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EDEE 490

My Best Lesson

For Quarters 3 and 4, I took it upon myself to teach the whole social studies unit to my
class. This year the 4th grade level teachers has new social studies standards to teach, so I am
learning along with them. During our grade level PLC meetings, the 4th grade teachers, upper
grade level curriculum coach and the student teachers collaborate on how to teach the standards.
For all the units, including the one I taught for my best lesson, Theme 5 Beliefs of Early
Hawaiian Society, we started by analyzing the standard.
When we broke apart the standard, we found that we had to teach mana (power), genealogy
(roles), and the responsibility of the classes. For them to complete the standard the students need
to explain how they were born and their mana effects their rights and responsibilities. As a team
we found information on all the roles/classes and their responsibilities of the early Hawaiian
society and wrote them in paragraphs. These paragraphs were put into a slideshow that all the
teachers have access to.
Knowing my students, I had to accommodate to their learning styles. They work efficiently
with class read aloud, open discussion and a quiet environment. To ensure a positive learning
environment I praised students for following classroom expectations and explaining their
reasoning for their answers. I also showed attentive listening making eye contact and repeating
what they were saying to fully understanding the point they were getting across. I was also
patient with them as they were answering the questions. This shows I respect their hard-working
I pick a specific part of the lesson that stood out to me, but the class was fully engaged
and eager when I would pick their responses to show on the board. Instead of choosing students
who were incorrect, I asked the class why the student I chose was correct. That way all students
are able to understand the reasoning and mistakes.

According to the data, more than half of my students were able to meet their success
criteria. A strength in my lesson was having the students explain their thinking on the iPad
using Peardeck. My students tend to copy other students because they want to be correct.
However, by the students taking the time to use their own iPad to answer the questions, they
are able to answer truthfully to what they know. Also, I think by showcasing their answers on
the board really motivated them to do their best with quality work. What helped was praise. I
complimented those who tried their best when answering the questions. Usually when we
have group discussions not everyone participates, but by using Peardeck, I am able to see
everyone’s thought process. I even was able to walk around and help student’s individual
which is something I can hardly do in a class of 27 students. As I walked around the
proximity with my students showed. They were on task and even though they finished
answering, they waited patiently. Student A tend to finish early so I asked him if there was
more to be written and he responded yes and continued to write.
The students really enjoy Peardeck and I feel like instead of just answering questions
on a piece of paper like a test, the students can either type or draw to answer the questions.
Being able to explain their reasoning in different ways engages them, especially in an activity
where you’re just assessing them. The students were also able to practice their typing and
writing skills which is something they need to practice. Student B tend to put their head down,
EDEE 490

however as I walked around while the other students were working I would ask him to say it
to me so I can type it for him.

Overall, I believe this lesson was a success. Even though it took longer than expected, I
was able to know the student’s level of understanding. This lesson was one of my quieter lessons
for the students which I really enjoyed because I was able to see the students work
independently. I love when the students do group work however in order to assess what they
know I needed them to work independently. This will help me with my future lessons so I know
what I need to touch up on and move onto. Something I would like to work on is for my lessons
to be more student led. However, with this group of students it is quite hard to facilitate and let
them lead. Maybe throughout my lesson or before my lesson I could do a warm up activity so the
students don’t feel to drained by just answering questions. For example some jumping jacks or
stretching. The biggest challenge I encountered was them referring back to their notes. In the
first part of the lesson the students took notes but they would say to me they can’t read their
handwriting. I would like for them to practice their handwriting and taking down notes, but
maybe what can help is discussing as a class the important notes. Which is what we normally do,
but instead I write them down and give them a copy as reference. This also took longer than
expected. The students wanted to be detailed and I didn’t take into account how long they would
take to respond. So the lesson ran longer than expected. However in order for the students to
fully understand the questions I would rather do this than have them respond to a question they
don’t understand. This won’t show their true knowledge.

1) Teaching Video with captions (no longer than 15 minutes)

Attached video.
2) Two consecutive lesson plans to include the unit goal.
Attached lesson plans.
3) Success criteria used for the entire class
I will write with detail how the roles of the early Hawaiian society has responsibilities that
impact the other classes and connect it to real life.
4) Success criteria used for 2 focus students.
Student A: I will write with great detail how the roles of the early Hawaiian society has
responsibilities that impact the other classes and connect it to real life.
Student B: I will verbally explain with detail how the roles of the early Hawaiian society has
responsibilities that impact the other classes and connect it to real life.
5) Graphic display of assessment data for entire class
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Student A was able to receive a MP. He met his success criteria by using multiple pieces of
evidence from his notes to support his reasoning. Student B was able to receive a DP because he
verbally stated his opinion with evidence from the text but didn’t connect the content to real life.
6) Scanned copies of student work samples at low, middle and high levels of performance
Grade: MP
Comments: The student answered all of the questions using multiple pieces of evidence from
their notes. The student explained the roles and responsibilities, stated why is it important,
and connected the content to present time.
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Grade: DP
Comments: The student answered all of the questions using evidence from their notes. The
student explained the roles and responsibilities and stated why is it important. But they did
not connected the content to present time.
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Grade: WB
Comments: The student answered all of the questions but did not state evidence from their
notes. The student connected content to real world, but didn’t support opinion with
evidence and didn’t explain reasoning.
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7) Teacher made handouts or materials

Link to PowerPoint. Please don’t edit.
8) List of resources used
Hawaiians of Old: Nā Kānaka Maoli O Ka Wā Kahiko textbook

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