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Steven A.

Cohen is well known for putting away enormous measures of cash to various works of art from
across the globe. We discovered during the research for the art assignment that he has invested
approximately $1 billion, or 12 percent, of his wealth in collection artwork. Cohen, the second-largest art
collector in the world, continues to invest in various styles of art.

The Eventual fate of Afro-European and American Work of art

Time will in general make a huge difference and this has left out craftsmanship too. However, changes
can only be made up to a certain point before the style of the entire work changes (Elkins, 1995). This
makes it significant for articles to hold a specific level of the first craftsmanship styles to inject the style
into their work of art. Many articles hoping to add African style craftsmanship to European and
American styles will as a rule require including a fundamental workmanship style perceived for being
African. Since African communities are well-known for their masks and facial carvings, this is a common
way to depict African art styles in a painting. There are likewise the dressing styles involved by specific
networks as well as the apparel tone, for example, this ragged by the Masaai which are perceived
worldwide. The workmanship task recognized that including such elements to craftsmanship; The
message is conveyed and the viewer can empathize with the artist's style.

Conclusion Although each community has developed its own distinct style of art, artists frequently adopt
a variety of styles from other cultures in search of better concepts to incorporate into their works. The
art assignment also revealed that the various African communities' rustic art styles have always
attracted artists to the continent.

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