare.

Muhlies, A. (8, May 2018). Mixed methods [PowerPoint slides]. SlideShare.

Terrell, S. (2011). Mixed-methods research methodologies. The Qualitative Report, 17(1), 254-280. Retrieved
Baniel, Edem
Basbas, Christine
Bauntong, Norhainie
Roman, Rhizza
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