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Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form (to-infinitive, infinitive, gerund “ing”) – there are 2

sentences which you will need to change the tense

1. Mary enjoys ____________________ to music. (listen)

2. I can’t stand ____________________ broccoli. (eat)

3. Irregular verbs are not easy ____________________. (remember)

4. She waited ____________________ a movie ticket. (buy)

5. My favorite hobby is ____________________. (cooking)

6. I would rather ____________________ in bed than go to work. (be)

7. I regret ____________________ you that your application was rejected (inform)

8. I don’t feel like ____________________ English today. (study)

9. She warned him ____________________ late. (not/be)

10. How do you ____________________ this machine work? (make)

11. Sara has decided ____________________ the offer to work abroad. (accept)

12. I am trying hard to be confident but my colleagues appear ___________________ easily. (cope)

13. Why not ____________________ our holiday in France this year? (spend)

14. I’ve been trying ____________________in touch with Sharon all day. (get)

15. She was very sad earlier, but she seems ____________________ now. (calm down)

16. ____________________ is good for your health. (exercise)

17. It is too cold ____________________ running outside. (go)

18. She might ____________________ basketball this year. (play)

19. There’s no point in ____________________ an expensive car. (purchase)

20. I am looking forward to ____________________ to other countries this summer (travel)

Modal Verbs – Fill in the correct form (there may be more than one answer for each sentence) – be
aware of choosing between the present and the past; as well as placing the sentence in the negative

1. Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He ____________________ be exhausted after
such a long flight.

2. The book is optional. My professor said we could read it if we needed extra credit. But we
____________________ read it if we don't want to.

3. Susan ____________________ hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly.

4. The television isn't working. It ____________________ been damaged during the move.

5. I ____________________ (attend) a course this weekend to get my certificate.

6. You ____________________ be rich to be a success. Some of the most successful people I know
haven't got a penny to their name.

7. You ____________________ do the job if you didn't speak Japanese fluently.

8. You ____________________ be kidding! That can't be true.

9. You ____________________ leave the table once you have finished your meal and politely excused

10. Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It ____________________ a fortune.

11. ____________________ we move into the living room? It's more comfortable in there and there's a
beautiful view of the lake.

12. At first, my boss didn't want to hire Sam. But, because I had previously worked with Sam, I told my
boss that he ____________________take another look at his resume and reconsider him for the position.

13. You ____________________ take along some cash. The restaurant may not accept credit cards.

14. I can't stand these people - I ____________________ get out of here. I'm going to take off for awhile
while you get rid of them.

15. You ____________________ forget to pay the rent tomorrow. The landlord is very strict about
paying on time.

16. Do you always have to say the first thing that pops into your head. ____________________ you think
once in a while before you speak?

17. Terry and Frank said they would come over right after work, so they ____________________ be here
by 6:00.

18. Yesterday, I ____________________ cram all day for my French final. I didn't get to sleep until after

19. If I had gone to the University of Miami, I ____________________ participated in their Spanish
immersion program.

20. The lamp ____________________ be broken. Maybe the light bulb just burned out.

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