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Plantel: _ _

Grupo: _ Turno:
Director General


Directora Académica


Subdirectora de Planeación Académica


Jefe de Departamento de Programas de Estudio


Edición: noviembre 2019

En la realización del presente material, participaron:

• Mtro. Mario Alejandro Rodríguez Ramón CRAE

• Lic. Vanessa Cruz Ramos EMSAD 62
• Lic. Francisco Javier León Morales Plantel 35
• Lic. Orbelin Arias Estrada Plantel 03
• Lic. Marcela Paola García Pedraza Dirección General

Este material fue elaborado bajo la coordinación y supervisión del Departamento de

Programas de Estudio de la Dirección Académica del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado
de Tabasco, concluyendo su edición en el mes de Diciembre de 2020.

@Derechos en proceso de registro.

Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este material por cualquier medio
electrónico o mecánico, para fines ajenos a los establecidos por el COBATAB.

Para uso de la Comunidad del Colegio de Bachilleres de Tabasco (COBATAB).

Page 1

Presentación ...................................................................................................................................2

Competencias Disciplinarias Básicas ................................................................................................6

Enfoque de la Disciplina ..................................................................................................................7

Ubicación de la Asignatura ..............................................................................................................7

Relación de los Contenidos con los Aprendizajes Claves ..................................................................8

Block 1 - Similarities and Differences .............................................................................................10

Block 2 - Old times ........................................................................................................................26

Block 3 - Rules & Obligations ........................................................................................................43

Block 4 - Plans and Predictions ......................................................................................................57

Annexes ........................................................................................................................................67


English 2 is one of the subjects that belongs to the communication area of the curriculum, along
with two other subjects: Taller de Lectura y Redacción (Spanish Reading and Composition) and
Informática (Computing). According to the ccf, the area’s main objective is to promote in students
the development of the following skills: critical reading, argumentation of ideas, effective
communication in the student’s native language and an additional language (in this case, English).
This subject is taught in the first semester and its antecedent is the subject Foreign Language taught
in the basic education level (secundaria). Its purpose is to increase and consolidate the social
practices of language, this is, what the expert users of the language do to interpret and produce oral
and written texts, preserving the social function of such acts.

The four courses of the English program focused on the competence based approach, don’t ignore
previous approaches, specially the communicative approach, which has been one of the most
relevant ones.

The main goal of English 2 is to develop the communicative competence of the second language
student by developing linguistic communicative skills: oral and written production and listening and
reading comprehension.

This workbook is divided into four blocks. Each one develops a particular theme, which is common
in the life of our students, and is developed in specific contexts where communication and the use
of language are performed naturally. In this way, the student develops his or her proficiency by
acquiring new vocabulary, reinforcing the knowledge of grammar structures learned previously and
by developing linguistic skills with appropriate practice and evaluation.

Mtro. Mario Alejandro Rodríguez Ramón

Page 2
Competencias Genéricas
Se autodetermina y cuida de sí.

1. Se conoce y valora a sí mismo y aborda problemas y retos teniendo en cuenta los objetivos que

CG1.1 Enfrenta las dificultades que se le presentan y es consciente de sus valores, fortalezas y
CG1.2 Identifica sus emociones, las maneja de manera constructiva y reconoce la necesidad de
solicitar apoyo ante una situación que lo rebase.
CG1.3 Elige alternativas y cursos de acción con base en criterios sustentados y en el marco de un
proyecto de vida.
CG1.4 Analiza críticamente los factores que influyen en su toma de decisiones.
CG1.5 Asume las consecuencias de sus comportamientos y decisiones.
CG1.6 Administra los recursos disponibles teniendo en cuenta las restricciones para el logro de
sus metas.

2. Es sensible al arte y participa en la apreciación e interpretación de sus expresiones en

distintos géneros.
CG2.1 Valora el arte como manifestación de la belleza y expresión de ideas, sensaciones y
CG2.2 Experimenta el arte como un hecho histórico compartido que permite la comunicación entre
individuos y culturas en el tiempo y el espacio, a la vez que desarrolla un sentido de identidad.
CG2.3 Participa en prácticas relacionadas con el arte.

3. Elige y practica estilos de vida saludables.

CG3.1 Reconoce la actividad física como un medio para su desarrollo físico, mental y social.
CG3.2 Toma decisiones a partir de la valoración de las consecuencias de distintos hábitos de
consumo y conductas de riesgo.
CG3.3 Cultiva relaciones interpersonales que contribuyen a su desarrollo humano y el de quienes lo

Se expresa y comunica.

4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la

utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.
CG4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas, matemáticas o gráficas.
CG4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto
en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue.
CG4.3 Identifica las ideas clave en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas.
CG4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas.
CG4.5 Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener información y
expresar ideas.

Página 3
Piensa crítica y reflexivamente.

5. Desarrolla innovaciones y propone soluciones a problemas a partir de métodos establecidos.

CG5.1 Sigue instrucciones y procedimientos de manera reflexiva, comprendiendo como cada uno
de sus pasos contribuye al alcance de un objetivo.
CG5.2 Ordena información de acuerdo a categorías, jerarquías y relaciones.
CG5.3 Identifica los sistemas y reglas o principios medulares que subyacen a una serie de
CG5.4 Construye hipótesis y diseña y aplica modelos para probar su validez.
CG5.5 Sintetiza evidencias obtenidas mediante la experimentación para producir conclusiones y
formular nuevas preguntas.
CG5.6 Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para procesar e interpretar

6. Sustenta una postura personal sobre temas de interés y relevancia general, considerando
otros puntos de vista de manera crítica y reflexiva.
CG6.1 Elige las fuentes de información más relevantes para un propósito específico y discrimina
entre ellas de acuerdo a su relevancia y confiabilidad.
CG6.2 Evalúa argumentos y opiniones e identifica prejuicios y falacias.
CG6.3 Reconoce los propios prejuicios, modifica sus puntos de vista al conocer nuevas evidencias,
e integra nuevos conocimientos y perspectivas al acervo con el que cuenta.
CG6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética.

Aprende de forma autónoma.

7. Aprende por iniciativa e interés propio a lo largo de la vida.

CG7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construcción de conocimiento.
CG7.2 Identifica las actividades que le resultan de menor y mayor interés y dificultad, reconociendo
y controlando sus reacciones frente a retos y obstáculos.
CG7.3 Articula saberes de diversos campos y establece relaciones entre ellos y su vida cotidiana.

Trabaja en forma colaborativa.

8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos.

CG8.1 Propone maneras de solucionar un problema o desarrollar un proyecto en equipo, definiendo
un curso de acción con pasos específicos.
CG8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva.
CG8.3 Asume una actitud constructiva, congruente con los conocimientos y habilidades con los que
cuenta dentro de distintos equipos de trabajo.

Page 4
Participa con responsabilidad en la sociedad.

9. Participa con una conciencia cívica y ética en la vida de su comunidad, región, México y el
CG9.1 Privilegia el diálogo como mecanismo para la solución de conflictos.
CG9.2 Toma decisiones a fin de contribuir a la equidad, bienestar y desarrollo democrático de la
CG9.3 Conoce sus derechos y obligaciones como mexicano y miembro de distintas comunidades
e instituciones, y reconoce el valor de la participación como herramienta para ejercerlos.
CG9.4 Contribuye a alcanzar un equilibrio entre el interés y bienestar individual y el interés general
de la sociedad.
CG9.5 Actúa de manera propositiva frente a fenómenos de la sociedad y se mantiene informado.
CG9.6 Advierte que los fenómenos que se desarrollan en los ámbitos local, nacional e internacional
ocurren dentro de un contexto global interdependiente.

10. Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la diversidad de creencias,

valores, ideas y prácticas sociales.
CG10.1 Reconoce que la diversidad tiene lugar en un espacio democrático de igualdad de dignidad
y derechos de todas las personas, y rechaza toda forma de discriminación.
CG10.2 Dialoga y aprende de personas con distintos puntos de vista y tradiciones culturales
mediante la ubicación de sus propias circunstancias en un contexto más amplio.
CG10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración y convivencia en los
contextos local, nacional e internacional.

11. Contribuye al desarrollo sustentable de manera crítica, con acciones responsables.

CG11.1 Asume una actitud que favorece la solución de problemas ambientales en los ámbitos
local, nacional e internacional.
CG11.2 Reconoce y comprende las implicaciones biológicas, económicas, políticas y sociales del
daño ambiental en un contexto global interdependiente.
CG11.3 Contribuye al alcance de un equilibrio entre los intereses de corto y largo plazo con relación
al ambiente.

Page 5
Competencias Disciplinarias Básicas
Campo: Comunicación

Clave Competencia
1. Identifica, ordena e interpreta las ideas, datos y conceptos explícitos e
CDBC 1 implícitos en un texto, considerando el contexto en el que se generó y en el
que se recibe.
2. Evalúa un texto mediante la comparación de un contenido con el de otros,
en función de sus conocimientos previos y nuevos.
3. Plantea supuestos sobre los fenómenos naturales y culturales de su entorno
con base en la consulta de diversas fuentes
4. Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la lengua, considerando la
intención y situación comunicativa.
5. Expresa ideas y conceptos en composiciones coherentes y creativas, con
introducciones, desarrollo y conclusiones claras.
6. Argumenta un punto de vista en público de manera precisa, coherente y
7. Valora y describe el papel del arte, la literatura y los medios de
CDBC 7 comunicación en la recreación o la transformación de una cultura, teniendo
en cuenta los propósitos comunicativos de distintos géneros.
8. Valora el pensamiento lógico en el proceso comunicativo en su vida
cotidiana y académica.
9. Analiza y compara el origen, desarrollo y diversidad de los sistemas y medios
de comunicación.
10. Identificar e interpretar la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje
CDBC 10 oral o escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos,
elementos no verbales y contexto.
11. Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lógico, oral o
escrito, congruente con la situación comunicativa.
12. Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para investigar,
resolver problemas, producir materiales y trasmitir información.

Page 6
Enfoque de la Disciplina

El campo de Comunicación en la Educación Media Superior (EMS) tiene como eje el desarrollar la
habilidad comunicativa, verbal y no verbal, para expresarse a través de los diversos códigos y
herramientas del lenguaje. Dentro del campo de comunicación se ubican las materias de Taller de
Lectura y Redacción, Informática e Inglés.

Inglés se imparte de primero a cuarto semestre, comprendiendo las asignaturas de Inglés I, II, III y
IV teniendo como propósito, consolidar y desarrollar la capacidad de comunicarse en un nivel de
dominio intermedio, de acuerdo a estándares internacionales del Marco Común Europeo de
Referencia para las Lenguas (MCER). Las expectativas en primer y segundo semestre están
encaminadas a la consolidación del nivel A1 y comenzar la transición al nivel A2; por su parte en
tercero y cuarto semestre considerando el contexto, las posibilidades del personal docente y
recursos disponibles se alcanzará el umbral del nivel B1, a través del desarrollo de las habilidades
comunicativas: comprensión auditiva, comprensión lectora, expresión e interacción oral y expresión

En este sentido, Inglés II se ubica en segundo semestre teniendo como antecedente la asignatura
de Inglés I. Por lo tanto, se utilizan las funciones sociales del lenguaje para que el estudiantado logre
comunicarse a través de las habilidades comunicativas con la intención de valorar similitudes y
diferencias de personas, objetos y lugares, explicar situaciones que ocurrieron en el pasado,
formular instrucciones, ordenes, sugerencias y prohibiciones de acuerdo al lugar o situación, así
como crear planes y predicciones a futuro con la intención de establecer metas a corto y largo plazo,
lo anterior bajo un entorno de respeto y tolerancia hacia la diversidad cultural de su contexto y la
reflexión en la toma de decisiones para que esta sea de manera consciente e informada asumiendo
las consecuencias.

Ubicación de la Asignatura

Page 7
Relación de los Contenidos con los Aprendizajes Claves
Campo Disciplinar: Comunicación

Page 8


Block 1 - Similarities and Differences

Propósito del bloque

Valora las características de personas, objetos y lugares a través de las habilidades

comunicativas, para mostrar similitudes y diferencias en un entorno de respeto hacia la
diversidad de su contexto social.

Aprendizajes Esperados
• Compara las características de personas, objetos y lugares de forma oral, considerando
la fluidez, pronunciación, dominio del tema y entonación, privilegiando al diálogo para la
construcción de nuevos conocimientos.

• Establece de forma escrita las diferencias y similitudes de lugares, personas y objetos,

utilizando la gramática apropiada, coherencia y ortografía en un entorno de respeto y
tolerancia hacia la diversidad de su contexto.
Genéricas Disciplinares
4. Produce textos con base en el uso normativo
de la lengua, considerando la intención y
situación comunicativa.
4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en
10. Identificar e interpretar la idea general y
situaciones cotidianas.
posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito
8.3 Asume una actitud constructiva,
en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a
congruente con los conocimientos y
conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales
habilidades con los que cuenta dentro de
y contexto.
distintos equipos de trabajo.
11. Se comunica en una lengua extranjera
10.2 Dialoga y aprende de personas con
mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito,
distintos puntos de vista y tradiciones
congruente con la situación comunicativa.
culturales mediante la ubicación de sus propias
12. Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y
circunstancias en un contexto más amplio.
comunicación para investigar, resolver
problemas, producir materiales y trasmitir

Block 1 – Similarities and Differences

Página 10
Situación Didáctica

Part time job!

Un estudiante de segundo semestre de tu plantel estudia por la mañana y trabaja por la tarde en
un kiosko de información turística. En ocasiones debe atender a visitantes extranjeros de habla
inglesa que están interesados en el sitio y tiene que hacer comparaciones para brindar
información sobre el lugar. En la asignatura de inglés que cursa en su escuela se está abordando
el tema de similitudes y diferencias.

Conflicto Cognitivo

• ¿Cómo puede aplicar lo que está aprendiendo en la escuela para poder desempeñar mejor
su trabajo?
• ¿Qué vocabulario necesita conocer para poder comunicarse apropiadamente con los
visitantes extranjeros?
• ¿Cuáles son las estructuras gramaticales necesarias para poder comunicar similitudes y

Block 1 – Similarities and Differences

Página 11
Evaluación Diagnóstica

1. Emma Watson is .

a) play b) run c) beautiful d) usually

2. Sponge Bob is a cartoon.

a) funny b)read c) jump d) speak

3. Watching a movie is as listening music.

a) enterteinment than b) enterteiment as c) more enterteiment as d) most enterteiment

4. Antman is not as Hulk.

a) as strong b) more strong as c) stronger tan d) most strong

5. French food is as Spanish food.

a) gooder b) better c) best d) good as

6. Galilea Montijo is than Andrea Legarreta

a) beautifuler b) most beauty c) more beautiful d)more beautifuler

7. The Simpsons are than Dragon Ball Z.

a) funny b) funniest c) funnier d) more funny

8. A tiger is than a cat.

a) dangerouser b) more dangerous c) most dangerous d) dangerousest

9. Bill Gates is one of the man on earth.

a) richer b) richest c) most rich d) more rich

10. Tabasco is one of the places in the world.

a) most hot b) more hot c) hotter d) hottest

Block 1 – Similarities and Differences

Página 12
TEAMWORK: Work in pairs. Look at the dictionary or your translator, the meaning of the
following adjectives and then write it down on your notebooks.

Big Old Fast

Expensive Small Healthy
Young New Easy
Tall Fat Difficult
Thin Lazy Popular
Intelligent Beautiful Friendly
Hardworking Cheap Athletic
Good Bad Ugly
Fresh Interesting Heavy
Short Shy Pretty

Vocabulary: With the guide of your teacher, practice the correct pronunciation of the adjectives
above with your classmates.

Block 1 – Similarities and Differences

Página 13
Activity 1: Write the correct adjective under the picture. Use the adjectives from the box.

Pretty, Intelligent, Delicious, Fat, Fast, Noisy, Interesting, Lazy, Dangerous, Shy

Instructions: Write the opposite of the following adjectives.


Block 1 – Similarities and Differences

Página 14
Activity 2: Practice with your partners. Use adjectives to describe the following pictures.

Equality and Inequality Grammar Sumary

Equality Inequality
To show that two people, places or things are To show that two people, places or things are
the same. not the same.

Structure: Structure:
Noun + to be + as + adjective + as + Noun Noun + to be (neg form) + as + adjective + as
+ Noun
Sandra is as tall as Patricia Example:
You are as intelligent as me Sandra isn’t as beautiful as Patricia
You aren’t as lucky as me

Block 1 – Similarities and Differences

Página 15
Activity 3: Read the following text. Then read the statements and circle with True or False.

Welcome to Mexico City

You don’t need to travel too far to find history, culture, music, art and all of the things that world
travelers spend lots of money on to truly enjoy a traveling experience. Here in our own beautiful
country we can find as many interesting sites as in other countries and the best part is they are just
a bus ride away. Mexico City is as beautiful as other major cities. It has as many monuments,
museums, restaurants and markets as New York, Paris or London. Mexico City also has something
that other cities don’t have and that is an archeological site right downtown. Mexico City has a
subway system that is just as modern as other cities. Traveling can be as fun and exciting here in
Mexico as in other countries. Why not start right here in Mexico? Let’s go!

1. Mexico city has as many museums as London True False

2. Paris has an archeological site right downtown as Mexico True False
3. Subway system is not as modern as other cities True False
4. To Find history, culture, music and art we must go to New York True False
5. We can find many interesting sites in Mexico True False

Activity 4: Complete the sentences with equality and inequality comparisons.

1. Your laptop isn’t________________________________ mine (Expensive)

2. Paris is Barcelona (Beautiful)
3. My grandma is _______________________________ my grandpa (Old)
4. Philosophy is _________________________________ Ethics (Interesting)
5. Puerto Escondido isn’t______________________________ Puerto Vallarta (Far)
6. We are ______________________________________ them (Friendly)
7. Girls are _____________________________________ boys (Smart)
8. Fruits are ____________________________________ Vegetables (Healthy)
9. Basketball isn’t ________________________ Soccer (Popular)
10. My books are ________________________________ stones (Heavy)

Block 1 – Similarities and Differences

Página 16
Comparative Grammar Summary

1. Use a comparative adjective + than to compare Lydia is taller than Alex.

two people, places, or things. Gorillas are more intelligent than cows.

You can use a comparative adjective The bigger house is mine.

+ noun when the comparison is clear from The more interesting shows are on cable TV.
2. Add -er to the end of most one-syllable small smaller low lower
adjectives to form the comparative.* If the large larger nice nicer
adjective ends in -e, add -r.
3.Use more beforemostlong adjectives Jack is more serious than Nikki.
(adjectives that have two or more Do you think math is more important than music?
4.Sometwo-syllableadjectivesareused with quiet quieter / more quiet
either -er or more to form the comparative. simple simpler / more simple

5.Some adjectives have anirregular good better farther, bad worse

comparative form. far further

Activity 5: Complete the chart with the comparative form of the adjectives

Adjective Comparative Form


Block 1 – Similarities and Differences

Página 17
Activity 6: Fill in the correct comparative.

1. Mexico is than France (Cheap)

2. John is than Sam (Old)
3. Chihuahua is than Tabasco (Big)
4. The iPhone is _ than a Huawei cellphone (Expensive)
5. English class is _than Math class (Interesting)
6. The Pico de Orizaba is than the Iztaccihuatl (High)
7. His voice is than her voice (Low)
8. Mercury is _ than Mars (Small)
9. Women are _ than men (Romantic)
10. Couches are _ than chairs (Comfortable)

Activity 7: Translate the following sentences to English.

1. El parque es más grande que mi escuela.

__ _
2. México es más hermoso que Estados Unidos
_ _
3. El rio Grijalva es más largo que el rio Samaria
_ _
4. Los celulares Samsung son mejores que los Alcatel
_ _
5. Palacio de Hierro es más caro que Liverpool
_ _

Block 1 – Similarities and Differences

Página 18
Activity 8: Complete each sentence or question with an adjective in the comparative form

1. This is that one.

2. Their house is ______________________ ours.
3. He's _____________________ you are.
4. A Mercedes is ________________________________ a Honda.
5. Our teacher is ______________________yours.
6. The weather today is _ _______ what it was yesterday.
7. The house looks_______________________ after the housekeepers did their work.
8. We're looking for a __________________ neighborhood.
9. Compared to our last experience, this was .
10. It's a lot __________ today _ it was yesterday.

Activity 9: Read the following text. Then read the statements and circle with True or False.

Men and Women are different

Is it true that women cry more than men? Is it true that all men like sports? The authors Rose and
Jacob Stevens answer these questions in Men and Women are different.

According to the authors, there are differences between boys and girls. They say boys are messier
and more competitive than girls. Does this mean girls don’t like to win? The Stevens claim that girls
are better students. They are hard-working and study more than boys. These authors believe girls
are more talkative than boys. They also say boys are noisier.

Like the Stevens, some people believe that differences are clear when boys and girls are born. Others
think boys and girls learn to act way. It is true that family, friends and teachers play an important
role, but can they determine the way we are?
This book is an interesting read but it doesn’t tell the whole story. In some cases, these differences
are not so obvious. Men and women act the same way. In other cases, men and women play roles
that prove these theories wrong. Some men take care of the children and women work. Some men
are less aggressive than women. Men can be cooperative. Men can be as emotional as women.
What does this say about their theories? I guess we’ll have to read the next book.

Roberto Martínez

Block 1 – Similarities and Differences

Página 19
1. Boys are better at school than women True False

2. Men talk a lot more than women True False

3. The differences between boys and girls are clear after they born True False

4. Men are as aggressive as women True False

5. Men aren’t as emotional as women True False

Superlative Grammar Summary

Use the superlative form of the adjective to compare three or more people, places or things.
Example: The subcompact is the cheapest of the three cars

Use the superlative form of the adjective to compare one person, place, or thing to a large

Example: The Nile is the longest river in the world


Fast The fastest

One-syllable adjective
Safe The safest
Add the + est
Cheap The cheapest

Noisy The noisiest

Two-syllable adjective that end with Y
Heavy The heaviest
Add the and change the Y to i + est
Friendly The friendliest

Expensive The most expensive

Adjective with two or more syllables
Athletic The most Athletic
Add the most + adjective
Delicious The most delicious

Good The best

Bad The worst
Irregular forms Far The farthest
More The most
Less The least

Block 1 – Similarities and Differences

Página 20
Activity 10: Complete the chart with the superlative form

Adjective Superlative Form


Activity 11: Fill in the correct superlative

1. Mexico is the country (Good)

2. Maria is the student in the class (Thin)
3. Jupiter is the _ planet in the solar system (Big)
4. Aracely Arámbula _actress in México (Attractive)
5. Mt. Everest is the _ mountain in the world (High)
6. Soriana is the _ supermarket (Expensive)
7. My grandparents are the _ in my family (Old)
8. Godzilla is the _ movie I’ve ever seen (Bad)
9. My cousins are the _ (Fun)
10. Ana and Gaby are the _ in the class (Talkative)

Block 1 – Similarities and Differences

Página 21
Activity 12: Ask to your classmates and then share with the answers to the class.

1.- Who is the tallest student in the class?

_ _

2.- Who is the most organized person in class?

_ _

3.- Who is the funniest person in class?

__ _

4.- Who is the nicest person in the class?

_ _

5.- Who is the best student in the class?

_ _ _

Activity 13: Read the following text. Then read the statements and circle with True or False.

Curious info…

1. The fastest man in the world is Usain Bolt from Jamaica, he runs 100 mts. in just 9.72 seconds.
2. The highest pyramid is Kufhu in Giza (Egypt), it´s 147 mts. high.
3. The longest hair belongs to Xie Qiuping from China, it’s 5.62 mts long.
4. The biggest planet in the solar system is Jupiter, it’s 300 times bigger than the Earth.
5. The hottest place in the solar system is the center of the Sun, that is 15’600,000°C.
6. The heaviest man in the world is Manuel Uribe Garza from Mexico, he weighs 560 Kgs.
7. The driest place on the Earth is the Desert of Atacama in Chile.

1. Usain bolt runs in 9.72 seconds 100 mts. True False

2. Jupiter is 3000 times bigger than the Earth True False
3. The heaviest man weighs 56.0 kgs True False
4. Xie Qiuping has the longest hair True False
5. The driest place in Chile is the Earth True False

Block 1 – Similarities and Differences

Página 22
HOMEWORK: Make teams and write a dialogue according with the situation at the beggining
of the block. Use comparisons grammar: equality and inequality, comparatives and

Lista de cotejo para evaluar Diálogo

Indicadores Observaciones
Si No
1. Contiene comparaciones de igualdad e inigualdad 1.5pts
2. Emplea el comparativo para resaltar características 1.5pts
3. Utiliza superlativos para indicar superioridad 1.5pts
4. Hace uso de vocabulario adecuado 1.5pts
El contenido del diálogo tiene relación con el problema
5. 2pts
de la situación didáctica
6. Presenta orden, claridad, calidad y limpieza 1pt
7. Entrega en tiempo y forma 1pt

TEAMWORK: Represent the dialogue in front of the class. Consider the

pronunciation, fluency and clarity when speaking as relevant for your evaluation.

Rúbrica para evaluar Dramatización

Criterios Excelente Bueno Suficiente Insuficiente
(4pts) (3pts) (2pts) (1pts)
Pronuncia Pronuncia Logra pronunciar Presenta
correctamente correctamente correctamente dificultad al
las palabras y se la mayoría de las algunas palabras, pronunciar las
Pronunciación expresa con palabras y la pero la expresión palabras.
claridad. expresión oral es oral no es
buena. suficientemente
Se expresa de Se expresa con Se expresa con No hay fluidez al
manera fluida fluidez la mayoría lentitud. Realiza hablar. Presenta
durante la del tiempo pausas deficiencia del
conversación. durante la innecesarias idioma
conversación. durante la

Block 1 – Similarities and Differences

Página 23
El tema es El tema es El tema guarda El tema no
totalmente adecuado y está poca relación con presenta
Temática del
pertinente a lo ligado lo visto en clase. conexión con los
visto en clases. mayormente a lo temas vistos en
visto en clase. clase
Utiliza Utiliza las Utiliza algunas No utiliza las
correctamente estructuras veces las estructuras
las estructuras gramaticales y estructuras gramaticales y no
gramaticales en suficiente gramaticales y emplea
todo momento. vocabulario de maneja poco vocabulario
Uso del idioma
Emplea forma vocabulario adecuado.
correctamente el adecuada la durante el
vocabulario mayor parte diálogo.
acorde al tema y Del tiempo.
a las estructuras
durante todo el
Trabajan de Trabajan de Trabajan algunas No trabaja de
manera manera veces de manera manera
colaborativa y colaborativa y colaborativa y colaborativa.
organizada organizada la organizada,
asumiendo con mayoría del asumiendo con
Trabajo en equipo
responsabilidad tiempo, responsabilidad y
y compromiso asumiendo con compromiso
cada uno de sus responsabilidad y cada uno de sus
roles. compromiso cada roles.
uno de sus roles.

Block 1 – Similarities and Differences

Página 24

Block 2 - Old times

Propósito del bloque

Explica situaciones que ocurrieron en el pasado a través de las habilidades comunicativas,

reconociendo experiencias y aprendizajes propios y de otras personas en un ámbito de
respeto y tolerancia.

Aprendizajes Esperados
• Explica de manera oral acciones propias y de otras personas ocurridas en el pasado
considerando la fluidez, pronunciación, entonación y dominio del tema, aplicando una
comunicación empática que le permita externar sus ideas en un entorno de respeto y
• Analiza de manera escrita acciones propias y de otras personas ocurridas en el pasado
utilizando la gramática apropiada, coherencia y ortografía con una actitud de respeto y
reflexión sobre las consecuencias de sus actos.
Genéricas Disciplinares

4. Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de

la lengua, considerando la intención y situación
4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en
situaciones cotidianas.
5. Expresa ideas y conceptos en composiciones
coherentes y creativas, con introducciones,
8.3 Asume una actitud constructiva, congruente
desarrollo y conclusiones claras.
con los conocimientos y habilidades con los que
cuenta dentro de distintos equipos de trabajo.
10. Identificar e interpretar la idea general y posible
desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una
10.2 Dialoga y aprende de personas con distintos
segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos
puntos de vista y tradiciones culturales mediante la
previos, elementos no verbales y contexto.
ubicación de sus propias circunstancias en un
contexto más amplio.
11. Se comunica en una lengua extranjera
mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito,
congruente con la situación comunicativa.

Block 2 – Old Times

Página 26
Situación Didáctica


What’s News?


En últimas fechas has notado que en tu comunidad han ocurrido sucesos que han impactado directamente
en el medio ambiente y se ha hecho notorio en lugares públicos como parques, avenidas, mercados,
centros deportivos, etc. Muchas personas aún desconocen lo que está ocurriendo, y para informar a la
población de los daños que se ocasionaron al medio ambiente, se ha solicitado a los estudiantes de tu
plantel que indaguen sobre estos sucesos y los comuniquen a través de una nota informativa.

Conflicto cognitivo

¿Qué estructuras gramaticales deben usar los alumnos para redactar la nota informativa en inglés?
¿Qué tipo de verbos y expresiones de tiempo pueden utilizar?
¿Cuál sería el vocabulario más adecuado para redactar la nota informativa?

Block 2 – Old Times

Página 27
English 2
Student’s Workbook

Evaluación Diagnóstica

Reading Comprehension: Read the scrambled paragraphs and try to comprehend the meaning,
then reorder the text in a logical sequence on your notebook and identify the past tense verbs
to make a list of them. Make teams (4 members)

Block 2 – Old Times

Página 28
English 2
Student’s Workbook

Indicadores SI NO PUNTAJE

1. Ordena de manera correcta el texto e identifica más de

10 verbos

2.Ordena de manera clara al menos 4 párrafos e Identifica

al menos 6 verbos.

3.Muestra habilidad para ordenar solo 2 párrafos e

identifica menos de 4 verbos
4. Muestra confusión al ordenar la mayoría de los párrafos
y tiene problemas para identificar los verbos.


Vocabulary: With the guide of your teacher, practice the correct pronunciation of the following
words. Write its meanings on your notebook.

Go to the movies Take orders Study for a test

Go shopping File information Do homework
Play a sport Make calls Go to school
Take a shower Bag groceries Take the bus
Chat online Play an instrument Wash the dishes
Play video games Schedule appointments Clean my bedroom
Text friends Drive to work Do the house cleaning
Talk on the phone Make a report Read a magazine
Do exercise Type a document Watch TV
Listen to music Send emails Visit my family

Block 2 – Old Times

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English 2
Student’s Workbook

Vocabulary: With the guide of your teacher, practice the correct pronunciation of the following
words. Write its meanings on your notebook.

Time Expressions

Last year Thirty minutes ago Last night

Last month Two hours ago Yesterday
Last week Three days ago Yesterday morning
Last weekend Five weeks ago Yesterday afternoon
Last day Ten months ago Yesterday evening
Last friday Twenty years ago The day before yesterday

Grammar Information


Was Were

We use was or were with:

Description: The party was fun. The people were interesting.

Location: He was at home yesterday. They were in Cuernavaca last weekend.

Classification: Leonardo Da Vinci was an artist. William Clinton and Barack Obama were presidents.

Origins: My parents were from Greece. William Shakespeare was British.

With born: Ricardo was born in February. You were born in September

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Student’s Workbook

Form Structure

Affirmative Noun + was/were + complement

Negative Noun + wasn’t/weren’t + complement

Interrogative Was/were + noun + complement + ?

Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the simple past tense of verb to be.

1. My cousin in the party with me

2. Susan and George _ _ in the library two hours ago.
3. They my best friends last year (negative)
4. Maria _ a good student in high school (negative)
5. Martha _ fifteen years old ten, years ago

Activity 2: Complete the story with Was or Were

Last weekend, I at home when my girlfriend Jessica called me. She _

bored and she wanted to go out with me. My family having dinner and they
heard everything. I _ sick and I should have stayed at home, but I decided to go
out. My girlfriend _ waiting for me in her car outside my house. I had a good time that night.

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Student’s Workbook

Activity 3: Relate the columns writing the letter into the parentheses.

A. Michael Jackson… ( ) were soccer players

B. The Wright Brothers… ( ) were the inventors of the airplane
C. John Lennon… ( ) was an astronaut
D. Neil Armstrong… ( ) was a pop singer
E. Maria Felix and Dolores del Rio… ( ) was the first mexican astronaut
F. Mario Moreno “Cantinflas”… ( ) was from England
( ) was a mexican comedy actor
G. Benito Juárez and Porfirio Díaz…
( ) were presidents of Mexico
H. Pelé and Maradona…
( ) were mexican actresses
I. Rodolfo Neri Vela…
( ) was a businessman and inventor
J. Steve Jobs…

Difference between regular and irregular verbs in past.

Regular Verbs

The main characteristic it’s that ends with: d, ed, ied

If ends with e, add d Dance → Danced
If ends with a consonant, add ed Work → Worked
If ends with vowal + y, add ed Play → Played
If ends with consonant + y, replace y for i and add ed
Study → Studied
If ends with tonic vowal + consonant, duplicate the
Stop → Stopped
consonant and add ed

Irregular Verbs
Each one has its own past form. There are three characteristics
It changes its writing and pronounciation Go → Went
It changes only its pronounciation Read → Read
It doesn’t have changes Cut → Cut

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Student’s Workbook

Activity 4: Write the simple past of the following regular and irregular verbs. You can use your
dictionary, lesson notes or verbs chart. - ………………………………… 2.stop-…………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………6.visit-…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9.cost-…………………………………….. 10.drink-…………………………………………………………………. 12.have-………………………………..
13.make-……………………………….. 14.write-………………………………..………………………………… 16.catch-……………………………….
19.lose-………………………………….. 20.swim-………………………………..

Speaking: With the guide of your teacher, practice the correct pronunciation of the verbs above.

Simple Past Tense Grammar

Form Structure

Affirmative Noun + verb in past tense + complement

Negative Noun + didn’t + verb in present tense + complement

Interrogative Did + noun + verb in present tense + complement + ?

Block 2 – Old Times

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Student’s Workbook

Affirmative Form
I read a book yesterday You ran faster than me
She ate pizza last night He watched TV two hours ago
We played soccer They studied for the test
Negative Form Contracted Form
I / You did not read I / You didn’t read
He / She / It did not eat He / She / It didn’t eat
We / You / They did not play We / You / They didn’t play
Interrogative Form Short Answers

Yes, I / you did.

Did I / you read the book?
No, I / you didn’t.

Yes, he / she / it did.

Did he / she / it eat pizza?
No, he / she / it didn’t.

Yes, we / you did.

Did we / you / they play video games?
No. we / you didn’t.

Activity 5: Write the past of the verbs given to complete the following sentences.

1. My girlfriend and I to the movie theater last weekend (go)

2. My family and I _ the zoo yesterday (visit)
3. She _ in the party (dance)
4. My cat _ milk last night (drink)
5. I my homework five minutes ago (do)
6. Veronica _ for the test yesterday (study)
7. My friends _ their books last week (buy)
8. Alberto _ in the swimming pool last Sunday (swim)
9. My father _ all day last Saturday (work)
10. I _ my favorite tv show two days ago (watch)

Block 2 – Old Times

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Student’s Workbook

Activity 6: Change the sentences that are in simple present to simple past. Write the simple past
sentences in affirmative, negative and interrogative forms.

Example: She travels to Europe

A: She traveled to Europe
N: She didn’t travel to Europe
I: Did she travel to Europe?

1. I open a window
A ________________________________________________________________________
N _________________________________________________________________________
I _________________________________________________________________________

2. Carlos goes to the bank

A ________________________________________________________________________
N _________________________________________________________________________
I _________________________________________________________________________

3. Mariana does homework

A ________________________________________________________________________
N _________________________________________________________________________
I _________________________________________________________________________

4. They learn English

A ________________________________________________________________________
N _________________________________________________________________________
I _________________________________________________________________________

5. The secretary sends emails to his boss

A ________________________________________________________________________
N _________________________________________________________________________
I _________________________________________________________________________

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Student’s Workbook

Activity 7: Complete the statements with the past of the verbs given.

Last weekend, my friend and me (go) to England. We (get up) early.

He (make) some sandwiches. We (leave) home at 8 o’clock. My parents
(take) us to the airport by car. When we _ (arrive), my dad _ (say):
“Have you got your passport?” I (look) in my bag, but it _ _(not be) there.
I (find) it in my pocket. We _ (have) a great time there. We _ _ (do) a
lot of interesting things and (see) interesting buildings and markets. I _
(buy) a lot of presents for my family.

Homework: Work in pairs and write in your notebook a short story where you mention a
personal anecdote using the simple past tense of verb to be, regular and irregular verbs with
affirmative, negative and interrogative structures.

Indicadores Si No Observaciones
1. El texto describe anécdotas en pasado 1
2. La información es pertinente 1
3. Las estructuras corresponden al pasado simple 2
4. El manejo de la gramática está acorde a las normas 2
5. La escritura es legible 1
6. El texto es coherente 1
7. Utiliza el nuevo vocabulario de manera adecuada 1
8. Aporta ideas para la redacción del texto 1

Block 2 – Old Times

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Student’s Workbook

Activity 8: Find the past tense of the verbs listed below in the puzzle and circle them.

x j u m p e d k y s c a m e d

w w e r c z i k l m m l q p r

a e a g h s w a m n p a b e a

t f s s f g i j u v r r v t n

c q x w d a s k e d h o o f k

h a c b l s i q z i r v x s p

e e f w o r k e d d m r a b m

d r i y j u m h x a z r t o n
n h k i m n d a c t y p e q a

y b r o k e s r i l m l t h g

h g r d y b o e w l e f w f e

a r e a d e t t s u n a k l b
d o l x q o c s l m i w n r t

r p k z r a w e n t c h i e j

j a v w p o y n s t u d i e d

Ask Come Go Study

Be Do Have Swim
Break Drink Jump Watch
Begin Drive Play Work
Clean Eat Read Write

Block 2 – Old Times

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Student’s Workbook

Activity 9: Listen to the conversation and write T (True) or F (False) for each statement.

1. Noriko went to Spain with her family

2. They stayed in Madrid and then drove to Seville

3. She didn’t like the hotel in Seville

4. She really enjoyed her time in Seville.

5. Ian went to San Diego to see his parents for a week.

6. He then visited relatives in Los Angeles.

7. His friend Graham works as a police officer.

8. Kathy started a new job last month.

Block 2 – Old Times

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Student’s Workbook

Activity 10: Read the following news. Identify relevant information like dates, places, people’s
name, time expressions, verbs and simple past tense structures. Answer the questions below.

High ozone levels worsen Mexico City contamination, trigger another alert
Emergency restrictions imposed on drivers
Published on Wednesday, May 15, 2019

High ozone levels worsened already severe contamination in Mexico City yesterday, leading
authorities to declare another emergency alert and impose restrictions on the circulation of

Air quality in the capital on Tuesday was the worst in five years, according to a report in the
newspaper El Universal.

Smoke from fires burning in and around Mexico City and in central and southern states is the
primary cause of the contamination but hot and dry conditions with little wind have exacerbated
the situation.

The Environmental Commission of the Megalopolis (Came) issued an Extraordinary Environmental

Contingency yesterday morning for the Mexico City metropolitan area after measuring extremely
high levels of fine particulate matter known as PM2.5.

“Today, at three in the afternoon, two contaminants combined, contaminants of particles 2.5 and
ozone,” Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum said in a video on social media. “This can cause greater harm to
health. So we made the decision to increase the measures of environmental contingency for
tomorrow [Wednesday].”

Electric and hybrid cars as well as vehicles that have passed emissions tests and are identified with
“0” and “00” holographic stickers are free to use roads in the Mexico City metropolitan area today.
But higher-emission vehicles and private cars with license plates from a different state or a foreign
country are not permitted to circulate today between 5:00am and 10:00pm.

The mayor explained that restrictions were not imposed on cars as a result of the initial emergency
alert because current contingency plans are not activated by high levels of fine particulate matter.

However, federal environmental official Sergio Sánchez told a press conference yesterday that a
PM2.5 contingency program will now be established.

Block 2 – Old Times

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Student’s Workbook

At 10:00am today, Came said that air quality in most of the metropolitan area of the capital is
still “bad” due to the high presence of fine particulate matter and that wind speeds were just 7
kilometers per hour.

Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, a municipality just east of the capital in México state, continues to be the
most polluted area of the Valley of Mexico, according to the Imeca index.

Source: El Universal (sp)

1. What happened in Mexico City on May 15th 2019?

_ _ _

2. What was the cause of contamination?

_ _ _

3. Why mayor Claudia Sheinbaum made the decision to increase the measures of environmental
_ __ _

4. What were the restrictions that the authorities imposed on the circulation of vehicles?
_ _

5. Did the restrictions make that the air quality was better than before?
_ _ _

HOMEWORK: Search information about an important event related to environment that have
happened in your community and write news about it. Show it to the class. Make teams (4

Block 2 – Old Times

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Student’s Workbook

Poco Mucho
Criterios Indicadores 1 2 3 4 5
(0 pts.) (1 pt) (2 pts) (3 pts) (4 pts)
Asiste en forma regular y
1.-Presenta puntual a clases
una actitud
Entrega a tiempo
Demuestra una actitud
frente al
grupo de
trabajo Es respetuoso ante la idea de sus
El texto contiene los elementos
gramaticales del tiempo pasado
2.-Logra simple
Las oraciones están ordenadas
ideas y
de manera coherente
El producto es pertinente a la
3.- Utiliza la información elaborada
Transfiere anteriormente
su proceso Averigua información histórica
de de su contexto social
aprendizaje Redacta la noticia haciendo uso
a la vida de lo aprendido

Block 2 – Old Times

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Block 3 – Rules and Obligations

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Student’s Workbook

Block 3 - Rules & Obligations

Propósito del bloque

Formula instrucciones, órdenes, sugerencias y prohibiciones a través de las habilidades

comunicativas, identificando el lugar o situación en el que se está llevando a cabo,
reconociendo la diversidad cultural de su contexto.

Aprendizajes Esperados
Plantea textos para indicar obligación, órdenes, instrucciones, prohibición, permiso,
sugerencias y/o recomendaciones de manera oral y escrita utilizando la gramática apropiada,
coherencia y ortografía, fomentando una comunicación asertiva y empática en los espacios en
que se desenvuelve.

Genéricas Disciplinares
4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas
4. Produce textos con base en el uso
según quienes sean sus interlocutores, el
normativo de la lengua, considerando la
contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos
intención y situación comunicativa.
que persigue.
10. Identificar e interpretar la idea general y
4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en
posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito
situaciones cotidianas.
en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a
8.1 Propone maneras de solucionar un
conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales
problema o desarrollar un proyecto en equipo,
y contexto.
definiendo un curso de acción con pasos
11. Se comunica en una lengua extranjera
mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito,
9.1 Privilegia el diálogo como mecanismo para
congruente con la situación comunicativa.
la solución de conflictos.

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Student’s Workbook

Situación Didáctica

Título: ¡Cobachireciclaje!

Recientemente en tu plantel ha llevado a cabo una serie de actividades tendientes a la
concientización de los jóvenes en la cultura del reciclaje, que se concreta en el PLAN
ESTRATEGICO DE SOSTENIBILIDAD DE COBATAB, por lo que algunos centros educativos de este
subsistema han partido de estas ideas para la implementación de sus proyectos de sostenibilidad
que contribuya al desarrollo la acción 12 “Producción y Consumo Responsables” de la Agenda
2030, comentando esta situación a los estudiantes, se propone que para el día 17 de mayo en
que se celebra el Día Mundial del Reciclaje se realice una feria alusiva a esta fecha, que les
permita articular los saberes de cada una de sus disciplinas y al mismo tiempo promover acciones
en beneficio del medio ambiente que no solo comprenda a sus centros educativos, sino que
trascienda a la sociedad tabasqueña.

Conflicto Cognitivo

¿Cómo puede tu grupo comunicar de manera efectiva mensajes de concientización ambiental

para fomentar la cultura del reciclaje?

¿Cómo pueden relacionar los verbos imperativos y los verbos modales en esos mensajes?

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Student’s Workbook

Evaluación Diagnóstica

Selftest: Write the rules of the signs.

No cameras No guns No music No parking No swimming No talking No pets
No eating or drinking No sunglasses No cellphones No baseball caps No smoking

Answer the following questions on your notebook. Share your answers to the class.

1. What things can you do in public places?

2. Which ones are forbidden?

3. What are the rules of your house?

4. Do you know the rules and obligations from your school regulations?

Block 3 – Rules and Obligations

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Student’s Workbook

TEAMWORK: Work in pairs. Look at the dictionary or your translator, the meaning of the
following words and then write it down on your notebooks.

Check out books Take classes Fasten your seatbelt

Research information Get a check up Smoke
Open an account Medical advice Grass
Make a deposit Make new friends Take a break
Take out money Chew gum Talk
Take an order Use a cellphone Stay up late
Ride a bike Yell Homework
Go jogging Raise your hand Early
Do exercise Have fun Wear
Go shopping Be polite Regulations

Vocabulary: With the guide of your teacher, practice the correct pronunciation of the words
above with your classmates.

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Student’s Workbook

Activity 1: Look at the following examples about instrucctions. Find the imperative form of the verbs
and write it down on your notebooks

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Block 3 – Rules and Obligations

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Student’s Workbook

Imperatives are verbs forms that give affirmative or negative commands.

Affirmative: Use the base form of the verb. For example: Write! Come here!

Negative: Auxilliary Do in negative form + base form of the verb

For example: Don’t run! Don’t wear caps and sunglasses!

Activity 2: Write some rules you must follow in certain places. Use Imperatives.






Block 3 – Rules and Obligations

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Student’s Workbook

Homework: Make teams with your classmates and according with the teacher’s instructions
make a regulation for a place that you chose or your teacher has selected for you.

Indicadores Si No Observaciones
(0 pts.)
1. Es claro y preciso 1pt
2. El texto es de fácil lectura y comprensión 1pt
3. Las reglas propuestas son acordes al lugar 1pt
4. Las imágenes son aptas según el tema 1pt
5. El reglamento es visible y puede ser leído fácilmente 1pt
por la comunidad estudiantil
6. Identifica las funciones y estructuras de los 2pt
7. Participan todos los integrantes en la elaboración 1pt
8. Entrega en tiempo y forma establecida. 1pt
9. Presentan de forma breve su reglamento en plenaria. 1pt

Modal Verbs Grammar Summary

He can find any street in London. Ability
CAN You can take a taxi. Suggestion
Can you take me to Victoria Station? Request
You should drive more carefully
SHOULD / SHOULD´T Opinion / Advice
He shouldn’t drink and drive
HAVE TO You have to be back at 10 o´clock. Obligation

You must be back at 10 o´clock. Obligation

Look at the snow. It must be cold outside. Certainty that something is true

CAN´T That story can´t be true. Certainty that something is

DON´T HAVE TO You don´t have to call a taxi. Lack of obligation

MUSTN´T You mustn´t drive without a licence. Prohibition

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Activity 3: Fill in the exercise with must, mustn’t, have to or don’t have to

1. She _ wear her uniform to school every day.

2. They arrive to school on time.
3. We _ _ pay for our school books on the 15th.
4. He _ bring a notebook to class. (negative)
5. I pay for swimming classes once a month.
6. You _ drive a car if you don’t have a driver’s license. (negative)
7. They do their homework.
8. We _ wear our seatbelts in the car.
9. They _ go to the movies tonight. (negative)
10. He _ pay for the gym every 1st of the month.

Activity 4: Work in pairs and write an advice for each situation. Use should / shouldn’t modal verb.

I want to lose weight, what should I do?

_ _

_ _

She wants to make new friends, what should she do?

_ _

_ _ _

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He wants to do well on his exams, what should he do?

_ __ _

_ _ _

We want to be healthy, what should we do?


_ _
_ _

Activity 5: Write what you can and can’t do in the following places.






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Activity 6: CAN’T

1. RoseandTed begood players. They havewon hundreds of cups!

2. You pay to use the library. It’s free.

3. Jerry be working today. He never works on Sundays.

4. You be 18 to see that film.

5. Dad go and see a doctor. His cough is getting worse all the time.

6. You sitso near the TV. It’s bad for your eyes.

7. I stop and talk to you now. I have to get to the library.

8. You don’t have to shout. I hear you very well.

9. You have passed all your tests. You bevery pleased with yourself.

10. “Children, you cross the Street if the lights arered !”

Block 3 – Rules and Obligations

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Student’s Workbook

Activity 9: Read the following text and answer the questions below.

Read the signs

I had a wonderful weekend! My friends from We were tired after driving all the way home,
Canada visited me, so I took them on a so, on the Sunday, we just went to see a
sightseeing tour. They love art, so first we movie at the local theater. Halfway through
went to the Grand Gallery in the city center. It the movie, my cellphone rang. I know you
was my first time there too, so I wanted to shouldn’t use cellphones in the movie
take some pictures. However, the security theater, but it was an important call, so I
guard stopped me. He said I must not take answered anyway. Besides, the movie was
photos inside the gallery. There was a sign really boring, so I didn’t think anyone would
apparently, but I didn’t see it. care too much! The people behind me were
really angry.
We went to the beach too. It was nice and
sunny when we left, but when we arrived, it “Didn’t you see the sign?” One of them said.
was cloudy and windy, and the sea was very “No cellphones!”
rough. We wanted to go for a swim anyway,
She was right, of course. So one thing I
as it took us hours to drive to the beach.
learned this weekend is to always pay
However, one of the lifeguards stopped us.
attention to the signs. They’re there for a
He said we shouldn’t enter the sea as it was
too dangerous. There was a sign apparently,
but I didn’t see it.
1. What was the problem in the art gallery?
a. Taking photos isn’t permitted inside the gallery
b. Eating and drinking isn’t allowed inside the gallery
2. Why didn’t the author know about the rule? Discuss why rules are important.
a. It was his first time there
b. He didn’t read the sign What different reasons might
3. Why did the lifeguard stop them entering the sea? there be for certain rules?
a. There were sharks in the sea Why is it important to follow rules
b. The water was too rough and to respect them?
4. Why were the people in the movie theater angry?
a. The man was talking on his cellphone
b. The movie was boring
5. What should you do with your cellphone in a movie
a. Answer it
b. Turn it off

Block 3 – Rules and Obligations

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Student’s Workbook

Homework: Make posters and signs about the care of the environment. Remember using
imperatives and modal verbs. Make teams according to your teacher’s instructions. You
can use recycle materials.

Indicadores Si No Observaciones
(1 pt) (0 pts.)
1. Es creativo y presenta limpieza
2. Comunica la idea a través de un texto de fácil
comprensión para la comunidad escolar
3. Utilizan material de su entorno
4. Ofrece información relevante, es de fácil lectura y
comprensión del contenido
5. Entregan en tiempo y forma
6. Participan activamente todos los integrantes en la
7. Identifican las funciones y estructuras de los “Modals
8. Identifica las funciones y estructuras de los
9. Presentan de manera oral la importancia del cuidado
del medio ambiente
10. El cartel presenta armonía entre letras e imágenes.
Las imágenes son aptas según el tema

Block 3 – Rules and Obligations

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Nombre de la Asignatura
Guía didáctica del estudiante



Block 4 – Plans and Predictions

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Student’s Workbook

Block 4 - Plans and Predictions

Propósito del bloque

Crea planes y predicciones a futuro a través de las habilidades comunicativas, con la

intención de establecer metas a corto y largo plazo que le permitan tomar decisiones de
manera consciente.

Aprendizajes Esperados
• Crea de manera oral planes futuros considerando la fluidez, pronunciación,
entonación y dominio del tema, con actitud de respeto y tolerancia por las demás

• Plantea de manera escrita predicciones de sucesos utilizando la gramática apropiada,

coherencia y ortografía, favoreciendo la toma de decisiones consciente e informada.

Genéricas Disciplinares
4. Produce textos con base en el uso
4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en normativo de la lengua, considerando la
situaciones cotidianas. intención y situación comunicativa.
7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus 10. Identificar e interpretar la idea general y
procesos de construcción de conocimiento. posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o
8.1 Propone maneras de solucionar un escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo
problema o desarrollar un proyecto en equipo, a conocimientos previos, elementos no
definiendo un curso de acción con pasos verbales y contexto.
específicos. 11. Se comunica en una lengua extranjera
mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito,
congruente con la situación comunicativa.

Block 4 – Plans and Predictions

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Student’s Workbook

Situación Didáctica



La nota informativa que presentaron los estudiantes de tu plantel sobre los sucesos que ocurrieron en su
comunidad donde se afectó al medio ambiente, y los mensajes de concientización para fomentar una cultura
de reciclaje en tu comunidad llamó la atención de las autoridades escolares y municipales, y juntos han
solicitado nuevamente a los alumnos de tu plantel que comuniquen los efectos a largo plazo de las acciones
positivas y negativas en materia ambiental.

Conflicto cognitivo
¿Cómo pueden los alumnos comunicar de manera efectiva los alcances positivos y negativos a largo plazo en
materia ambiental?
¿Qué vocabulario necesita conocer para poder comunicarse apropiadamente referente al tema?
¿Cuáles son las estructuras gramaticales necesarias para poder comunicarse en futuro simple e idiomático?
¿Cuáles serían las propuestas de solución a dicho problema?

Block 4 – Plans and Predictions

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Student’s Workbook

Vocabulary: With the guide of your teacher, practice the correct pronunciation of the words
about leisure activities.

These are some activities young people do on weekends.

Go to eat out with family

Go to the movie theater. Visit relatives. Visit museums.
or friends.

Visit galleries. Go to a party. Go to a concert. Go dancing.

Practice a sport with

friends (soccer, football,
Do exercise. Go shopping. Go out of town.
tennis, skateboarding,

Ride a horse. Study French. Get divorced. Paint my room.

Climb a mountain. Watch romantic movies.

TEAMWORK: Work in pairs. Look at the dictionary or your translator, the meaning of the words
above and then write it down on your notebooks.

Block 4 – Plans and Predictions

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Student’s Workbook

Activity 1: Take turns asking and answering the following question: Are you planning to do these
things on the weekend? Answer yes or not.

Time Expressions

Tomorrow In five minutes

Tomorrow night In two hours
Next Saturday (any day) In three days
Next week In a week
Next weekend In two months
Next month In four years
Next year

Block 4 – Plans and Predictions

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Student’s Workbook

Grammar information.

Future Grammar Summary Examples

I am going to study English next
Affirmative semester
He is going to have a birthday party next
Noun + be + going to + verb + comp. Saturday
We are going to play soccer tomorrow
I am not going to study English next
Negative semester
He isn’t going to have a birthday party
going to
Noun + be (neg) + going to + verb + comp. next Saturday
We aren’t going to play soccer tomorrow
Are you going to study English next
Interrogative semester?
Is he going to have a birthday party next
Be + noun + going to + verb + comp.? Saturday?
Are we going to play soccer tomorrow?
Affirmative I will go to Spain next year
She will visit her friends next month
Noun + will + verb + comp. They will read comics
Negative I won’t go to Spain next year
Will She won’t visit her friends next month
Noun + will (neg) + verb + comp. They won’t read comics
Interrogative Will you go to Spain next year?
Will she visit her friends next month?
Will + noun + verb + comp.? Will they read comics?
Affirmative I am meeting Peter at the airport
He is leaving tomorrow
Noun + be + verb with ing ending + comp. You are cooking tonight
Present Negative I am not meeting Peter at the airport
continuous He isn’t leaving tomorrow
for plans Noun + be + verb with ing ending + comp You aren’t cooking tonight
Interrogative Are you meeting Peter at the airport?
Is he leaving tomorrow?
Be+ noun + verb with ing ending + comp Are you cooking tonight?

Block 4 – Plans and Predictions

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Student’s Workbook

Homework: Make a comparative chart with the main characteristics of Present

continuous for plans, be going to and will. Make teams according to your teacher’s

Si No
Indicadores Observaciones
(2 pt) (0
1. Reconoce las características principales de cada estructura
2. Compara similitudes y diferencias entre las estructuras
3. Escribe ejemplos de cada estructura para hacer más
comprensiva la información
4. Hace buen uso de las reglas ortográficas y signos de
5. Presenta el trabajo con calidad, limpieza, esmero, en
tiempo y forma

Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box. Use Will.

Buy Go Eat Get Be Learn Drink Close Study Work

1. Juan to speak French in six months.

2. My father _ a new car next year.
3. I _ famous someday.
4. Mariana married to Francisco next weekend.
5. My family and I _ _ Italian food for dinner tonight.
6. I sodas for a week. (negative form)
7. Carlos _ next Saturday. (negative form)
8. Students for the chemistry test next Monday.
9. The store at 09:30 pm tonight.

10. My boss _ to Mexico City next month. (negative form)

Block 4 – Plans and Predictions

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Student’s Workbook

Activity 3: Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verb to be

1. My friends going to play soccer in an hour.

2. Karen and Jennifer going to look for a job this weekend.
3. My mother going to visit her parents tomorrow (negative)
4. Alicia _ going to travel to Spain next week.
5. I _ going to do homework with Jose and Gerardo. (negative)
6. Jessica going to make a cake this Sunday.
7. We _ _ going to go on vacations to Cancun next year.
8. They _ going to sleep with that noise. The music is too loud! (negative)
9. I _ going to travel to Guadalajara City next month.
10. Antonio _ going to have a birthday party tonight.

Activity 4: Work in pairs. Complete the following sentences with something logical with present

1. My hair is dirty. I’m _ _it.

2. I don’t want to go home by bus. I’m a taxi.

3. Take an umbrella with you. It’s _ _ .

4. I’m really hungry. I’m _ this sandwich.

5. We’re Jeremy a present for his birthday.

Block 4 – Plans and Predictions

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English 2
Student’s Workbook

Activity 5: Read the following text. Then read the statements and circle with True or False.

Scrabble Day

EMILY: Hi Paul! What are you doing today?

PAUL: I’m seeing my dentist at three o’clock in the afternoon. Have you got any plans for today?
EMILY: I’m meeting John and Jane at the cafe. We’re going to play Scrabble. Maybe, you might join
us after your appointment at the dentist.
PAUL: Sounds good. I think my appointment will finish at four o’clock. I’ll call you when it finishes;
then I can join you.
EMILY: Great! We’re going to talk about the Interrail. We’ll need your advice.
PAUL: Alright! I’ll give you very valuable information about the trip. Look! Andy is coming.
EMILY: Oh no! He’s going to see me! He lent me his Geography book, and I’ve lost it. Now, he’ll
probably ask me about it.
PAUL: OK. I got it.
EMILY: Bye, Paul.

1. Paul won’t be in the dentist after three o’clock today. True False
2. Paul can meet Emily and others after his appointment. True False
3. Paul is leaving the dentist at four o’clock. True False
4. Paul doesn't know anything about an Interrail journey. True False
5. Emily isn’t going to see Andy. True False
6. John, Jane and Emily have planned to play Scrabble in the café. True False

Block 4 – Plans and Predictions

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English 2
Student’s Workbook

Activity 6: Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences.

1. I mean, I guess you’re going to look for

, right?

2. I want to start my and earn

some real money!

3. _, life isn’t just about working, you


4. I’d like to go _ and visit every

country in the world, wouldn’t you?

5. I mean, I think I’d _ my family.

They’re important to me

Block 4 – Plans and Predictions

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English 2
Student’s Workbook

Homework: Make a presentation about positive and negative long-term

environmental effects in the future using going to and will structures. Make teams
according to your teacher’s instructions.

Criterios Excelente Bueno Suficiente Insuficiente
(3pts) (2pts) (1pts) (0pts)
Visual aids have Visual aids are little
Visual aids are hard
Visual aids support little support for related to the
to understand
the theme and have the theme. Have theme, have no
VISUAL AIDS proper size and color proper size and proper size and
and/or are not
related to the
for the audience. color for the color for the
audience. audience.
Uses appropriate The mistakes and
grammar without Uses appropriate Presents mistakes grammar errors are
GRAMMAR mistakes. Sentences grammar with few but he or she evident and
are according to mistakes. communicates. communications is
goals. not accomplished.
Pronounces with
Excellent errors or is not The pronunciation
PRONUNCIATION pronunciation.
Well pronounced.
understandable is poor and unclear.
from time to time.
Is able to
Is able to Is not able to
communicate ideas Is able to express
communicate communicate
FLUENCY in an excellent
fluently, with just
ideas, stopping to
ideas, mixing both
manner, without recall words.
hesitation. some hesitations. languages.
Turns in on time, with
Turns in on time, Turns in but Poor quality,
PROJECT, ESSAY an excellent quality
according to the missing some missing most of the
OR WRITTEN TEXT according to the
requirements. requirements. requirements.

Block 4 – Plans and Predictions

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Student’s Workbook


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Student’s Workbook


• Auxiliar Did. (s.f.). Obtenido de
• Dinámica. (s.f.). Hot potato. Obtenido de
• El Universal. (15 de Mayo de 2019). Noticia: High Ozone Levels Worsen Mexico City
Contamination. Obtenido de Mexico News Daily:
• Foley, B. H., & Neblett, E. R. (2010). English in Action. Mexico: Heinle Cengage Learning.
• Kastanis Flores, P., & Urquijo Flores, K. (2017). English 2. Mexico: Grupo Editorial Patria.
• Kirn, E., & Jack, D. (1994). Interactions I: A Communicative Grammar. Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
• Modal Verbs. (s.f.). Obtenido de
• Modals. (s.f.). Obtenido de
• Molnar, E. V. (2010). My Life 2. Mexico: Bookmart.
• Orozco, G. (s.f.). Obtenido de Universidad Laboral de Málaga:
• Peterson, K. (1995). Grammar Spectrum Elementary: BK1. Oxford University Press.
• Reading: Scrabble day. (s.f.). Obtenido de
• Rodríguez Ramón, M. A. (2017). Lengua Adicional al Español II: Cuaderno de Ejercicios.
Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico.
• Rogers, M. (2010). Open Mind 2B. McMillan.
• Thompson, R. (2015). Accelerate 2. Mexico: Pearson.
• Verbos regulares e irregulares. (s.f.). Obtenido de La presentación:
• Video. (s.f.). El pasado simple y su auxiliar did. Obtenido de YouTube:
• Video. (s.f.). Futuro: Going to. Obtenido de YouTube:
• Video. (s.f.). Futuro: Will. Obtenido de YouTube:
• Video. (s.f.). Las 5 reglas para la terminación ED - Verbos regulares. Obtenido de YouTube:

Página 71

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