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Author: Title:

It doesn’t say

Create Your Dream Office Space at

Home on Any Budget

magazine: Student:

Home business Abel Ramos

Group & hour : date:

English I, 8:00am 01/30/22

Summary (min. of 100 words)

Setting up a home office for the first time is a process that can seem
overwhelming, especially if you don’t have much money to spend on the
project. Fortunately, there are several ways to set up a comfortable,
productive office space, no matter what your bank account looks like.
Focusing on the basics like a good desk, a quality office chair, adequate
lighting, and pleasing decor is key. Here are some of the top tips you can
use to create your dream home office on just about any budget.

Personal opinión of article (liked it or not & why):

I like this article because everyone needs a workoffice in their house,so this
article help you to have a very comfortable area.


Create Your Dream Office Space at Home on Any Budget

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