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DATE 11th February ,1968.

Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical
Physics Silver Street, Cambridge, England

Dear Charlie , ADRESS


I am intending to apply for one of several posts which have been advertised at
Hoyle’s Institute of Theoretical Astronomy. I would be very grateful if you
would agree to my quoting you as referee. If, however, this is incovenient, would
you possibly let me know fairly son as the applications have to be in by 6th

I thik I have a new theorem which says in effect that there is a singularity if one
has strong causality, some matter every-where and either a closed trapped

surfgace or a compact spacelike hypersurface, This is rather similar to Penrose’s
original theorem but without the assumption of a Cauchy Surface.

Robert is crawling now, he majes straight for the sideboard and starts taking out
the china. The only way we can kee him in ne place is to suspend him in his
bouncer. This is a parachute harness hung on a rubber band from celing. His feet
touch the floor and he will bounce up and down for about half an hour after
which he gets rather bored and has to be diverted in other wats. I do not have any
equations for time travel. If I had, I would win the National Lottery every week.

I hope that you are all keeping well. Give my regards to Susanne.

S W Hawking

16th Febraury, 1968


Class 3C

S W Hawing.
Thank you for your recent letter.

You did not know me, but I wanted to know you, you were a great inspiration to
follow the path of science, wherever you are in the wide universe, I will always
remember your teachings.
Can you hear me? It has been a glorious time to be alive doing research in
theoretical physics. Our image of the universe has changed a lot in the past 50
years and I am happy that I made a small contribution. The fact that we humans,
who are simply sets of fundamental particles of nature, have come so close to
understanding the laws that govern our universe is a great achievement. I want
to share my excitement and enthusiasm about this search. Remember to look up
at the stars and not at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and ask
yourself about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And no matter how
difficult life seems, there is always something you can do and succeed at. The
only thing that matters is that you don't give up. Thanks for listening.

Charlie Davis.

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