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Seed Key: Blue Rug Juniper

Meta Description: Blue Rug Juniper is robust and low lying easy to grow plant. Read this
complete guide to find expert tips and techniques to care for it.

Blue Rug Juniper: Ultimate Juniperus

Horizontalis Wiltonii Care Guide
The Blue Rug Juniper is an evergreen and low-lying shrub that grows in a range of
environmental conditions. Also known as the Juniperus Horizontalis, this plant grows easily
creating a ground cover around it with its foliage and is also known to be drought resistant. If
you are keen on growing this plant, then read this one-stop guide to understand the care
nuances, propagation techniques and solutions to tackle the most common problems you
may face while growing the plant. Our experts give you tips and tricks to grow the juniper as
well as lesser-known information to ensure you can grow it in a healthy and thriving manner
throughout the year, so read on.

What is Blue Rug Juniper

Blue Rug Juniper is a fast-growing evergreen low-lying shrub that can spread on the flat
ground creating a cover of six to twelve inches per year. Native to North America, the plant
also bears dark blue fruits. It is also commonly referred to as the Juniperus Horizontalis

Blue Rug Juniper Care

Similar to the 'blue star' juniper variant this plant too is hardy and grows well in subtropical
climatic conditions. All that it requires is moderate levels of water and fertilizers along with
well-draining soil and low to moderate temperatures. The plant is robust and manages to
thrive even if you are not able to put much time into its care which makes it a much sought-
after option for plant lovers who are beginners or who just don't have much time at hand. In
this below section, we cover each of the care aspects that will ensure the plant thrives,
blooms and sustains its evergreen foliage through the year, so wait no longer and just read

Water Requirements
One of the characteristic features of this plant is that it is moderately drought resistant and
can tolerate long spells of not watering. However, this does not mean you let it go bone dry.
The plant thrives well producing lush green foliage that spreads like a carpet on flat ground
only when the soil is kept slightly moist. It needs to be consistent in its level of water thus
maintaining a proper watering schedule with a frequency of once or twice a week and
scaling back to once in fifteen days in colder winter months.

At the same time never overwater the plant such that the soil stays soggy or the roots stay in
puddles of water for long. This is equally disastrous to the health of the plant and puts it at
the risk of developing either root or fungal diseases which may eventually kill the plant. Both
conditions of over saturation as well as undersaturation stress out the plant and can be
hazardous to its overall health.

The best way to know if your plant requires more water or not is to do a simple finger test
where you need to stick your finger into the soil by an inch and feel for moisture. Do not add
in more if the finger comes out feeling wet. Also, scale back if the environment around the
plant is humid as the plant is sensitive to extreme moisture levels.

Light Requirements
The blue rug juniper loves bright and direct sunlight to display its lush and evergreen foliage.
You will thus have to provide it with full sunlight for at least six to eight hours every day for it
to sustain its health and growth. Avoid placing it in closed or semi-closed spaces such as
patios or balconies as the shade prevents the plant from bringing out its true and vibrant
green shade. The plant requires ample sunlight and often does well on cascading slopes,
downhills or terraces.

The exposure to light needs to be direct otherwise the plant may be in a stress condition.
Low light conditions can make the leaves shed before time and the foliage look sparse. So
do not hesitate to place it under bright light giving it an environment that is closest to its
native. Moreover, the leaves and stems may end up looking weak and limp in inadequate
light and also turn brittle and dark in color.

The plant seldom does well indoors but if you still have to grow them do so under artificial
grow light so that adequate and ample light is received to sustain growth

Soil Requirements
The plant does well in a range of soil conditions and is tolerant to both sandy as well as
rocky variants. However, the most important requirement is that it should be well-draining.
The plant is sensitive to excessive moisture thus heavy soils such as loamy retain far more
moisture and is therefore not recommended. The soil needs to be slightly acidic between a
pH range of 5.0 to 8.0.

The plant is otherwise quite adaptable and with just a few basic additions any potting soil
can be made to suit the plant. Include orchid bark, wood shavings or perlite to your potting
mix to improve drainage and aeration. Additionally, include some organic compost such as
vermicomposting to increase the nutrient value. If you are growing the plant in a pot or
container, ensure it has proper drainage holes so that excess water flows freely out of the
Temperature Requirements
As the plant is subtropical it can withstand considerably low temperatures of up to -40
degrees Fahrenheit(-40 degrees Celsius). Besides the plant is hardy enough to even tolerate
temperature fluctuations, for example, any wide fluctuations that may occur between day to
night, including chilly winds, frost and snow.

On the contrary, it will seldom tolerate hot temperatures and the foliage turns limp and dries
out. The ideal temperature however is between 50 degrees Fahrenheit to 60 degrees
Fahrenheit ( 10 degrees Celsius to 15 degrees Celsius). This temperature sustains growth
and enables the production of fresh foliage.

Humidity Requirements
The plant does not require humidity around it and fares well when the air around is dry. The
only moisture that it requires is consistently moist soil. Ensure this is provided and watch the
plant grow healthily in a range of environmental conditions.

Fertilizing Requirements
The plant requires little or low levels of fertilizer use. YOu do not necessarily have to fertilize
the plant, however, a light liquid formula added twice a year could give a considerable boost
to growth. Additionally, you may also place some slow-release pellets in the soil twice a
year. This should adequately take care of its nutrition needs. Do not over-fertilize the plant
as this will lead to salt build-up at the roots.

This juniper has slow growth and as a low-lying shrub, it reaches six inches in height and
eight feet in width. Thus the foliage seldom turns unruly and wild and so you would not have
to require much pruning, as the foliage seldom grows unruly and wild.

However, pruning does help to keep the plant pest and diseases free as well as promotes
the growth of foliage. Regularly trim branches and watch out for pest, bacterial or fungal
infections. Snip away sections with a sterile garden pruner as soon as you spot any.
Remove all decayed, dead and diseased leaves to aid in better foliage growth.

Propagating this juniper is hassle-free and easy and all that you would require is basic
gardening tools such as sterile garden pruners, potting mix and a pot. The plant is a slow
grower thus, growing with seeds is not a recommended practice moreover propagation from
seeds results in a plant different from the parent as this juniper is a cultivar. The right season
to propagate the plant is in the warm months of spring and summer as the warmth of the
season will help the roots to establish themselves healthily and properly. In this below
section we discuss the complete propagation process in a step-by-step manner so that you
can achieve complete success in creating your nascent juniper plant, so read on.

Propagation Method Using Stem Cuttings

Stem cuttings obtained from a healthy mature plant from the previous fall are the perfect way
to create your plant. Here are the details on how you can go about the entire process.

1. Take a healthy stem section at the end of fall, any time between July to October.
2. Snip a section of about four inches with the help of a sharp garden pruner and
remove all needles from the bottom portion.

3. Dip the cut end into rooting hormone powder to give it an initial boost to growth.

4. Place this in a potting mix in a pot with well-draining holes. Keep the soil slightly
moist and place the pot or container in a warm spot. Ensure there are consistent and
moderate temperatures around the cut section as well.

5. As mentioned earlier, the plant is a slow grower, thus rooting of the stem section too
takes time. So have patience. It may take months for the cut section to begin to root
and several months for the first few leaves to sprout.

6. Transplant once you notice a substantial number of leaves sprouting from the stem.

You have now successfully propagated your juniper plant.

This hardy and robust plant is not devoid of problems as it can be under stress when
exposed to an inappropriate environment. However, these are just mere challenges in the
process of growing and caring for the plant and can be easily tackled with some simple and
quick-fix solutions. In this section below, we list some easy solutions that will help you
overcome the most common problems of the plant. From pests to fungal diseases to
discoloration of plant foliage you will find answers to all here, so read on.

Juniper Blight
Juniper blight is a disastrous disease of the plant foliage caused by the fungal pathogen
called Phomopsis Juniperovora. It is known to be not only a menace but hazardous to the
plant's health as it affects the new growth of all Juniper shrubs. It prevents the sprouting of
fresh leaves and young shoots and stunts the shrubs. Look out for its early symptoms of
yellow spots which over time turn reddish brown and then gray.

Once a juniper blight infects a plant the disease will rapidly spread turning the green foliage
of the plant to brown and eventually making it die. You will find them generally after late
spring when fall weather is slightly wet and cool. Tackle Juniper blight by isolating the plant
as soon as you spot the infection. Snip away all sections of the diseased foliage and destroy
and discard them far away from your garden as the infected sections can produce spores for
up to two years.

For more severe infections treat the plant with a copper-based fungicide containing
mancozeb or propiconazole, sprayed every 7 days to prevent reoccurrence of the infection.
Prevent the occurrence of juniper blight by planting your plant at a distance from each other.
Such gaps aid in better air circulation between the otherwise low-lying shrubs that spread
out close to each other. Always sterilize all garden tools and equipment with a diluted
solution of isopropyl alcohol to prevent the risk and spread of bacterial and fungal diseases.

Canker Disease Of The Juniper

Canker Disease on the juniper is visible in the form of sunken and noticeable lesions
generally on the woody bark of the plant. These cankers can be quite notorious to the health
of the plant as they prevent the movement of water and nutrients through the plant. This
ultimately can lead to dieback of the stems and later result in the death of the juniper plant. It
is caused by the fungus Botryosphaeria stevensii and is reportedly prevalent in most juniper

Additionally, you will also spot the plant developing elongated and flattened lesions,
otherwise called cankers, along the inner sections of the plant foliage. Often cankers are
difficult to notice at first sight and you may have to scrape through the foliage as they may be
well hidden in the inner sections. Treat cankers as soon as you spot them to prevent their
rapid spread across the juniper shrubs that grow along flat ground. Isolate the plant if
possible and with the help of sterilized garden pruners snip away all sections where you
notice the lesions present.

Discard and destroy them away from your flower bed or garden to prevent contamination of
soil of nearby plants. There is no chemical treatment to restrain the spread of this disease
thus the only way or rather the most ideal way is to prevent its occurrence. Always use
sterile tools and equipment along with good quality soil and healthy parent plants while
propagating. Take proper care of the plant with a regular and appropriate watering schedule
and regular pruning to catch infections in their nascent stage.

Root and Crown Rot

Root and Crown Rot is a classic condition that occurs when the soil has been allowed to be
overly soggy or the roots have been let sit in water for a long time. Remember this plant is
resistant to drought and it is very sensitive to excessive moisture in the soil. When there is
too much water at the roots, it prevents oxygen from being taken in and transported to the
rest of the plant, hence, you find the foliage looking weak, limp and over time death of the
plant. Look out for sparse leaves on stems or early dropping of leaves.

As soon as you suspect root rot, scale back on the watering and let the soil dry out
completely. The fungus Phytophthora cryptogea is active in the soil when the soil remains
soaking wet. Spray a fungicide with etridiazole or mefenoxam. The best way to tackle root
and crown rot is to prevent their occurrence.

Always water the plant only when the topsoil has completely dried out and do the finger test
before adding in more water. Also, ensure the plant is placed in a well-ventilated space with
adequate air circulation around it, especially if you are in a humid zone. This will
considerably reduce the occurrence of fungal diseases at the roots.

Cercospora Twig Blight

Cercospora Twig Blight is yet another fungal disease that attacks Juniper variants
commonly. The noticeable and characteristic symptoms of this disease are browning
needles, especially on the lower sections of the plant. The diseases can spread rapidly
infecting interior sections of the plant, which is seldom noticed and once the fungal spores
occur they are easily transmitted through the wind and rain. The disease is caused by the
fungus Cercospora sequoiae juniperi and if not curtailed it can damage the plant in its

Tackle the disease by snipping away all sections at the earliest and destroying them away
from your garden. Also, cut back other plant sections that may be hovering over your juniper
to prevent any risk of transfer of the fungal spores to nearby plants. Spray a fungicide easily
available at more stores containing mancozeb, thiophanate-methyl and copper salts. Spray
once in seven days for a couple of weeks to prevent the recurrence of the disease.

The initial spread of the infection generally can occur between June and July when the
weather is warm yet wet. Prevent Cercospora blight by ensuring that there is no excess
moisture around the plant but keeping tHe soil just slightly moist. Ensure the plant is placed
in a spot with adequate ventilation and avoid overcrowding of the plant in a single spot and
retain some space between. Do not mist the juniper plant as the plant is sensitive to excess

Branch and Stem Rot

Do you find the branch or stems of your juniper turning brown at the tips? Watch out as your
plant may be infected by the fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. This commonly occurs
when the climate outside is warm and humid, a condition the plant detests. This juniper
variant is a sub-tropical plant and dry and cooler temperatures are preferred by the plant.

In other conditions, the plant is under stress thus leading to the risk of fungal diseases.
Further, if you have also over-watered the plant in such a scenario, the chances of the
development of fungal diseases are very high. As soon as you suspect diseases scale back
on the water and permit the soil to dry out completely. Don't worry, the plant is drought
resistant and a dry spell for a certain period will help it regain health.

Soggy soil is a perfect breeding ground for fungal diseases to spread around. Transplant the
plant if possible into well-draining fresh soil and care for it as per the details mentioned in our
care section. Snip, discard and destroy all infected sections to curtail the infection.
Additionally, spray a copper-based fungicide once every seven days and repeat until the
plant is clear of the infection.

Die Back of Stems Due to Kabatina Twig Blight

Another type of fungal pathogen is Kabatina Twig Blight which can be disastrous to the
health of the plant. The symptoms of this commonly occurring fungal disease is the dieback
of nascent branches especially those which are a year old. Typically, this disease occurs in
early spring when there is moisture in the air. With extended wet days, the plant is
susceptible to fungal growth and thus damages the tender juniper stems.

You will notice the foliage turning light green, brown or gray and as the diseases spread in
the central stems they result in dead tissues. Thus, the outcome is the dying back of the
stems which fail to cope with the infection. The disease spreads so rapidly that in a matter of
weeks the entire plant foliage can be infected. Thus treat the plant and tackle the situation
before the entire situation gets out of hand and you are forced to cut down and discard the
entire plant.

Treat the plant with the same copper-based fungicide mentioned in the earlier sections as
soon as you spot the early signs of discoloration. Scale back on the water as soon as the
climate changes with moisture in the air thereby reducing the risk of disease occurrence.

How Often Do You Water Junipers?
The junipers require water at least twice a week, during the first two months. After that scale
back to once a well. Always ensure the soil is well-draining and the plant is not overly
watered leading to soggy soil. At the same time avoid letting the soil go completely dry as
this will prevent the roots from taking in adequate oxygen from the soil leading to a wilting
and limp plant.

What Causes Junipers To Turn Brown?

The main reasons your junipers are turning brown are a fungal blight, cankers or over
fertilizing of the plant. Avoid keeping the plant overly moist which is the main reason for the
occurrence of fungal diseases and stay away from adding in too much fertilizer as this
results in a salt build-up in the roots thus causing junipers to turn brown.

How Do You Make Junipers Greener?

You can keep your junipers stay evergreen throughout the year by taking care of their ideal
requirements, fertilizing them right in spring with a slow-release formula and keeping it pest
and disease free.

You have now read this one-stop detailed guide on growing care and propagating the Blue
Rug Juniper. Let us summarize our learning in the below section to help you recapitulate
them all.

● The Blue Rug Juniper is an evergreen low-lying shrub that can spread on the
flat ground covering spaces. It is easy to care for plants and is thus a favorite
among many plant owners around the world due to its robust and hardy

● The plant prefers sub-tropical temperatures with well-draining and porous soil
and moderately low temperatures, along with bright light and low humidity. The
plant loves to thrive in downslopes or cascading hills.

● It is a light feeder and requires a well-balanced formula twice a year to sustain

its evergreen foliage. Alternatively, slow-release pellets also work to keep the
soil nourished. Never over-fertilize the plant as this will result in a salt build-up
in the soil.

● Propagate the plant using stem cuttings obtained from the previous season.
Avoid using seeds as not only is the process slower, but it also results in a
plant that may be different from the parent plant.

● The most common problems of the plant are fungal diseases and pest
infestations. Easily tackle them all by preventing occurrences, maintaining
proper plant hygiene and monitoring its light exposure and water requirement.
The plant is hardy yet overexposure does put it under tremendous stress

Now that you have read this ultimate information guide you can easily include this incredible
plant in your garden. Get them soo and adorn your garden beds with this low-lying shrub and
see them make your home look delightful and fascinating.

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