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The nert six rapids were ditricutt and they paddted hard...

No. Lifted Own Words

1 ...wehlt the firstof six rapids.Theycamein to overcomethe wavesand obstacles
quick,terrifyingsuccession. We paddled
furiously, battlingsinksand high,irregular
z My elationturnedto fluttersof fear The writer'sinitialjolydisappeared
I was surewe weregoingto be swampedany as she was afraidthe raft would caDsizeor
mtnule sink
4 Suddenly, the man besideme was gone!I She bentforwardto rescuea fallen
lungedfor him as wentunder... teammate
5 ..thensomeoneelsehauledhimin but someoneelsenlanagedto pull him in
o ..ourraftsurvivedthe .. .violentwater.The WhenNor'spassengers fell overboard
otherraftdid not
7 Guy screamedat us to back-paddle so that theyhadto paddlein reverseto slowdown
we couldslowdown
8 ..andcollecithe others,bobbingswifUy in orderto helpthe fallenones
oownstream towardus
9 Guythrewhimselfoverboardand swam Guy plungedintothe waterto rescuea
furlouslyto oneman who nearlyfloatedpast. manwhoalmost{loatedby
1 0 No one was grinn]ngnow Everyonefelt seriousat thattime
1 1 A long,grey,boilingroadof violent Evenmoreviolentrapidsloomedup next
r a p i d s. . . l o o m eudp
1 2 Nowthe tensionhad movedup several And everyonegrewmoretense
1 3 We paddledhardto manoeuvre througheven Theypaddledharderto navigatethrough
narrowerpassagesbetweenevenbigger the obstacles
1 4 We jockeyedhardto glanceoff a boulderthen The writer'sraftrammedagainsta boulder
got suckedovera one-metrefall and rammed
'15 The rafl
flattenedagainstit And theraftwas in an uprightposition
to My terrorwas realized:we were vertical, Shewasafraidit wouldtoppleover and
lookingdownat the water.The raftwas on its confirmher fears
side,andwe hung,frozen,waitingfor the
1 7 We muscledthe raftawayfromthe rock but theyusedtheirstrengthto move it
awayoff its side
18 Goingbackwardsuncontrollably, we tookthe Theylostcontrolof the raft in the last
iail of the seclioncompletelyout of control sectionof the raoids
. 1 9 Finally
we werefree untiltheyclearedit at last.
Note: Content - 15 marks
Language Use - 10 marks (do not markspecificay for useof own words)
couldwellexplode Theirfueltankscouldburstviolentlv.
We stillhadthreefulltanksof fuel...thev
on landing.

Decidedto swooDdown verv low We decidedto landon / descendto the qround

anddiscardthefueltanks them/ throwthemawav.


PerstoDped burninqpropane
andbrought theballoon down Perremoved fuelsupplvandloweredtheballoon
low so thatwe couldseewherewe couldsafelyjettisonthe betteriudqement
of disposing

Thewindsuddenlvswirledaroundus,muchharderthanwe aroundthem/ blewthem

The wind was oscillatinq
so thattheoroundrushedup to meetus. towardsoround.

at a speedof almost30 knots,ourgroundspeed we droppeddanqerouslv

Travelling / dived
wasnotso muchtheproblem as oursuddenolunoe.
1_rt{. oR,
We ricochetedoff the qroundand bouncedalonqa fieid. We were hit aqainstthe fieldin mornentum.

All our fuel tanksweretorn off by the impact,alongwith our Fuelsupplyandradiocommunications

Withoutthe weightcf the tanks,we hurtledbackwards.
Withno fueltankswe wereutterlvoutof control Couldnot steer/ lostcommandof diregje!,
the balloonwasIlgllgj8gg rccket The balloonshol / movedupwards,
I Pgr ventedhot air frcm the top of the balloon Perreleased / letoff hotairat thetop
,)R, OR,
tc reduceour heiqht. To loweraltitudefromthearound

stronger Buttheywereblowntowardssea bythe strong
thanwe expected
andit sweptus outto sea.

I was devastatedto see the foaminqsea risinqup to meet Mv hopewas shattered/ felt defeatedwhenwe
us. We'd missedthe beach.We were goingtoo fast. capsized/ hitthe sea.
We hlt the sea.crashinqme into Per.

The balloonstartedto draqus acrossthe surfaceof the Theywere pushed/ bobbeddanqerouslv

ocean.We werebeinobounced fromwaveto wave. waters.

Perheavedhimselfup andclimbedthroughthehatch tojumpoff theballoon

"Where's yourIifejacket?"I shouted. Perdidnotweara lifejacket.
He (Per)threwhimselfoff thetopof thecapsuleintothe Hejumpedintothesea.
Withouthis weiqht,the balloonshot uo fast,too highfor me The balloonwas too liqhtand rose rapidlvfor Richardto
tojump. JUMP.
1 6 I floatedhiqherand hiqherintothe clouds,the winds !f;9139qyby the wind towards
He was99fi99!_.1fu
carryingme north,towardsScotland. Scotland.

1 7 I had two equallvdanqerouschoicesand didn'tknowwhich He had a difficultchoice/ was in a dilemma.

one to qo for: lcould iumpout in mv parachuteor stay put.
onlyan hourof fuelleft.
1 8 I wasa!g!q....with / helpless.

1 9 I wasdead. contagu

Noavailable with
meansof communication
20 I got outthe notebookI carryeverywhere
Fatalisticallv, I was aboutto qive uo hope/on life....
OR, oR,
..andwrote.'Joan,Hollv.Sam,I lovevou.' I wrotemy lastwords/ farewellto my family.

my oldootimism
Suddenly, anddetermination kickedin. Kepthis faith/beliefto continuesurvivinq.
of, givingin wlthouta fight?
Whaton earthwasI thinking

22 I floatedthroughthe bottomlayer,towardsthe greyseaand wason theway.

/ salvation
sawa helicoDter was
searching for me!

23 All the time l've beenflyingnorthwardswith a dead radio, lwas concernedaboutPef s conditionall thiswhile.
I'd beenworriedsick aboutPer.

24 He had been lanquishinoin the sea for hoursand we had to Perwasrescued at seafor hours.
find him ouicklv.

MarkingSchemefor LanguageMarks

No of Points Marksawardedfor Max marksallocated

reworded OW for Use of English
0-1 2m 4m
2 2m 5m
J 3m 6m
4 4m 6m
5 5m 6m
o 6 7 m- 1 0 m
7 7 7m - 10m
I o 7m - 10m
I I 7m - 10m
10 and above 10 7 m- 1 0 m

No penaltyfor any errorsmadein themor for incompleteness,
punctuationor grammaticalerrorimmediately themwhenassessing
following Style.

Drawa doublelinewherethe introductorywordsend,or shouldend.
countto 160the numberof words,used the candidate
by afterthe doublelineandwrite
downthisnumberat the bottomlefiof the candidate's
DO NOTusethe candidate's wordtotalwithoutcheckingit.
STOPat 160andcrossoutexcesswords,

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