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Name – Sakshi Vilas shahapurkar

Group - 113
Topic – Basic Technology For Converting Text Information
Using MS Word



In typography, kerning (less commonly mortising) is the process

of adjusting
the spacing between characters in a proportional font, usually
to achieve a visually
pleasing result. Kerning adjusts the space between individual letter
forms, while

tracking (letter-spacing) adjusts spacing uniformly over a range of

characters. In a well-
kerned font, the two-dimensional blank spaces between each
pair of characters all have

similar area.
2) in form submission:
The keyboard shortcuts (hot keys)
combinations action
Cltr + Shift or Shift + Alt Switch in Russian/English
Citr+ NUM 5 select all
Cltr + Insert
Shift + Del
Shift -e Insert
Alt + Bac
Citr O

Task 5: Type next formulas

lim— =
La f(x)dx = lim



Quantities of information
Information theory is based on probability theory and statistics. The most important
quantities of information are entropy. the information in a random rariable. and mutual
information. the amount of information in common between random variables. The former
quantity indicates easily message data can be compressed while the latter can be used to find
the communication rate across a channel.

The choice of logarithmic base in the following formulae determines the unit of information
entropy that is used. The most common unit of information is the bit. based on the binary
logarithm. ("her units include the not. which is based on the natural logarithm, and Hartley.
Which is based on the common logarithm.
Quantity of information The entropy. H):
H(X) = -Exex
Here. X is random variable. p — probability.
An important property of entropy is that it is maximized when all the messages in the
message space are equiprobable. p(x) l/n. most unpredictable—in which case.
TASK 5: use Home-Numbering

Modern informatics as science has three sections:

I ) Theoretical Informatics (Tl) — educational foundations Of computer science
2) Programming (P)-creation of computer programs. 3) Artificial Intelligence
(Al) — modeling of the biological basis of intelligence and problem solving
with the use of these models.

The nine parts of Informatics

Mathematics rithms
Presentation of The use of Use of computer
information com ter
Presentation of Construction of a Creation of
data in computer computer

Computers in Al Programming for

foundations of
artificial intelli

Numeral system (or system Of numeration) is a writing system for

expressing numbers. that is. a mathematical notation for
representing numbers of a given set. using digits other symbols in
a consistent
Positional systems

In apposition base-b digits are natural numbers between

numeral system 0 and b-l, inclusive.
(with b a natural number greater
than I known the radix). b basic the numerals. the position of the
symbols (or digits) corresponding to symbol in the figure is used. The
symbol in the last position has its
the first b natural numbers
own value, and as it moves to the
indicating zero are used. TO
left its value is multiplied by b.
generate the rest Of For example, in
the decimal system
In general. numbers in the base b
(base- 10). system are Of the form:
the numeral
4327 means
(anan_l .„.atao.ctczc3 m) b
(4 x 102) + (2 x 101) + (7 x that
100 = I. + Ckb-k.
numbers bk and are the weights
Of the corresponding digits. The
In general, if b is the base. one writes
position k is the logarithm of the
a number in the numeral system of
base b by expressing it in the form corresponding weight w. that is k =
logb w = logb bk. The highest used
anbn+an—l bn¯l + +aobO
position is close to the order Of
and writing the enumerated digits magnituck of the number.
in descending order.

Task 6: use Insert-Smart Art

Information Process
Process related to the receipt, storage, processing (transformation) and the
transfer of information, called information processes.

Task 7: Type the text (use Home-Font-Outline)

Test Word

Question Correct Question Correct

Numbers Answers Numbers Answers

Q.1 A Q.16 C
Q.2 A Q.17 D

Q.3 C Q.18 A

Q.4 A Q.19 A

Q.5 D Q.20 A

Q.6 A Q.21 A

Q.7 A Q.22 C

Q.8 D Q.23 A

Q.9 B Q.24 C

Q.10 D Q.25 C

Q.11 A Q.26 A

Q.12 B Q.27 D

Q.13 D Q.28 A
Q.14 A Q.29 B

Q.15 C Q.30 D

BY Sakshi shahapurkar

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