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Causative Voice

Rewrite the following active voice sentences into the causative (ex. She has her nails done every month.)

1. The hairdresser styles her hair every week.


2. The tap is leaking. We must arrange for the plumber to fix it.

3. Someone is mending their roof.


4. The interior designer has been redecorating their house for three months.

5. They are checking the batter of his car.


6. The company delivered the books to our house.


7. A girl slapped his face.


8. My uncle will repair my fridge tomorrow.


9. Gary delivered my furniture yesterday morning.


10. The man has built our mother’s house.

Causative Voice: Exceptions
Rewrite the following active voice sentences into the three causative voice exceptions.
These are used when the original sentence has the words – ask/persuade or/insist – these words cannot appear in the causative.

1. They will ask someone to come and repair their computer.


2. Mary persuaded me to go to the party.


3. My teacher insisted that I study for the test.


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