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Declared as Deemed to be University under section 3 of UGC act 1956

173, Agaram Main Road, Selaiyur, Chennai – 600 073,Tamil Nadu

End Semester Examinations – Nov/Dec -2021

Regulation – 2018
Programme(s) Year Semester Course Code(s) Course Title
B.Tech-Computer III V U18PCCS503 Functional Programming
Science& Engineering
Time: Three Hours Max Marks: 80

Part – B: (5 X 6 = 30 Marks)
Answer either (a) or (b) Each question carry equal marks

21a Summarize the types of Functional Programming Languages.

21b Explain the types of Programming Languages.

22a Explain the string and Numbers Data types in Haskell.

22b Summarize the tuple Data types in Haskell.

(or) Illustrate the Function Composition with Example.
23b Explain in detail about Partial application with an example.

24a Evaluate the JavaScript Classes with an example,

24b Construct the JavaScript Inheritance with an example.

(or) Solve the Recursion method in Functional Python with an example.

25b Build the Encapsulation concept in Functional Python.

Part – C: (5 X 10 = 50 Marks)
Answer either (a) or (b) Each question carry equal marks

26a Discuss in detail about the types of operators in Haskell.

26b Analyze the types of Haskell Installers.
27a Illustrate the difference between List and List Comprehension data types in Haskell.
27b Develop odd or even numbers using Nested if-else Haskell Program.

28a Classify the Haskell function modules with examples for each.
28b Examine the higher order function with an example.
29a Explain polymorphism and its types with an example.
29b Construct algebraic types and recursive algebraic types with an example.
30a Describe about Recursion and Primitive Recursion with an example.

30b Explain the Lazy Evaluation with an Example.

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