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Have you ever wondered why some of your outfits don't have pockets if
you're a girl? Yes, this issue affects nearly every woman in the world. The origin
of this problem is that, in olden days, men were the only ones who went out
and worked, while women stayed at home to take care of household duties. So,
designers never considered including pockets for women because there was no
need. However, as things have evolved, more and more women are now
working. But sadly, the mindset of patriarchy is still seen through clothing. Even
today, very few brands offer pockets in their outfits for women.

The women of today are working in every field just like men. So,
designers should have seen that and started making pockets for them. But this
has not happened. Yet, one of the first brands to introduce pockets for women
was Coco Channel when they designed pants with pockets in early 1920s.
Gabrielle Bonheur Channel was the founder of Coco Channel and was credited
for making sporty, casual and chic clothes as the feminine standard of style
post World War-1. She put pockets in the trousers to stop the practice of
women carrying small pouches, which used to get stolen often.

Why are other brands not following Coco Channel and stitching pockets
in women’s clothes. The major reason, I think, is because they still think
women are inferior to men. All of this is indirectly saying that women have
lesser independence and freedom unlike men.

This needs to stop now. Just adding pockets to women’s clothes may
seem small but it makes a difference. After all, “actions speak louder than
words”. So, from now on, women should demand for pockets in their outfits as
they need it as much as men.

By Smriti Abhinand
Class – VI-E

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