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Lesson 1

Main topic: Communication Principles and Ethics

 Describe the nature, elements and functions of verbal and non-verbal
communication in various and multicultural contexts.
 Explain how cultural and global issues affect communication, and why ethical
communication is essential.
 Appreciate the impact of communication on society and the world.
Processes and Principles of Effective Communication
 Effective communication
Is a key interpersonal skill and by learning how you can improve your communication
has many benefits “say what you mean”
 Communication
Is beyond simply putting words into thoughts and emotions is the art of creating and
sharing ideas for a specific purpose.

Many forms of Communication

1. Verbal communication, which includes the use of language, sounds, and tone of voice
2. Non-verbal communication, which includes body language and facial expressions
3. Written communication, such as through journals, emails, blogs, and text messages
4. Visual communication, which involves signs, symbols, pictures, graphics, and emoji’s
What are the elements to consider to have an effective communication?
Audience Analysis
Knowing the audience, understanding their level and how they need to receive the
Adjust all the other elements of communication, such as your words or registers, your tone,
and your expressions.

Principles of Effective Communication

 Clarity
 Organization
 Completeness.
 Conciseness
 Empathy.
 Flexibility
Sub Topic: Communication and Globalization
The world has shrunk into a global village, but have we become more of ‘neighbors’ or more
of strangers to each other?
This means that the technology brought by globalization and now with the use of
technologies, we easily connect with other people. We all know that in this generation, some
of us are using gadgets. Using advance technologies and other innovation, it has made
people more of strangers than neighbors because it uniting us and made use more than
strangers for us to be more advance and it gives us an additional knowledge whether it is
about the nature, culture, politics and even discoveries and compile it into idea and the
making all of people to be cooperativeness that will surely many people will dive and sync
with this global village

1. I enjoy communicating with persons who are like me in terms of interests and with
the same socio-economic status, as much as I enjoy communicating those who are
not ‘like’ me.
2. I am equally sensitive to the concerns of all groups of society, and I genuinely care to
the plight and issues surrounding them
3. I can tell when persons with different cultures do not understand me or are confused
by my actions.
4. I am not afraid of interacting with members of minority groups nor with members of a
dominant culture.
5. Persons from other cultures who do not actively participate in a conversation, debate
or any form of discussion act that way probably because of their culture’s rules.
6. Persons from other cultures have the right to be angry at members of my own
7. How I handle conflict or disagreements with persons from other cultures depends on
the situation and on the culture they are from.
8. My culture is not superior to other cultures.
9. I am knowledgeable of how to behave when communicating or interacting with
people having different cultures.
10. I respect the communication rules of cultures other than my own.
Sub Topic: Ethics in Communication
Communication is ethical only when it is genuine, open, cooperative and sensitive to one’s
cultural and social beliefs and practices.
Lesson 2
Main topic: Local and Global Communication in Multicultural Settings
 Describe the styles in communication considering various multicultural settings.
 Determine varieties and registers of spoken and written language.
 Adopt cultural an intercultural awareness and sensitivity in communicating ideas.
 Develop a sense of appreciation on the richness and diversity of registers used in
written and spoken communication.
Styles of Communication

Communication style refers to the choices people make and the strategies or tools they
use in the process of communication.
People are categorized as:
 Assertive communication level tend to tell or instruct others what to do and
sometimes even how to do it
 Less assertive styles usually tend to be on the receiving end, often asking for
guidance, instructions or directions.
 Expressive level usually show their real feelings and emotions through facial
expressions, tone of voice, or language use.
 Less expressive ones tend to either hide their feelings or exert some effort for these
feelings not to show.
The combination of these levels result to the basic communication styles:
Spirited = High Expressiveness + High Assertiveness
Considerate = High Expressiveness + Low Assertiveness
Direct = Low Expressiveness + High Assertiveness
Systematic = Low Expressiveness + Low Assertiveness

Tips for People with a Spirited Communication Style

 Respect decisions and agenda that have been agreed upon, as well as time limits
during meetings or any communicative situation.
 Try to limit your sharing of personal anecdotes that may take the discussion off-topic.
 Make sure you are allowing others to contribute their ideas and suggestions – and
that you are genuinely listening to them.
 Be certain that any request you make is clear and that you convey the reason for
such request.
 Communicate your appreciation for others’ work and input.
Tips for People with a Considerate Communication Style
 Recognize that other people’s opinions about a topic are separate from their
opinions about you.
 Realize that not everyone is comfortable discussing personal topics with colleagues.
 Allow others to open personal matters before asking questions of that nature.
 Respect your own opinion as you respect that of others’.
 Recognize that you don’t have to be friends with everyone, but you should treat
others – and be treated – professionally.
Tips for People with a Direct Communication Style
 Make an effort to listen carefully to others. Avoid interrupting.
 Allow time for ‘chatting’ at the beginning of a meeting.
 Recognize that others may also feel the need to express themselves.
 Recognize that brainstorming can be effective and is not a waste of time.
 Take some time to show your appreciation for others’ contributions.
Tips for People with a Systematic Communication Style
 Recognize that for good working relationships, consideration for others’ feelings is
 Learn to ask qualifying questions that will help you get the information you need.
 Make sure you understand the background of the discussion or scope of the
conversation so no time is wasted.
 Politely ask other questions about themselves if you want to build rapport.
 If you need to ask for more time to know, analyze or discuss something, explain the
benefit of the information you need to know.

Sub topic: Varieties and Registers of Spoken and Written Language

Language varieties may also be grouped in the following classifications:
 Pidgin
 Creole
 Regional Dialect
 Minority Dialect
 Indigenized
 Varieties
How do you classify the ‘conyo’ language in the Philippines?
A combination of the English and Filipino languages — in a fussy way. Using this
language may also exhibit that speakers have limited knowledge of either language and
have to code-switch.
What do you think are the unique characteristics of this language variety?
In sociolinguistics, language variety—also called lect—is a general term for any
distinctive form of a language or linguistic expression
How do you feel about people using this variety?
You'll feel more productive. The reason variety makes you feel happier over these
longer periods of time is because it keeps you engaged. It offsets that potential for boredom
and burnout.
Language Registers
Is characterized by the way a speaker uses language differently in different social
circumstances. These are determined by such factors as social atmosphere, purpose of
communication, audience, and the general context of the discourse.
Language registers can be classified as (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5). Formal, Informal, or
 Formal
 Frozen
 Casual
 Consultative
 Intimate
 Neutral

Improving one’s Ability in Communicating in a Multicultural Setting

 Refrain from forming expectations based solely on your culture
 Remove personal biases or any stereotype that may impede understanding.
 Make a personal commitment to develop communication skills appropriate in
multicultural settings
I will make a commitment to seek information from persons whose cultures are different
from my own.
I will try to understand how the experiences of persons from different cultures leads them to
develop perspectives that differ from mine.
I will pay attention to the situation and the context when I communicate with persons from
different cultures.
I will make every effort to become a more flexible communicator.
I will not insist that persons from other cultures should communicate with me on my terms.
Lesson 3: Evaluating Messages and Images of Different Text Types
 Evaluate multimodal texts critically to enhance receptive skills (i.e. listening, reading,
and viewing).
 Convey ideas through oral, audio-visual and/or web-based presentations for different
target audiences in local and global settings using appropriate registers.
 Adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting ideas.

Evaluating Messages and/or Images of Different Types of Texts Reflecting Different

Concept of World Englishes,
Examples of World Englishes are Indian English, West African English, and Singapore
English, and Filipino English.
Extreme 1: The goal of national or regional identity. People use a regional variety of English
with its specific grammar, structure and vocabulary to affirm their own national or ethnic
Extreme 2: The goal of intelligibility. Users of a regional variety should ideally still be readily
understood by users of English everywhere else in the world to fully participate in the use of
English as an international language
Extreme 3: The challenge is to find a good balance between the identity-intelligibility
extremes. Hence, speakers of the English language may resort to code-switching (i.e.,
using English and another language in the same statement).
The Power of Words and Images
Multimodality is a fairly new concept in the general academic setting, but can be a very
powerful tool in light of digital and multicultural communication. A text or output is
considered multimodal if it uses two or more communication modes to make meaning.
Semiotic resources (language, gestures, images)
Various modalities (visual, aural, somatic, etc.).
 A multimodal text can either be one of the following:
 Paper (books, comics, posters, brochures)
 Digital (slide presentations, blogs, web pages, social media, animation, film, video
 Live (performance or an event)
 Transmedia (A story is told using multiple delivery channels through a combination of
platforms, such as comics, film, and video games all working as part of the same
story with the same message.)

In creating a multimodal text, the Purpose, Audience, Context must all be considered.
As to purpose...
As to audience...
As to context...
Lesson 4: The Rise of New Media and Technology Aids in Communication
 Identify the proper strategies in communication using social media and other
advancements in technology.
 Evaluate language in new media and adopt an awareness of proper use of language
in these media platforms.
 Develop an appreciation on the importance of proper communication planning.

Group 1: Slide Show (your own groupmates Pictures) Topic: Proper strategies in
communication using social media and other advancements in technology
Group 2: Acting/ Drama (original video) How to evaluate language in new media and adopt
an awareness of proper use of language in these media platforms
Group 3: Gameshow (think of an original game show) show appreciation on the importance
of proper communication planning.
Group 4: Talk show /Debate (Will answer the question: Are we using new media, or are new
media using us?

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