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John Ruskin coined the term "pathetic fallacy" to criticize the macabreness and romanticism of his time's

literature. The poets mentioned earlier include Shelley, Shakespeare, and William Keats. had hugely
involved the terms in their works which went under the characterization of woeful deception. However,
over time, the discipline of pathetic fallacy had altered the context in which the term "pathetic fallacy"
was used. The setting where Ruskin had utilized this term signified the philosophy of making a willful
control or wrongness according to the perspective of the peruser. The context of emotional falseness
was generally referred to as the "pathetic fallacy."

The utilization of unfortunate deception is currently finished to convey the anthropological feelings to
the issues which are lifeless in nature. By the instrument of despicable error, the peruser could convey
his mental experience on other normal elements. Imagine that the author intends to depict a fierce fight
if taken from an imagined scenario. He could write about it to clarify: The storm is fierce.

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