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The Ingridients that we need is : 100 gram of palm sago flour, 100 gram

of hynkwe flour, 1 liter and 200 ml of water, red and green food coloring,
200 gram of brown sugar, 500 ml coconut milk, 1 tea spoon of salt, and
two pandan leaves.
Equipment that we need is : Big bowl, spoon, big spoon, big container,
pan, and mini bowl
First we will make the Selendang Mayang Cake. First mix the sago flour,
hunkwe flour, and 1 liter of water in a big bowl, Stir until it mixed well.
After that, divide the dough to 3 mini bowl. Color the first bowl with the
red food coloring and the second bowl with green food coloring. Let the
last bowl be white. Next, cook the red dough with a small fire and stir
until it boil. After boil, put the red dough into the big container. After
that, cook the white dough until it boil. After it boil, put the white dough
on the big container above the red dough. Lastly, cook the green dough
until it boil, then put the dough above the red and white dough. Now,
wait until the dough hardens and cools.
Next, we will make the sugar sauce. Mix 200 gram of brown sugar, 200 ml
of water, and 1 pandan leaves into a big pot/pan. Wait until it boil and
the brown sugar dissloves. After it boil, let it cool.
After we cook the sugar sauce, we will cook the coconut milk. Mix 500 ml
of coconut milk, 1 tea spoon of salt, and 1 pandan leaves into a big
pot/pan. Cook until it boil. After it boil like this, turn off the stove and let
it cool.
After we cook the selendang mayang cake, sugar sauce, and coconut milk,
the last part is to serve the selendang mayang ice. Prepare a glass or bowl
to serve the Selendang Mayang Ice. Add ice cubes as many as you like and
add the selendang mayang cake as many as you want. Add the coconut
milk and the sugar sauce. You can also decorate it with the pandan
Alright, now the Selendang Mayang Ice is ready to serve. Enjoy it! Thank

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