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Personal Information

Name: What’s your name? (Care este numele tau?)

My name’s Rob Wilson. (Numele meu este R.W.)
I’m Rob Wilson (Eu sunt R.W).
Other questions (Alte intrebari):
What’s your surname? (Care este numele tau de familie?)
My surname is Wilson
What’s your first name? (Care este prenumele tau?)
My first name is Rob.
In limba engleza folosim de obicei fomele scurte:
What’s = What is; name’s = name is; I’m = I am

Country: Where are you from? (De unde esti?)

I’m from England. (Eu sunt din Anglia)

Age: How old are you?

I’m 30 (thirty) years old.
I’m 25 (twenty-five).

Occupation: What’s your job (occupation)?

I’m a doctor
a nurse = asistent/-a medical/-a
a pharmacist = farmacist; a pharmacy assistant = asistent de farmacie;
a laboratory assistant; a radiology assistant
a G.P. (general practitioner) = medic generalist / medic de familie
a physiotherapist / a physical therapist = fizioterapeut
a physician = medic specialist
a psychologist = psiholog; a psychiatrist = psihiatru
a cardiologist = cardiolog; a radiologist = medic radiolog; a neurologist =
neurology; an ophthalmologist = oftalmolog; a gynecologist; a pediatrician; etc

Address: What’s your address?

My address is 42, Hill St. (Street), London
Phone number: What’s your phone number?
My phone number is 020 8863 5777
Citim fiecare cifra in parte. Daca avem o cifra dubla sau tripla, mentionam asta (88 = double
eight; 777 = triple seven). Cifra zero in interiorul numarului se citeste precum litera o din

Status: Are you married?

Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Cum prezentam o alta persoana:
A: Richard, this is Maria. She’s from Spain.
This is Ali. He’s from Egypt.
B: Pleased to meet you, Ali / Maria
Hello and Goodbye
Hello. A telephone conversation
A. Hello, Jane. This is Tom. How are you?
B. I'm fine, thank you. And you?
A. I’m O.K., thanks

A. Goodbye, Paula. Have a nice day.
B. Thanks, John. See you tomorrow!
Cand doriti sa atrageti atentia cuiva:
Excuse me, could I / you …….
Sorry, could I / you …

Asking Someone to Repeat

Cand nu auziti bine ce se spune:
Sorry, could / can you repeat that, please?
Cand rugati pe cineva sa spuna pe litere un cuvant:
Can you spell it, please?

Verbul To Be (a fi)
Long form Short form (forma
I am = Eu sunt I’m
You are = Tu You’re
He is = El este He’s; She’s; It’s
She is = Ea este
It is = El/Ea
We are = Noi We’re
You are = Voi You’re
They are = Ei They’re

Sentences (Propozitii)

Sg Pl.

I’m a strong pharmacist = eu sunt un farmacist We are strong pharmacists = noi

puternic suntem farmacisti puternici
You’re a good nurse = tu esti o asistenta buna You are good nurses
He’s a tall radiologist = el este un radiolog inalt They are tall radiologists
She’s a beautiful girl = ea este o fata frumoasa They are beautiful girls
It’s a hot day = este o zi foarte calda They are hot days

Adjectivul (strong, good, tall...) sta intotdeauna inaintea substantivului si nu-si schimba niciodata
forma. (Spre exemplu, „strong” poate insemna puternic, puternica, puternici, puternice).

La singular trebuie sa folosim articolul nehotarat „a” (=un, o)


Long form Short form

I am not = eu nu sunt I’m not
You are not You aren’t
He is not; She is not; It is He isn’t; she isn’t; It isn’t

We are not We aren’t

You are not You aren’t
They are not They aren’t


I’m not a strong pharmacist = eu nu sunt un farmacist We aren’t strong pharmacists = noi nu
puternic suntem farmacisti puternici
You aren’t a good nurse = tu nu esti o asistenta buna You aren’t good nurses
He isn’t a tall radiologist = el nu este un radiolog inalt They aren’t tall radiologists
She isn’t a beautiful girl = ea nu este o fata frumoasa They aren’t beautiful girls
It isn’t a hot day = nu este o zi foarte calda They aren’t hot days

Interrogative (verbul „a fi” trece in fata subiectului la forma interogativa)

Am I? = sunt eu?
Are you?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?

Are we?
Are you?
Are they?


Am I a strong pharmacist? Are we strong pharmacists?

Are you a good nurse? Yes, I am / No, I’m not Are you good nurses?
Is he a tall radiologist? Yes, he is/ No, he isn’t Are they tall radiologists? Yes, they are/ No, they
Is she a beautiful girl? aren’t
Is it a hot day ?


Good (bun) ≠ bad (rau)

Tall (inalt) ≠ short (scund)

Strong (puternic) ≠ weak (slabit, fara forta)

Beautiful (frumos) ≠ ugly (urat)

Hot (fierbinte) ≠ cold (rece)

Young (tanar) ≠ old (in varsta)

Fat (gras) ≠ thin (slab)

Expensive (scump) ≠ cheap (ieftin)

Interesting (interesant) ≠ boring (plictisitor)

Easy (usor) ≠ difficult (dificil)

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