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When discussing family systems, connections between siblings are not the first thing

that comes to our mind. Siblings are an important part of the family as they will have
a long-lasting relationship within the family, growing up and developing together. This
relationship stands out from the rest of the family since they become one of our
mentors and friends when we are going through difficult times.

As I read this story, I felt the deep sadness coming from the narrator. The pain of
losing someone, especially if they were a family member. Despite not having faced
the same difficulties, I can relate to him because I have siblings, who are among the
most significant people in my life. At that age, experiencing those pain can be
accompanied by waves of challenging emotions, such as fear and worry or the
impression that you'll never be capable of handling it. Having a sibling with a serious
illness is terrifying because you may feel angry or frustrated as you try to understand
their condition and keep asking "Why them?” or attempting to determine whether you
did something to deserve this.

After reading this story, I've come to the conclusion that it's normal to keep having
feelings and questions for a while. It's also normal to start feeling a little better.
Feeling better typically develops gradually and doesn't imply forgetting or moving
past a loved one. We had to maintain our routine and continue the things we enjoyed
doing in our life. It is heartbreaking to have to see a member of your family struggle
or be ill, but we must continue to work for the goals they want us to reach. When the
pain of losing a loved one fades, you can realize that they still exist in your heart, in
your thoughts and memories, and in the wonderful influence, they had on your life.

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