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OGL 482 Pro-Seminar II

Unit 3 Assignment:
Networking Plan Template
Section 1: The Career Decision Matrix
As you move through the data-gathering phase and begin to generate options for potential jobs
and potential employers, this is when you can build and use a Career Decision Matrix. Following
the information from Harrington & Hall text, Career Management & Worklife Integration,
Chapter 4, pages 92-94, you will research, gather, and analyze information from your self-
assessments (i.e. the Kuder assessments in Unit 1, in particular), thematic analysis (themes),
career resources and more to create your Career Decision Matrix.

Career options are broader than jobs. They are paths you can take to get to where you want to be.
Here is a resource that can assist you in determing:

Answer the following:

1) As you have gathered your data take the time to share and fully describe your top
four (4) possible career options. You want to be specific, as this creates a more
meaningful matrix. Describe each career with as much detail as possible. Consider
the following to be used in your 2-3 paragraph response per career option: career
field / organization / job-related responsibilities / opportunities for advancement /
future outlook of the career field. These responses need to demonstrate that you
have gathered your research and analyzed it, so there should be citations referencing
where you got your information, using APA standards. Remember to include why you
are choosing each career option.

a. The first career option is becoming a General Manager of Life Time Inc. This
would require general management and organizational leadership capabilities.
Life Time is a for profit business. Responsibilities would include leading a team
for the clubs overall direction, coordination, operation, and success. “[The
General Manager] will ensure the club meets or exceeds financial goals while
providing remarkable leadership in areas of customer service, team member
relations, sales, in-center business performance, and member participation”
(Akradi, 2023, para. 2). This position would require business and organizational
management of the location and team by coaching, casting, and communication.
Potential advancements to a regional or corporate position. This position provides
stability and positive outlook for future positions within and outside of the

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organization. I would be comfortable stepping into this position as I have been
trained and prepared to take the steps into this position for a year.

b. The second career option is becoming a teacher in primary or secondary

education. The organization varies per school district and impacts what type of
organization I would work in. Job responsibilities include developing and
teaching lesson plans in core subjects such as English, math, science, and/ or
social sciences that adhere to teaching standards to prepare students for future
educational goals. Teachers proceed to grade assignments with notations for
improvements, create personalized development plans, maintain a positive
classroom environment, and communicate with guardians of students as needed
(Indeed Editorial Team, 2023, para. 4). The range in ages between primary and
secondary schooling can cause a discrepancy in required skills. Opportunities for
advancement would remove the teacher out of the classroom and into
administration. There is a growing need for teachers within the U.S. with
opportunities for improved working conditions such as work-life balance.
Teaching is a career that would align with my Kuder Skills Confidence
Assessment because it includes community services and childhood development.

c. The third career option is becoming a critical care nurse. This occupation would
be in the medical field and can include work in the for-profit and non-profit
organizations. According to Everynurse, “critical care nurses (CCNs) provide
direct, hands-on care for critically ill or injured patients in pre-and postoperative
medical settings. They are tasked with assessing the risks and benefits of
proposed medical interventions, rendering life-saving treatment in emergency
situations, and nursing patients back to health” (Everynurse, 2023, para. 2).
Opportunities for advancement would require additional masters or doctorate
programs to become a Certified Nurse Anesthetist or a doctor. Another
advancement would be hospital administration. Future outlooks for this career
include stability and opportunity for movement around the U.S. Nursing aligns
with my Kuder career Interest Assessment and would provide security, a sense of
service, and stability. Security, service, and stability aligns with my Career
Anchors Assessment.

d. The fourth and final career option is working in the counseling and mental health
services sector as a clinical psychologist or social worker. This occupation would
be in the medical field and can include working for a private, government, or
public organization. A career in this field may require additional education but
would fulfil my top result in my Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment, Career
Interests Assessment, and Career Anchors Assessment. Position responsibilities
involve client assessment, treatment planning, and communication with patients,
Last Update: May 2021
families, and other health providers. Opportunities for advancement would
involve years in practice and additional education then opening an individual or
group practice (Ngo, 2023). This career has an 8%-22% growth rate over the next
five years (Ngo, 2023, para. 6).

Now that you have determined these four options, take a step back and share a fifth
UNTHINKABLE (UT) career option, that you would never do, but are trained for
by what you have learned by earning your degree. Think about skills you have
acquired while earning your degree, which would be transferable to something
completely different.

e. A career that is unthinkable to me is becoming a project manager. Through my

Organizational Leadership degree, I have been able to create detailed project
plans and understand some of the intricacies of project management. The
transferable skills are organization, communication, leadership, and time
management (Joubert, 2019, para. 4-21). I would not be interested in this career
because larger projects overwhelm me and in response, I freeze under the pressure
to start.

2) Using the information you have gathered and shared above it is time to fill in your
Career Decision Matrix. You can find an example in Table 4.2 on page 93 of our
text. When you complete the matrix below, be sure to remove any unnecessary

a. Down the left hand side of the matrix, you will list your ten (10) life themes
from your thematic analysis. You can also add more that were not part of your
presentation as Theme 11 and so on.

b. Across the top of the page, you will list the five (5) career options you are

c. Next, fill in each cell with a high (h), medium (m), or low indication of the
match between that theme and the alternative under consideration.

d. Calculate your Career to Theme Consistency Points (CTCP) aka Summary, by

assigning high = 5, medium = 3, and low = 1, and then adding them up to
determine the ranking of your career choices to your themes. Not all themes
can have high designation (if everything is important, nothing is important).
The goal is to identify how your career options align with your life themes, so
you have better information to determine which aspects are most important
to you in your next career step.

General Teacher Critical Counseling Project

Manager Care Managemen

Last Update: May 2021
Nurse t

Family Focus Medium Medium Medium High Low

Professional High Medium Medium Medium High


Communicatio High High High High High


Professional High High High High High


Work- Life Medium Medium High Medium Medium


Relationship High High Medium High Medium


Job Security Medium Medium High High Medium

Financial Medium Low High Low Medium


Organizational High High Medium Medium Medium


Service/ Giving Medium High High High Low

back to the

CTCP High Medium High High Low


3) Now that you have determined these career options in relation to your life themes:
a. Reflect to what extent your Career Decision Matrix development process has
helped your career development decisions.

The Career Decision Matrix development process has helped my career development
decisions because the matrix shows my two careers in some sector of the medical or
service career path as high. This changes my ideas behind future educational paths I
will take and potential life goals. The management career is also listed as high which
aligns with my current career path and would qualify as the path of least resistance.

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Throughout my life, I pictured myself in education but many of the requirements of
the career no longer align as closely with my life themes as other careers do.

b. Share which career option(s) you feel would be worth researching more and
pursuing as you begin to think about your networking plan.

I would be interested in researching nursing and counseling in more depth and begin
pursuing a networking plan as these career paths would drastically challenge my
current connections and educational path. I would also be interested in showing my
career path and current networks for work in General Management as this aligns with
my Organizational Leadership degree.

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Section 2: Networking Plan
Now that you have completed your Career Decision Matrix we now need to move forward and
develop a networking plan that you can use to help you reach your career goals. Review
Harrington & Hall text, Career Management & Worklife Integration, Chapter 4, pages 77-83.
Developing and managing your network of people who can help you is an important ongoing
process whether or not you are currently happy in your career.

The purpose of this activity is to:

• Help you assess and enhance (extend or strengthen) your developmental network relative
to major challenges you will face in the next 1-3 years
• Help you develop a networking strategy that will work for you
• Help you develop a specific plan to pursue over the next 6 months to 1 year
• Create an accountability mechanism

Research on leadership development has demonstrated that people benefit from a variety of
developmental relationships, including short-term and long-term alliances with bosses, peers,
senior executives, coaches, subordinates, and family members, the more diversity and depth
there is in your developmental network, the better. Depending on our dominant learning tactics,
we are more or less likely to pay attention to the quality of our developmental network.
This assignment was adapted by Professor Kathy E. Kram from a worksheet developed by
Professor Deborah Kolb, Simmons Graduate School of Management. Adapted by permission.

Answer the following:

1) As you think about the major changes that are likely to take place at your place of
work in the next few years, what major challenges and opportunities do you foresee
that you will need to deal with in the next 1-3 years?

Describe and explain why these are your top three (3) of Challenges here:
a. Moving to new location within the U.S.: within the next 1-3 years I want to/ may
need to move out of the Chicagoland area which can cause challenges in my
education and access to my network. The move may also place me further away
from my current organization forcing a change in occupation.
b. Current network has dwindled due to positional changes and organizational
restructuring. Positions in higher levels of leadership are more difficult to obtain
due to previous systems changing or becoming unclear. Many former individuals
of influence to my career have left the company. If moving into the medical field,
would have to build a new professional network.
c. Financial stability within an organization that does not give consistent incentive
pay opportunities or merit increases that align with market rate changes provides
additional challenges for personal themes. This creates a mistrust in
organizational commitment and identity. Unclear job responsibilities on a
quarterly basis due to redirection from publicly owned companies.

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Describe and explain why these are your top three (3) of Opportunities here:
d. New locations grand opening in new markets create additional job opportunities.
The new markets also set a new precedence for organizational culture where a
General Manager has the control to develop the club culture. New markets also
open opportunities for professional achievement
e. Business opportunities for team growth and development fulfills professional
achievement and development goals continually. With relationship building, I can
feel a sense of purpose when influencing team members to become the best
versions of themselves. Both the business and medical field includes positions
with continuous development, achievement, and relationship building.
f. Pursuing a career in the medical field would require additional education but
would fulfil life-long goals in helping others and giving back to the community
while using my education background.

2) Given these challenges and opportunities, what type of help are you most likely to
need? Check one and explain why.
a. Help in getting the job done ______
b. Help in advancing my career ______
c. Emotional support ______
d. All of the above __X____

I would need help in all of the above because I am always unsure of myself when making
large life-changes. The emotional support will provide me a secure base to extend myself in
the ways of advancing my career and getting the job done. I will need assistance in
advancing my career because I need to build a stronger network and advice from those who
came before me. Assistance in getting the job done is always needed in any major
advancement from organizational leadership to navigating new directions to explore.

3) If your major challenge or opportunity is related to your work, how well positioned
are you to get information, advice, and resources about new opportunities and
possibilities? Check one and explain who can help you and why.
Very Well ___X___ Okay ______ Need to Expand My Network ______

In my current position both personally and professionally I have networks to assist with
my continued career growth or change in my career to nursing or counseling. In my current

Last Update: May 2021
position, I have assistance from John on the corporate level to place me in the correct
position or provide me additional resources to develop my leadership practices. My interest
in the medical field can be assisted through my partners family and members from work who
have navigated the medical field effectively.

4) If your major challenge or opportunity means making a move into a leadership

position, do you have relationships with people who can give you advice and
effectively advocate or champion you for important assignments or other
developmental activities? Check one and explain who can help you and why.
Yes ___X___ No ______

My current General Manager has helped developed me over my career and will continue
to assist me on the business and personal side. She has continually challenged my beliefs,
perspectives, and understandings to push me towards my true goals and desires. She also has
a vast networks through her own 20 years at the company of both business and medical
professionals she could connect me with.

5) If your challenge or opportunity means that you will need emotional support, to
what extent do you have people who can give you support? Check one and explain
who can help you and why.

a. I have a strong support network to help me. __X___

b. I don’t have people to help me through changes I will have to make. ____

My current emotional support network includes my family, close friends, and my partner.
These people have continually helped keep me grounded through my current educational and
professional track. I know I can depend on them for support as long as I maintain
communication for what my own needs are.

6) If your challenge or opportunity means that you will need help getting the job done,
advancing your career, or getting emotional support, do you have people in your
network who can fulfill these functions? Check one and explain who can help you
and why.
Yes ___X___ No _____

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Getting the job done is still unclear and therefore do not have a specific plan on who can
help me. I will have support by family, friends, professional relationship networkss, and my
partner but giving specific jobs to each individual will need additional research and
commitment to what my career goal ultimately is.

7) What is your approach to building relationships? How are you at initiating

relationships? In what settings are you most comfortable meeting people?

a. Joint or shared work, projects, and committees __X____

b. One-on-one appointments, with specific agendas ______
c. Informal “no agenda” social settings ______
d. Going for coffee, lunch, or drinks ______
e. Leisure activities such as golf, tennis, or theater ______
f. Other ______

I enjoy working with people on projects or teams to understand their work ethic and
personality. Working on shared work, projects or committees require a long term and
manageable relationship where there will be different perspectives or opinions that requires
that communication be utilized. I believe that people who work similarly to one another
generally work better together because the relationship forms a sense of trust unless the
project fails due to miscommunication or faults within the relationship.

8) What is your preferred style?

a. Occasional phone calls or e-mails just to ask “how are you?” ______
b. Phone calls, e-mails, or visits with specific requests or questions ___X___
c. Holiday cards and letters ______
d. Dropping in or calling when you’re in the neighborhood ______
e. Arranging in advance to get together at professional meetings ______
f. Relying on the chance that your paths will cross ______
g. Inviting people to join you for lunch, coffee, golf, and so on ______
h. Contacting people when you find some information, an article, or an opportunity that
might interest them ______
i. Other ______

I prefer communication with purpose and basis. Occasional phone calls, dropping in, or
relying on chance catch me off guard and are to unofficial unless it is a family member. I believe

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that almost all communication should have a clear set of guidelines and understandings to
maintain productivity.

9) Now turn your attention to the “Action Planning” part of the exercise (top of page 82).
Respond to the following questions:

a. What are your goals in developing a professional network? Be specific.

My goals in developing a professional network is to have a set of contacts to answer

questions or to offer guidance.

b. How will a well-developed network of contacts help you achieve your career goals?

A well-developed network of contacts will help me achieve my career goals because the
network will maintain my interest and commitment to my career and provide support and
information needed for change.

c. What are some of the characteristics of the people you are looking to include in your

Some of the characteristics of the people I’m looking to include in my network are some
like-minded individuals in the sense of drive and commitment, investment towards
common goals, and interest in professional development for themselves and others.

d. Where might you come in contact with these people? How will you grow your network /
initiate contact with new potential networking contacts?

I believe I will grow my network both virtually and through meeting people at my current
work. I will reach out to external contacts through LinkedIn based on backgrounds and join
groups with meetings or gatherings to attend to meet necessary contacts.

e. Who in your network are you looking to enhance your relationship with? How will you go
about enhancing these relationships?

I have a few casual connections through my current work that I will extend conversations

f. How can you leverage your existing network? Might some of your existing networking
contacts know others who you should be in contact with?

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My existing network is full of people in the business and medical field so investing time
into having quality conversations to extend my network and develop a stronger base of my
current network will assist with leverage towards my future career.

Last Update: May 2021
Section 3: SMART Career and Networkings
Using a SMART goals-based approach, as well as project planning and management skill best
practices, create a detailed project plan for at least two specific goals. At least one must be
related to your Career Plan, and the other related to your Networking Plan. Both of these goals
need to be things that you are passionate about accomplishing.
Your selected goals and SMART plan (see SMART goal information provided in the Unit)
should be structured based on a one to two-year timeline. It should include specific milestones,
action items, sub-tasks as well as task-related interdependencies as applicable. With respect to
each goal, critically think about what specifically are the things you will do in the next one to
two years to achieve these goals.

Develop a clear and detailed SMART plan, with facilitating goals and steps/actions required
to accomplish your selected goals. It should be evident, by looking at the format and structure
of your plan, that you have developed some significant skills respect to project management.
Include Gantt charts or other visual project representations as you see fit, and be sure to address
your approach to tracking/measuring your progress.

1) What is your Career Goal?

My goal is to have a financially stable career in general management or nursing in a state

outside of the Chicagoland area in the next 1-3 years. The career will have appropriate
developmental tracks or continuous education options to provide personalized growth
every 2-5 years.

a. Measurable

i. This goal will be measurable by connections made and deadlines for

applications for school or positions become available to apply for.

b. Attainable

i. This goal is attainable because each career option is within my scope of

interest, experience, and fulfils my own life plan. Continued formal
education is attainable through in person or online settings.

c. Relevant

i. The career goals I have set are relevant to me because they hold my true
interests and values. I will be motivated throughout my time in completing
this goal because of measurable achievements and impactful interactions
along the way. For almost half my life, I have done things with the
purpose to only survive or to support others I care about. I believe these
goals will allow me to express my own interests and abilities.

d. Time-Based (provide the timeframe in which you’ll complete this goal)

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i. I will complete this goal over the next five years largely due to schooling,
admissions, and acceptance time. The longevity of this goal is partially
dependent on a move to a different state along with transferring of schools
after my current Bachelor’s degree.

Gantt Chart
Medical Field 30 days 1 year 2 years 4 years 5 years

Research  X  X      
Connections    X  X X  X
   X X  X   
Networking to Find
     X  X  
Position with
Development          X

Gantt Chart
Management 30 days 6 months 1 year 3 years 5 years
Research and
Development  X  X      
Certification (GM)  X  X      
Meetings and
Applications    X  X  X  
Moving to New
Market      X  X  
Position with Clear
Goals      X  X  X

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2) What is your Networking Goal

My networking goal is to have ten connections through schooling and professional

perspectives. This can be measurable through the amount of letters for recommendation I
will feel comfortable asking for. (Insert your Networking Goal above and provide short
answers below describing your goal in terms of the SMART model. Finally, provide a
Gantt chart using the tools provided).

a. Specific:10 networking connections through schooling and professional


b. Measurable: Ability to produce 3-5 letters of recommendation towards new major

or position.

c. Achievable: Developing 10 separate professional relationships and maintain them

is achievable as I have done so in the past.

d. Relevant: Professional connections open additional job and education

opportunities for prolonged success.

e. Timely: The time table focuses heavily over the next year then jumps to a five
year mark. This is because of applications, research, and initial letters of
recommendation needing to be completed or submitted. At the five year mark, I
would be reentering the workforce or looking for a new opportunity to expand my

Networking Goal 30 days 3 months 6 months 1 year 5 years

Research and
Finding the correct
contacts  X X       
Join networks on
Linked In specific
to interests  X X  X  X   
Connect with
people already in
my life that have
further insights    X  X  X  
Ask for letters of
recommendation        X  X

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through life and
school experiences      X  X  X

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Counseling and mental health services pathway. Minnesota State. (2023). Retrieved April 17,
2023, from

Indeed . (2023, March 30). What does a secondary teacher do? (with salary details). What Does
a Secondary Teacher Do? (With Salary Details). From

Joubert, S. (2021, April 27). 7 Essential Project Management skills. Northeastern University
Graduate Programs. From

Ngo, C. (2023, April 13). Counseling careers: Bestcolleges. From

Staff, E. N. (2023, February 20). Critical care nurse: Salary & career profile.

Last Update: May 2021

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