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Tonya Barfield

April 24, 2023

Los Angeles Pacific University
ENGL 420 - Principal of Language
Professor Gentry
Power Of Language Essay
Power Of Language Essay

When it comes to the importance of getting students to know how

important studing language is in the 21st century we as educators must

first redefine what part of academics is important as well as find out which

ways we can incorporate new ways of learning beyond academics. It is

important that we ourselves continue to be open to learning new ways of

teaching and incorporating new ideas of learning language to our students

in the classroom, according to and article I was reading by HOPE it says

thata Language Development and Literacy in children is important

because, “ It supports the ability of your child to communicate, and

express and understand feelings. It also supports your child’s thinking

ability and helps them develop and maintain relationships.” – Hope,

Albitization Medical Center

Language development helps lay the foundation for the reading and

writing skills in children as they enter and progress through school.

Language is needed in all aspects of their education in the classroom as

they connect with peers and teachers, and throughout their lives as they

grow into adulthood. Helping in developing language skills is of absolute

significance for every child’s progress in later life span both as social

beings and in pursuing an education. An article written by the Access

Center says, “The role of the teacher is to encourage all attempts at

reading, writing, and speaking, allowing students of varying ability to

experience the different function and use of literacy activities. Teacher

interactions with students with disabilities build on students' knowledge as

they develop literacy skills. The literacy-rich environment emphasizes the

importance of speaking, reading, and writing in the learning of all

students. This involves the selection of materials that will facilitate

language and literacy opportunities; reflection and thought regarding

classroom design; and intentional instruction and facilitation by teachers

and staff. “- Access Center Article

The teacher role has change over time, the role of a teacher is to go

beyond teaching to get involve with your students, model what you want to

see, be open to knew ways of learning, help guide them in learning to

apply skills and knowledge in their everyday life as well as make an impact

on your students. Some Stragities would be is to build a relationship with

your students, encourage peer interaction on a daily basis, teach activities

that promote literacy and language, teach academic language vocabulary

and structures,stay in the knowing when it comes to new ideas and things
being taught, empower your students to want to learn new things, and

provide them with effective life skills to make it in this world. Includes

strategies such as considering students' cultures and language skills when

developing learning objectives and instructional activities, monitoring

academic progress, and more to help your culturally diverse students be

successful. When it comes to the ethical and spiritual implications of

language study and prepare our children for 21st century citizenship we as

educators or should I say teachers need to know how words shape people

and culture according to Dan Jurafsky a Professor in Humanities at

Jackson Eli Reynolds says by understanding how languages differ tells a

lot about the language we use and how it has changed. As we teach our

students the importance of having effective communication and that

language plays a big role in how they look at themselves and others then

we discover what and how words phrases helps influence us without

knowing I also find that even for myself when we learn from other

languages it helps you develop as a scholar in understanding foundations

of humans and how they communicate with others we need to be sure as a

teacher we understand that this all plays into us becoming better humans.

Language also plays a big part in how our behavior is I discovered that in

my research which was shocking to me as well I didn't realize that certain

types of behavior play a big part due to language and this is because

Linguists analyze how certain speech patterns correspond to behaviors,

including how language can impact people’s buying decisions or influence

their social media use. Jurafsky said. “Understanding what different

groups of people say and why is the first step in determining how we can

help bring people together.” – Dan Jurafsky







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