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INSTRUCTOR: Lou Villalba, B.S., M.A., COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Management
M.A.T., OCT, M.D.L., PhD, EdD, Doc
LOCAL: 604- 440 1644
COACHING HOURS: Monday 11:30-AM TO 1:30 PM, WEDNESDAY 1:30 PM TO 3:30 PM,
THURSDAY 10:00 TO 11:00 AM

Capilano University acknowledges with respect the Lil’wat, Musqueam, Squamish, Sechelt, and Tsleil-
Waututh people on whose territories our campuses are located.


Three hours of class time in person, plus an additional hour delivered through online or other
activities for a 15-week semester, which includes two weeks for final exams.

Students study current management practices. This is a foundational course that prepares students
for more in-depth study of topics such as human resource management, managing change,
performance management and corporate social responsibility in 3rd and 4th year courses. Students
also develop and practice effective public speaking and business presentation skills. The course
instructors use the study of contemporary business issues to reinforce course concepts
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On successful completion of this course, students will be able to do the following:
1. Recognize their own level of oral and non-verbal communication skills and identify the
communication strengths and weaknesses in others.
2. Describe current managerial roles and functions within the Canadian business environment
using library resources.
3. Write and deliver a persuasive, organized, well-supported work-related speech using audio
visual aids.
4. Recognize and define decision-making and business planning models for business issues
discussed in class.
5. Give examples of diversity and ethics issues that occur when doing business
6. Work collaboratively within a group of peers to complete assignment tasks, hold successful
meetings and practice teamwork skills

Text is available free online:

Fundamentals of Business Canadian Edition

 This course will be in-person and meets twice a week for 1.5 hours.
 Regular coaching hours are scheduled in office and some online
appointments will be available.
 I will usually respond to emails within 24 hours, except on weekends.
 In order to maintain my own work/life balance, I will not usually respond
to emails or other inquiries after 5pm on weekdays and I will normally be
unavailable on weekends.

 You should have regular access to a laptop or PC (or a smartphone at the
very least) and a reliable internet connection in order to complete the
course. Access to a printer is not necessary, but is useful if you want to
use print versions of course materials.
 You will need speakers/headphones and a microphone to participate in
group meetings; a webcam is useful, but not required. Most smartphones
meet these basic requirements.
 There will be days when we will use laptops in class to do class-work
 You should be comfortable working online in eLearn and MS Teams. You
should also be comfortable using a word processor such as MS Word
 (Office 365). You will be required to submit some assignments in .doc or
.pdf format.

The Capilano University Security Safe App may also be useful to you if you are attending campus:
download the CapU Mobile Safety App
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Week 1
Jan 4th First Class  Introduction
Week 2 Jan 9th Chapter 1/2  Ch. 2: Foundations of Business
Chapter 3  Ch. 3: Economics and Business
Week 3 Jan 16th Chapter 4  Ch. 4: Ethics and Social Responsibility
Chapter 4  Ch. 4: Ethics and Social Responsibility

Week 4 Jan 23rd Chapter 5  Ch. 5: Business in a Global Environment

Chapter 5  Ch. 5: Business in a Global Environment
Week 5 Jan 30th Chapter 6  Ch. 6: Forms of Business Ownership
Chapter 7  Ch. 7: Entrepreneurship: Starting a Business
Week 6 Feb 6th No Class  Thanksgiving (University Closed)
 Presentation Workshop
Week 7 Feb 13th  Mid-Term (Chapter 2,3,4,5, 6,7)
Chapter 8  Ch. 8: Management and Leadership
Week 8 Feb 20th Chapter 8  Family Day, Reading Week

Week 9 Feb 27th Presentations  Individual Presentations

Presentations  Individual Presentations
Week 10 March 6th Chapter 1  Team Assignment (Required Class)
 Ch. 1: Teamwork in Business
 Library Workshop
Week 11 March Chapter 9  Ch. 9: Structuring Organizations
Chapter 11  Ch. 11: Motivating Employees
Week 12 March Chapter 12  Ch. 12: Managing Human Resources
Chapter 13  Ch.13 Union Management Issues
Week 13 March Presentations  Team Presentation
Presentations  Team Presentation
Week April 3rd  Catch -up day

Week April 10th  April 7th—April 10th-- Easter---

15  April 11th--- Review

Final April 13th  The University will set the date and time for the Final
Exam —21— exam. There is no rescheduling you have to be available
Week final during these dates
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Note: Grading rubrics will be available for all assignments

Business Presentation: A 5-minute individual business presentation. This will include different
components: An outline, presentation micro credential, practice session, the presentation (made by
video and face-to-face if time allows). The annotated bibliography assignment is also part of this
business presentations, as it develops research skills and supports the team assignment too.

Team Assignment: A research paper and presentation to be completed in a team. This assignment
will have some individual and some group activities. Some of the Team Assignment will be done in
class as well. There are three to four important elements to this piece and all of them are marked
separately within the 20%

Midterm Exam: Includes material from lectures, course material, and chapters covered up to the

Final Exam: A comprehensive exam Includes material from lectures, and all course material.

Readiness Assessment: Various assignments will be done throughout the term in class. You have to
attend class to receive these grades.


Assessment % of
Mid-term 20%

Final Exam (Comprehensive) 25%

Business Presentation 25%

Team Assignment 20%

Readiness Assessment 10%

Total 100%

A+ = 90 - 100% B+ = 77 - 79% C+ = 67 - 69% D = 50 - 59%
A = 85 - 89% B = 73 - 76% C = 63 - 66% F = 0 - 49%
A- = 80 - 84% B- = 70 - 72% C- = 60 - 62%

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Grades of Incomplete “I” are assigned only in exceptional circumstances when a student requests
extra time to complete their coursework. Such agreements are made only at the request of the
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student, who is responsible to determine from the instructor the outstanding requirements of the

Assignments are due on the due date listed on Elearn. Late assignments are not accepted unless you
have discussed with instructor before the assignment is due. If you anticipate handing in an
assignment late, please consult with your instructor beforehand.

Make-up exams, quizzes and/or tests are given at the discretion of the instructor. They are generally
given only in medical emergencies or severe personal crises. Some missed labs or other activities may
not be able to be accommodated. Please consult with your instructor. For further information, refer
the “Examination and Pivotal Presentation Exemption Policy

Regular attendance and punctuality are both essential and expected. If you miss a class please
catch up with the material on Elearn. It is the student responsibility to mark attendance every
day. Your instructor can fix any issues with the attendance programming during class. DO NOT
ASK to fix attendance issues after class is finished.

Students are expected to proofread all written work for any grammatical, spelling and stylistic errors.
Marks will be deducted for incorrect grammar and spelling in written assignments.

Please be sure to check your official Capilano University email regularly as all official
communication will be sent via this email address only. Additionally, you should be logging
on to eLearn 3 to 4 times per week to class updates.

In this course you will be treated with respect. I welcome individuals of all ages, backgrounds, beliefs,
ethnicities, genders, gender identities, gender expressions, national origins, religious affiliations,
sexual orientations, ability – and other visible and nonvisible differences. All members of this course
are expected to contribute to a respectful, welcoming and inclusive environment for learning.


Capilano University has policies on Academic Appeals (including appeal of final grade), Student
Conduct, Academic Integrity, Academic Probation and other educational issues. These and other
policies are available on the University website.

Any instance of academic dishonesty or breach of the standards of academic integrity is serious and
students will be held accountable for their actions, whether acting alone or in a group. See policy and
procedures S2017-05 Academic Integrity for more information:
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Violations of academic integrity, including dishonesty in assignments, examinations, or other

academic performances, are prohibited and will be handled in accordance with the Student Academic
Integrity Procedures.

Academic dishonesty is any act that breaches one or more of the principles of academic integrity.
Acts of academic dishonesty may include but are not limited to the following types:

Cheating: Using or providing unauthorized aids, assistance or materials while preparing or

completing assessments, or when completing practical work (in clinical, practicum, or lab
settings), including but not limited to the following:
 Copying or attempting to copy the work of another during an assessment;
 Communicating work to another student during an examination;
 Using unauthorized aids, notes, or electronic devices or means during an examination;
 Unauthorized possession of an assessment or answer key; and/or,
 Submitting of a substantially similar assessment by two or more students, except in the
case where such submission is specifically authorized by the instructor.

Fraud: Creation or use of falsified documents.

Misuse or misrepresentation of sources: Presenting source material in such a way as to

distort its original purpose or implication(s); misattributing words, ideas, etc. to someone
other than the original source; misrepresenting or manipulating research findings or data;
and/or suppressing aspects of findings or data in order to present conclusions in a light other
than the research, taken as a whole, would support.

Plagiarism: Presenting or submitting, as one’s own work, the research, words, ideas, artistic
imagery, arguments, calculations, illustrations, or diagrams of another person or persons
without explicit or accurate citation or credit.

Self-Plagiarism: Submitting one’s own work for credit in more than one course without the
permission of the instructors, or re-submitting work, in whole or in part, for which credit has
already been granted without permission of the instructors.

Prohibited Conduct: The following are examples of other conduct specifically prohibited:
 Taking unauthorized possession of the work of another student (for example, intercepting
and removing such work from a photocopier or printer, or collecting the graded work of
another student from a stack of papers);
 Falsifying one’s own and/or other students’ attendance in a course;
 Impersonating or allowing the impersonation of an individual;
 Modifying a graded assessment then submitting it for re-grading; or,
 Assisting or attempting to assist another person to commit any breach of academic

Sexual Violence and Misconduct

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All Members of the University Community have the right to work, teach and study in an environment
that is free from all forms of sexual violence and misconduct. Policy B401 defines sexual assault as
follows: Sexual assault is any form of sexual contact that occurs without ongoing and freely given
consent, including the threat of sexual contact without consent. Sexual assault can be committed by a
stranger, someone known to the survivor or an intimate partner.

Safety and security at the University are a priority and any form of sexual violence and misconduct
will not be tolerated or condoned. The University expects all Students and Members of the University
Community to abide by all laws and University policies, including B.401 Sexual Violence and
Misconduct Policy and B.401.1 Sexual Violence and Misconduct Procedure (found on Policy page

Emergencies: Students are expected to familiarise themselves with the emergency policies where
appropriate and the emergency procedures posted on the wall of the classroom.

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