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America was founded as an Anti-Christian Social Order

America was founded as an Anti-Christian Social Order

written by The Fascifist


The purpose of this paper is to inform and educate readers on the foundation and
mythos that the American Republic was built upon. This information is not
intended to offend or demoralize but rather to help and support a more accurate
understanding of history and philosophy.

Who were the “Founding Fathers” of America?

The Founding Fathers of the USA were a diverse group of Aristocrats and
Merchants mainly from Britain and Northwestern Europe. They were
Freemasons, Deists, Unitarians, Naturalists, Rationalists, Empiricists and various
other kinds of Liberals inspired by the Humanist spirit of the so-called
enlightenment period. They were anti-traditional, anti-Christian, anti-authoritarian,
anti-monarchist, anti-royalist and anti-ethnic. Their “classical liberalism” was the
original kernel planted in North America that progressed until it manifested the
tree of Americanism that we today observe in the 21st century.
The Pagan Themes and Images of Washington

The Apotheosis of Washington painted in the Rotunda Dome of the Capitol

Building. It depicts Washington ascending to godhood flanked by Libertas and
Victoria, Roman goddesses of Liberty and Victory, while enveloped by the 13
colonies. Around the edge are six gods including the Goddess of America
Columbia (War) in her role as war goddess. It is important to note that it is not the
mere depiction of pagan gods that makes this painting anti-Christian, but rather
the theological message of Apotheosis that implicitly rejects Jesus Christ as the
only path to achieving theosis. For Jesus emphatically stated:

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except
through me.”
- The Gospel of John 14:6
There’s also five other gods each representing a different element of American
culture including:

– Minerva (Science) alongside famous American Inventors Morse, Franklin and


– Neptune (Marine) depicted with American warships and the goddess Venus
laying the transatlantic telegraph cable

– Mercury (Commerce) depicted giving gold to American Revolutionary

Financier Robert Morris

– Vulcan (Mechanics) depicted with a steam engine and cannon balls

– Ceres (Agriculture) depicted with a McCormick mechanical reaper, a

personified Young America holding the reins, while the goddess Flora collects

The usage of these gods reveals an implicitly theological message directed

against Christianity. Towards the end of the 19th century, Pope Leo XIII
condemned this when he spoke against “the heresy of Americanism”. He
emphasized the undue insistence on interior initiative in spiritual life, “which leads
to disobedience”. He condemned the practice of putting natural virtues (e.g. hard
work, persistence, and frugality) ahead of the cardinal virtues and the theological
virtues, which have a supernatural core necessary for the transcendence of the
human soul. This error can be seen among many of America’s deist founders
who rejected miracles, the nature of divine revelation, and organized religion.
Instead, they emphasized hard work, loyalty, persistence, human reason, and
other mere natural virtues. They engaged in the following practices:
– Attacks on religious vows: Disparagement of the value of the contemplative
religious orders in the modern world.

– Minimizing given doctrine: This is especially manifested when leading Catholics

refuse to speak out in public, unequivocally and with
conviction. It also occurs when rank-and-file
Catholics, failing to enkindle the graces of their
confirmation, do not actively live, proclaim, and
defend the Faith. This leads to a tendency in
American social life to hide religious convictions or
to think that all religions are to be respected. How
much worse has this gotten in the past 100-plus
years since Pope Leo XIII condemned this trend!

– Minimizing the importance

of spiritual direction: This again is rooted in the anti-social tendency of
the American attitude that each person is the sole
arbiter of his own destiny and he does not need
another person to tell him what he should do.

– Maintaining the idea that

all opinions should be
publicly aired: The Church, on the other hand, has always [quite
reasonably] taught that speech which harms
morality and the truths of the Faith has no right
whatsoever to be publicly proclaimed. A healthy
nation-state would be wise to learn this lesson
when it comes to temporal policies. Subversive
“religions” and atheists likewise assert the First
Amendment of the US Constitution as protecting
their views. In truth, God does not give man the
right to assert any false religious views. Error
cannot have a right to exist or to be promoted. The
Church has understood this for millennia and so
has the traditional state throughout history
wherever there has been high culture.
The Contempt of the Founding Fathers Against European Ethnic
Groups and the Christian Religion

John Adams wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson on January 22, 1825 in

which he stated the following (emphasis added):

“The Europeans are all deeply tainted with prejudices, both ecclesiastical
and temporal, which they can never get rid of. They are all infected with …
creeds, and confessions of faith. They all believe that great Principle (God) which
has produced this boundless universe … came down to this little ball (the earth),
to be spat upon by Jews. And until this awful blasphemy is gotten rid of,
there never will be any liberal science in the world.”
The term “liberal science” carries very specific connotations. It is a direct
reference to the Liberal Humanist religion and philosophy that contradicts and
opposes all traditional idealisms and the religion of Christianity itself. It is a
rejection of the divine God in favor of the natural man. In a sense, the Apotheosis
of Washington painting represents the blasphemous view of Americanism that
the enlightened natural man can achieve theosis by his own natural virtues and
human reason. The natural world is consequently elevated as the highest world
with any notion of divinity being reduced to a psychological tool of the natural
man to “maintain order and civility” and nothing more. As a consequence of this
naturalist philosophy, there also came a rejection of ethnicity in favor of a new
concept of “race” based on this so-called “liberal science”, which, in tandem with
the pervading Calvinist theology of the founding stock settlers, culminated in an
ever more deterministic view of the human being thereby turning him into a slave
of destiny in the pagan sense.

The Free White Person of Good Character: The Identity of the so

called “Illuminated”

What did the founding fathers of the United States understand by this
expression? It meant to subordinate religion and ethnicity to “liberal science”.
One should not forget that the founding fathers were liberal thinkers
inspired by the ideas of John Locke and Jean-Jacque Rousseau. To them, the
expression “Free White Persons of good character” implied the acceptance of
Humanist Liberalism as an important socio-psychological factor. They did not
want to see the new world order recede back to the anti-liberal past of medieval
European Christendom. It was important to them that the new stock of American
citizenry maintain the values of Whig Humanist Liberalism.

It thus meant to be a Secular Humanist or someone capable and willing to

fully embrace Liberalism in time. Though traditional religion was still encouraged
and protected, it was only done so far as it subordinated itself to the principles
and doctrines of the greater secular humanist philosophy upon which America’s
new institutions were built. In this manner, Liberalism reveals itself to be more
than just a descriptive philosophy. In a very real sense, Liberalism is a religion
contrary to Christianity and hostile against anything that challenges its
fundamental doctrines and principles.
This is indeed also why Liberalism repudiates and opposes any voice that
offends its own idolatrous conception of “freedom”. Shortly after Pope Leo XIII’s
condemnation of the heresy of Americanism, the 20th century gave rise to two
alternative worldviews: Communism and Fascism. History would not be kind to
these two worldviews as both would be crushed and consumed by Liberalism;
Fascism being the first to fall in 1945 and Communism falling shortly thereafter at
the end of the 20th century.

What did the founding fathers really mean by a white nation?

The liberal humanist founding fathers of America rejected Tradition,

Christianity and ethnicity. They conceptualized a new understanding of “race” that
began to break away from its etymological synonymity with “ethnicity”. The
framework by which they conducted this task was through a radical philosophical
shift regarding group identity and social relations. They wanted to break apart
and dissolve group identities based on creeds, faith, oaths of loyalty and
confessions. They wanted to replace them with new group identities based on
their so-called “liberal science”. Governing this new paradigm of identities would
be the white identity which would establish its supremacy over all others.
The American Republic was founded to create and preserve a “white civic
state”. This meant a state by white people and for white people and their
posterity. As already mentioned, the ontological essence of “whiteness” is secular
humanism and liberalism. This is what John Adams meant when he said “liberal
science” in his 1825 letter to Thomas Jefferson.
The Overton window from 1700-1850 began shifting from a philosophical
worldview based on Medieval Christian theological understandings to
Enlightenment Humanist naturalist understandings. This revolutionary change
marked a total rejection of traditionalist Christianity and idealistic ethnicity in favor
of an “anti-Christianity” and “anti-Ethnicity”; namely Humanist Liberalism and so
called “Scientific Racism”. This revolutionary epoch and its development can be
summarized in one simple term: Americanism.
The Problem of Americanism: “White Civilization” is Contra Divinum

"The idea that is sometimes upheld against the insufficiency of these

explanations is that of race. The unity and the purity of blood are believed by
some to be the foundation of life and the strength of a civilization; therefore, the
mixing and the ensuing "poisoning" of the blood are considered the initial cause
of a civilization's decline. This too is an illusion, which among other things,
lowers the notion of civilization to a naturalistic and biological plane, since this is
the plane on which race is thought of in our day and age. Race, blood, hereditary
purity of blood: these are merely "material" factors. A civilization in the true,
traditional sense of the word arises only when a supernatural and non human
force of a higher order—a force that corresponds to the "pontifical"
function, to the component of the rite, and to the principle of spirituality as the
basis of a hierarchical differentiation of people—acts upon these factors. At the
origin of every true civilization there lies a "divine" event (every great civilization
has its own myth concerning divine founders): thus, no human or naturalistic
factor can fully account for it. The adulteration and decline of civilizations is
caused by an event of the same order, though acts in the opposite,
degenerative sense. When a race has lost contact with the only thing that has
and can provide stability, namely, with the world of "Being"; and when in a race
that which forms its most subtle yet most essential element has been lost,
namely, the inner race and the race of the spirit—compared to which the race
of the body and of the soul are only external manifestations and means of
expressions—then the collective organisms that a race has generated, no matter
how great and powerful, are destined to descend into the world of contingency;
they are at the mercy of what is irrational, becoming, and "historical," and of
what is shaped "from below" and from the outside."
– Julius Evola

It should come as no surprise that the American mind is obsessed with

“material achievements” and perpetually engaged in a ferocious competition of
hostile identity politics. In such a charged environment, bolstered by its
anti-social philosophical foundations and deterministic ontotheology, no people
can survive the constant assaults against the means of cultivating any organic
communal identities that transcend the commodifying demons of commerce and
the divisive devils of liberal entitlement politics and its notion of “human rights”.
A product of Freemasonry, Americanism slowly became more explicit in
revealing its true nature. If there were any doubts about it in previous centuries,
the 21st century unmasked exactly how anti-Catholic and, by extension, also
both anti-Protestant and anti-Orthodox it is. It is simply anti-Christian in its totality.

The paradigm of Americanism is maintained and governed by white

supremacy which is a synonym for “liberal hegemony” and “totalitarian
liberalism”. It attracts liberal-minded persons from all over the world to itself.
Leon Trotsky: The Father of 21st Century America
How Menshevism is the fulfillment of Americanism

Leon Trotsky is an enigmatic historical figure deeply admired by certain

progressive liberals from the colloquial west today. It is important to remember
that Trotsky was not a Bolshevik, but a Menshevik who at some point came into
the greater Bolshevik movement that won out in Russia. Today’s anti-Stalinist
sentiments have been greatly bolstered through the propaganda and activities of
Trotsky and his acolytes after his exile from the Soviet Union.

One finds that Menshevism, more commonly known as “Trotskyism”, has

found a suitable home in the USA for decades now. The matter of why is
answered by the simple proclamation that Trotskyism found in Americanism a
complementary partner. Americanism always was Trotskyism before there ever
was a Leon Trotsky. In fact, when one analyzes Leon Trotsky’s views and
complaints against Joseph Stalin, great parallels can be found with the views and
complaints of Thomas Jefferson against King George III. Furthermore, Leon
Trotsky’s political activities in working to incite “perpetual communist revolutions”
mirror Benjamin Franklin’s own political activities in Europe with his own
“perpetual liberal revolutions”. Franklin, for example, played a key role in the
French Revolution of 1789.
In Defense of Ethnicity: The Christian Church’s Condemnations
of Ideologies Rooted in Heretical Philosophies

Not only does the Christian faith reject and condemn Freemasonry and
Americanism, but by logical extension it also condemns white supremacy and its
manifestations known as “white people”, “black people” and all other manner of
civic identities that have been constructed based on liberal humanist
philosophical foundations. When the Catholic Church speaks of the rights of a
people to maintain their way of being, it is speaking of it only in the traditional
ethnic sense. For the traditional concept of ethnicity is theologically compatible
with Christianity. In fact, most traditional religions also operate within this
ontological traditionalist framework. Civic identities such as those enforced by
white supremacy, on the other hand, are anti-ethnic and anti-traditional. They are
actually a rejection of the right of an ethnic people to authoritatively maintain their
customs and values of being. This is clearly shown through the aggressive
conquest and subordination of all religious and ethnic groups under the
principles, doctrines and values of a “liberal humanist universal morality”.
This liberal humanist universal morality was clearly condemned when the
author of Rerum Novarum declared:

“The world has heard enough of the so-called 'rights of man.' Let it hear
something of the rights of God.”
― Pope Leo XIII

Americanism preaches to the world its own universal doctrine. The

Declaration of Independence states:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
These words are based on the philosophical foundations of John Locke,
often considered “the father of liberalism”. They presuppose a liberal humanist
understanding of the terms “self-evident”, “created”, “equality”, “rights”, “life”,
“liberty” and “happiness”. Attempts to implement a Christian understanding of
these terms will only result in philosophic incoherence and a logical contradiction
in how the American civic state has developed over the past 200+ years.

It is rather fitting that America uses Columbia, the Roman goddess of war,
to represent herself to the entire world. After all, America wages war on the
entirety of so-called “unenlightened humanity” in order to supposedly “liberate
humanity” from its own “self imposed oppression”. The USA’s 20th century
geo-political activities are nothing more than a manifestation of its 18th century
foundational philosophy.
Further Condemnations of Americanism

America has always been known as the land of rebels, traitors, gangsters,
criminals and the wildly profane. A country so “free” that it promotes every
manner of sin and vice as an ideal or commodity to strive towards. As the
Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin once described it, it is the land of the
Antichrist and the kingdom of the dead; the far west where Satan was cast out
from heaven. The most notorious era of organized crime in the world existed
during the 1920s and 1930s in America to which the Germans of the 20th century
pointed out the following (emboldened for emphasis):

"The USA became the home of gangsters, the insanities of Hollywood, the
stock brokers of New York, the orators of Washington ... There is not a country
in the world where money is as important as it is in the USA. The ideals of
family, fatherland, culture and manliness are all dominated by the desire to
‘make money’. While the peoples of Europe bled during the World War of
1914-1918, North America knew but one principle: to earn as much as
possible through war."
- Dr. Robert Ley in "Roosevelt Betrays America”

On July 25, 1932, Time magazine

published a translated passage from the
French periodical La Liberté:

“Verily, Pontius Pilate was not more

cynical or more odious … What was the
Lausanne Conference if not a direct and
logical consequence of the Hoover
Moratorium? Does this government, which
obeys gangsters, which capitulates helpless
before thieves and assassins of babies in the cradle, dare to assume such a
height of moral authority that it thinks it can dictate to Europe and France?
Americans are the only race who passed directly from barbarism to
decadence without knowing civilization.”

– French newspaper La Liberté 1932


America views herself as the great avenger of her own rule of law in the
world. Humanity is allowed to exist only so long as it subordinates itself to
Americanism and honors the universal human rights that she deems
“inalienable”. The American identity, thanks to its universal liberal humanist
essence, is not a traditional ethnic identity but rather a civic religious identity that
seeks to conquer the entire world by force of arms if necessary. Liberalism is the
spirit of Antichrist and it manifests in the world corporally through Americanism.
This is the tyranny of white supremacy.

"Those on the Right who support the United States – White racism against
the Third World – who are anti-socialist and pro-liberal, and who are willing to
collaborate with the Atlanticists as well as those on the Left who attack Tradition,
the organic values of religion, the family and fatherland, and who promote vile
types of social deviations — both of these are in the camp of the foe."

– Alexander Dugin

Although the Masonic civic state of the United States of America was
founded as a republic based on the philosophy of Liberalism and the religion of
Secular Humanism, the ideal future nation of America, which is currently
struggling to undergo ethnogenesis, can one day overcome and destroy
Americanism; it can one day exercise the demon of white supremacy that holds
together the entire liberal humanist world hegemony and initiate a true American
civilization into the world of neighborly folk-communities.
"We need to promote this traditionalist education - including metaphysics,
theology, the medieval tradition, as well as non-Western systems of thought. And
all kinds of philosophical tendencies that formally belong to the modern West but
differ from it - for example, classical philosophy, beginning with Fichte, Schelling,
Hegel, or Nietzsche, Heidegger, the conservative revolution, traditionalism, Italian
thought, artistic fields less influenced by modern Western capitalist and liberal
– Aleksandr Dugin

“To be anti-fascist or anti-communist is to fight with the shadow of the past. The
real challenge is to be anti-liberal.”

– Alexandr Dugin
Theoretical principles of Great Awakening (2021)

Every anti-American traditionalist, both in the USA and abroad, is hereby

encouraged to fight and struggle against white supremacy, against secular
humanism, against religious Americanism, against economic Capitalism, against
philosophical materialism and against scientific racism. Fight for faith and creed,
for traditionalism, for social justice, for philosophic idealism, and for a genuinely
organic civilization and high culture!

Go Beyond Liberalism for a highly cultured and organic America; for a more
neighborly multipolar world order!

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